Page 125 - Mastheads Jan-June 1945
P. 125

THE MASTHEAD,  SATURDAY, APRIL 14,  1945            PAGE 7
      111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111  NAZIS  HAVE  NEAT  WAY
                                    OF  MAKING YOU  TALK                           C.ROSS-WORD
                                     Western  Front  (CNS)-Here's a
                                                                                                                     ACROSS                  DOWN
                                    new wrinkle in German methods of
                                                                                                               1-Belts                1-Stream bank
                                    extracting information from Amer-
                                                                                                               7-Fondle               2- Vibration
                                    icans who are taken prisoner. They                                        13- Journey             3- Plunder
       Mighty  Naval                first  strip  their  c~ptives  of  all                                    14-Beast                4- Salutation
       Bombardment                  identification,   including   passes,                                     15-Honor                5- Officious
                                                                                                                                      6- Killed
                                    dog-tags  and  identification  cards.                                     16- Coal-screening  plant
         Precedes                                                                                             17- Ancient wine chalice   7- Slyly spiteful
                                    Then  they  set  up  an  opening  for                                     18-Reproach             8-Cuckoo
          Invasion                  an  escape.  When  the  American                                          20-Location             9- Tears
                                    takes advantage of the opening,  he ' 1-,,,...+--+---,~-                  21- Wooden  blocks     10- Domain
                                                                                                              23- Cereal  grass      11- Seasoned
      111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111  is  "tailed"  and  recaptured  before                 25-Steep               12- Icy  rains
                                    he  can  reach  his  own  lines.  Then                                                           19- Emerald Isle
            BY  ERNIE  PYLE                                                                                   26-Formulated
                                    the  Nazis  threaten to shoot him as                                      27-Violent whirlwind   22- Floated
        OKINAWA  (Via Navy Radio).- a  spy  unless  he  gives  them  the                                      28-Nourishes           24-Newt
                                                                                                              30- Muscular person    27- Interjection
      An  hour and a  half before  H-Hour  information  they  want.
                                                                                                              33-Setting             29- Elongated fishes
      at  Okinawa,  our  vast  naval  fleet                                                                   36-Exist               31- Golf  mound
      began  its  final,  mighty  bombard-  on  its  way  before- Wave  one  ever                             37- Endure             32-Printer's measure
      ment of the shore with its big guns.   hit the beach. Wave 15 was moving                                41-Conducted           ·34-Rekindle
      They  had  been  at  it  for  a  week,   up  before  Wave  six  got  to  the                            '12-Sea eagLe          35-Worships
      but this was a  concentration whose   beach.  That's  the  way it went.                                 45-Admit               38-Raiment
      fury  hadn't  been  approached  be-  We  were  on  the  control  boat                                   47-Blissful  region    39-Stainer
      fore.                         about an hour. I  felt miserable and                                      50-Cravat
                                                                                                              51-Optical             40- Suit fabrics
        The  power  of  the  thing  was   that awful  weight was  still  on  my                                   phenomenon         43- Pastoral  pipes
      ghastly.  Great  sheets  of  flame   heart.  There's  nothing  romantic                                 53- Towardly           46-Slacken
      would  flash  out  from  a  battery  of   whatever  in  knowing that  an  hour   Courtesy  Harle  Publications,  Inc.   55- Leveled   48- Brim
      guns,  gray  brownish  smoke  would   from  now  you  may  be  dead.  And                               56-Harnessed           49-Christmas carol
                                                                                                              57- Puts into type
      puff  up  in  a  huge  cloud,  then  the   the fury  of  our bombardment  was   ( Solution  on  Page 4)   _  again             52- Obtain
      crash  of  sound  and  concussion   in  itself  horrifying.                                             58-Forefathers         54- Social bounder
      would  carry  across  the  water  and   So  Far,  So  Good
      hit you.  Multiply. that by  hundreds   Some  officers  I  knew  came
      a  battlewagon would come out in a  talk.  I  simply  couldn't  carry  on  a [?!~~~~~l?.~!.!!f.~~!~!:~~!!~] ~~N~:s ~~~~or?
      and you have bedlam.
                                    aboard.  They weren't going ashore
        Now  and  then  the  smoke  from  until  afternoon.  They  wanted  to
      smoke  ring,  an  enormous  one,  20  conversation.  I  just  couldn't  talk·.                                            The  mascot  situation  at  th-e  111
      or 30 feet  across-, and float upward   I  went  below  to  use  a  civilized  Sports  Advocate   Etiquette  for  Dogs   O'Farrell  street  USO  is  again  be-
      with  perfect  symmetry.      toilet  for  the  last  time  in  many   Sports in wartime come strongly   The  girl  to  ask  about  hunting   coming  acute.  Their  supply  is  ex-
        Then  came  our  carrier  planes,  days.  I  got  a  drink  of  water,  under  the  heading  of  "essential"  dogs  is  Dorothy  Pangborn,  Slc,   ceeding the demand by a  wide mar-
      diving on the beaches. And torpedo  th~ugh  I  wasn't  thirsty:  Then  one  with  Major  Joseph  J.  Foss,  the  part of  the  staff at Public  Works.   gin.
      planes,  carrying  heavy  bombs  and  sailor  came  up  and  introduced  Marine  Corps'  29-year-old  holder  A  year  or  two  before  joining  the   If  your  outfit  wants  a  mascot,
      incendiaries  that  spread  deep  red  himself  and  said  he  read  the  of  the  Medal  of  Honor  and  the  Navy Dorothy spent her time train- then  look  no  more.  Just  call
      flame.                        column.  Then  a  knot  of  sailors  first American of this war to equal  ing  these  animals  for  annual  field  GArfield  7377,  Ex.  17  (information
        Smoke and dust rose up from the  gathered  around on  deck.   Eddie  Rickenbacker's  record  of  26  and water trials both in the United  desk)  and tell whoev,er answers the
      shore,  thousands  of feet high,  until   One  sailor  with  black,  close-  planes  shot  down.   States and Canada. Time was when  telephone  the  kind  of  pet  you
      finally  the  land  was  completely  ~ropped  hair  and  glasses  offered   Sports  of  all  kinds-bowling,  pointers,  setters  and  retrievers,  all  would  like.
      veiled.                       me  a  cigar.  I  didn't even  have  the
                                                                  swimming,  boxing,  hunting-are  gun dogs dear to the hearts of men   Although  the  USO  has  occasion-
       · Born bs and strafing machine guns  wit  to  put  down  his  name.
      and  roaring  engines  mingled  with   I  told  him 'I didn't smoke cigars,   one  of  the  prime  considerations  in  and  women  who  hunt  for  sport,  ally received requests for such mas-
                                                                                                were  judged  at bench  trials  which  cots  as  parrots  and  turtles,  fo·r
      the  blended  crash  of  naval  bom- but I  would  take  one  for our regi-  the  p r o g r  a m  of
      bardment and seemed to drown  out  mental colonel who practically lives  training  and  recon-  were  really  indoor  dog  shows.  the  most  part the  material  is  con-
                                                                                                About fifty  years  ago  hunting  en- fined  to the quadruped variety.
      all  existence.               on  cigars,  and  was  about  out  of  ditioning Marines
                                                                                                thusiasts  realized  that  the  merit
      Turmoil of  Movement          them.                         under  observation            of  a  hunting  dog
        The  ghostly  concussion  set  up   A  few  minutes  later  the  sailor  for  recurring  ma-                              Send  The  Masthead  Home
                                                                                                could only be proved  ·
      vibrations  in  the  air-a  sort  of  came  up  with  five  more  cigars  to  laria  at  the  Marine
                                                                                                by  his  behavior  in
      flutter-which  pained  your  ears  give to the colonel.  They wanted to  Barracks,  Klamath
                                                                                                the  field  and  water.
      and  pounded  upon  you  as  though  give  me  candy,   cigarets  and  Falls,  Ore.,  the  Pa- ,, ·
                                                                                                This saw the birth of
      some  Almighty  were  beating  you  cookies,  but  I  told  them  I  already  cific  air  ace  told  a   what  is  now  known
      with invisible  drumsticks.   had plenty.                   gathering  of  Bay  Area  sports   as  the  field  and
        During  all  this  time  the  waves   Word came by radio  that Waves  writers  in  San  Francisco  recently.   water tri'al, and that
      of  assault  craft  were  forming  up  one  and  two  were  ashore  without  Major  Foss  now  commands  a  bat-
                                                                                                is  where  Dorothy
      behind  us.                   much  opposition  and  there  were  ta.lion of Marines at Klamath Falls,
                                                                                                comes · into  the  story.  Good  field
        The  water  was  a  turmoil  of  no ·mines  on  the  beach.  So  far,  so  where  he,  too,  is  fighting  off  the
                                                                                                qualities  for  hunting  dogs  are          *
      movement.  Dispatch  and  control  good.                    effects  of  malaria.                                            BANKING  FACILITIES
                                                                                                speed,  endurance,  a  good  nose  and
      boats  were  running  about.  LSM's   We  looked  at the  shore through   Recalling  the  days  when  the  air
                                                                                                a  good  disposition.  Breeding  lays   WESTERN  UNION
      and LST's were moving slowly for- binoculars.  We  could  see  tanks  over  Guadalcanal  was  filled  with   the  groundwork and  training com-
      ward to  their unloading  areas.   moving  across  the  fields  and  the  zeros,  the  major  said:  "We  used   pletes  the  job  of  making  a  cham-  PosT  OFFICE
        Motor  torpedo  boats  dashed  men  of  the  second  wave  walking  to move in on them and fight it out  pion,  the  aim  of  every  owner,   WAR  BoND OFFICE
      around  as  guides.  Even  the  de- inland,  standing  upright . .  There  on a  man to man basis. You had to  breeder and  trainer.  Properly bred
                                                                                                                                 All 4 services  located in Bldg.
      stroyers moved majestically across  were  a  few  splashes  in  the  water  keep  cool,  never  get  mad,  or  you  and trained these animals lack only   258,  Ave.  H,  near 4th  St.
      the  fleet  as  they  closed up for  the  at the beach, but we couldn't make              speech  to  make  them  practically
                                                                  might lose your head in more  than
      bombardment  of  the  shore.   out  any  real  fire  coming  from  the                    human.                                      *
                                    shore.                        one  way.  That's  something  you                                   SMALL  STORES
        From  our little  control  ship  and                                                      Dorothy  says  that  patience  on
      the scores like  it,  waves of assault   It was all very indefinite and yet  learn in sports- and something you   the  part  of  the  trainer  is  the  one   Bldg. 215,  10th  St.,  between
      craft ·were  directed,  advised,  hur- it was indicative. The weight began  are  glad  you  learned  later."   great  necessity.  She  learned  the   Aves.  M  and N.
      ried up,  or slowed down.     to lift.  I  wasn't really conscious  of   "Those islands, almost all of them,  do's  and  don'ts  of  training  gun   *
        H-Hour  was  set  for  8 :30.  By  8  it. But I  found myself talking more  are  covered  with  fowl,"  he  said.  dogs by serving an apprenticeship,   TRAVELERS'  Arn
      a.  m.  directions were being radioed  easily  with  the  sailors,  and  some- "The pigeons have dark blue bodies  and finally  fQund  herself following
                                                                                                                                    RAILWAY  EXPRESS
      and  a  yoice  boomed  out  to  sea  to  how the feeling gradual!~ took hold  with  slate  gray  heads  and  are  a  the  hunting season  across  most  of
      form  up  Waves  One  and  Two,  to  of  me  that  we· were  to  be  spared.  little  larger  than  those  in  Cali- the United States and Canada.  She   Both located in Bldg. 221,  11th
      hurry up,  to get things moving.   -The  seventh  wave  was  to  pick  us  fornia;  and  the chickens are like  a  is  from  Minneapolis,  Minn.,  and   St., between  Aves.  G and H.
        Our first wave consisted solely of  up as it came by.  I  didn't even see  bantam only with a  longer tail."   when  asked  if  she  would  go  back   *
      heavy  guns  on  amphibi_ous  tanks  it approaching.  Suddenly  they  cal-  The  major  comes  by his interest  to training  dogs  after the  war she   SmP's SERVICE  No .  I
      which  were  to  wade  ashore  and  led  my  name  and  said  the  boats _in  sports  and  the  outdoors  natur- answered that her ambition was to   Bldg.  152,  9th  St.  and Ave.  C.
      blast  out  the  .pillboxes  on  the  were  alongside.      ally,  having  been  born  on  his par- go back to school and study interior
      beaches.  One  minute  behind  them   I  grabbed  my  pack  and  ran  to  ents'  farm,  near Sioux Falls,  S.  D.  decoration,  leaving  guns  and  dogs   *
                                                                                                                                  Smp' s  SERVICE  No.  2.
      came the second wave-the first of  the  rail.  I'm  glad  they  came  sud- His  father  taught him  to  box,  ride  for  her  favorite  hobby.  In  the
      our  foot  troops.            denly like that. The sailors shouted,  horseback,- shoot and hunt.  Skunks  meantime  she  is  happy  in  navy   Bldg.  8,  5th St.,  between  Aves.
        After that, waves came at about  "Good  luck,"  over  and  over  and  and weasels were the game in those  blue,  likt>s  her work  and  feels  her   M and N.
      10-minute  intervals.  Wave  six was  waved us off.  We were on our way.  youthful  days.   time as a  Wave well-spent.
           Male Call                             by Milton Caniff, creator of "Terry and the Pirates"                   Once Over Slightly
                                                                                                                                         L.ET~  ~Ee YoLJg,
             5EA-VER/                                                                                                                    A.0.0.!  TIJE  MAN
            ~OME  OF TI-If: HAY 6iWWN                                                                                                    I  MAl:::l<IED  HAD
             IN  THI~  WAr:?.  WOU!..D MAKE                                                                                              FIVE  o'a.oa:.
             ANY  BAgBEI<  ITC.I-I  ! ....                                                                                              ~HADOW, BUT NOT
                                                                                                                                          A BL.ACl(OUT !

                                                                                                        •   i.
                                                                                     THE  ONI..Y (:)000  DE-ED   •   i·.
                                                                                     HITI.Elc: EVER DID  WAS  .  ·:
                                                                                     n,  PUT  THE  SMELL. ON
                                                     ' ~ OXYc:;,EN  MA!7K <;PECIAI.. •••   THE  woi.:t.D WAR I
                                                       DAN6EROIJ? IF CAUGHT  IN  A   o.c.'G. TOOTH8RU$1-! !
                                                      Sl.JDING  COCKPIT CANOPY!                         IN'=75NU
   120   121   122   123   124   125   126   127   128   129   130