Page 98 - Mastheads July-Dec 1945
P. 98

PAGE  2        THE  MASTHEAD,  SATURDAY,  SEry.  29,  1945
                                                                                                                             ONE  AIR  PRIORITY
                                                                                                                             ONLY · AFTER  SEPT.  15
                                                       ~                                 An Editorial                          Priorities  classed  one,  two  and

                                                                       While waiting for  those  discharge papers think_s~is  one   three  for  travel  on  commercial
         Official  Treasure Island publication,  distributed  ev~ry Saturday without cost  to  the                           airlines  were  discontinued  as  of
          officers,  enlisted  personnel,  and  employees  of  Treasure  Island.  All  communications  over:  You are going straight home  to see  the folks  and  they   September 15. They were replaced
          and  contributions  should  be  directed  to  Th•  Editor,  Welfare  Division,  TADCEN,
          Treasure  Island.  San  Franci•co,  California.  TPlephone:  EX brook:  3931,  Extension  are  going  to  ask  you  questions.  Soon  you  will  find  that  the  by  a  single  prior-ity  to  be  desig-
          69.  The  Masthead  la  pabllshed  In  compliance  with  regulations  of  SecNav  letter
          of  May  28,  1945,  and  is  produeed  couun•roially  from  non-appropriat..d  Welfare  sudden termination of the war has surprised them· no less than   nated  "P,"  which is  the ,only pri-
          Funds  at  no  expense ·to  the  Navy  DopartmN1t  or  Government.  The  Masth""d  is  a.                          ority  issued  for  movement  of
          "!eniber of the Twelfth  Naval  District Press  Association,  the Ship's Editoria.l  Asso-  it did yourself. Uncle George is going to say, "Willie, you were
          c,atJon,  and  receives  material  suppli•d  by  Camp  Newspaper  Service.  Reproduction                           passenger  or  cargo  traffic  via
          of  credited  material  prohibited  without  permission  of  SEA  and  CNS.
            :    .  .   ·•   '   :                                 out there; what do you  think we ought to clo with the Japs?"  commercial  airways.
                          COMMODORE  R.  W.  CARY,  USN                                                                        The  issuance  of  this  -priority
                  -Commander  U.  S.  Naval Tr11lning  and  Distribution  Center   You  are  going  to make  a  hasty  answer;  after  all,  you  really
                                                                                                                             will  be  handled  'by - the  Ariny  ,-,_
                          CLYDE  F.  BABB,  Sp(X)3c,  USNR         were out there and can't afford  to let them know that you  are   Regional  Air  Priority  Council,
                           •        Editor
                                                                   undecided. The word of your answer gets around and it carries  whose  San  Francisco  Office  is
                         Rex .N.  Olsen,  Y2c,  Associate  Editor                                                            located  at  323  Geary·  St.  Rules
          paroly_n-N.)~ro.wn.: Ylc, .Waves  Editor  -  Robert H .  Perez,  BM2c,  Sports Editor  authority  b~cause,  "Willie said  so,  and  by  golly,  he  was  out   governing issuance state that ap-
          ,·  , ;  .. _ -, .   .  .Ed:,vard  L_., Levitt,  SK2o--Features  and  Activities
                                                                   there fighting them." So,  before you know it, you are molding  plicants  for  priority  must  be  on
          ~R"EASOR"e:  ISLAND, s.  F.,  CALIF.,  SATURDAY,  SEPT.  29,  1945  public  opinion  and  as  quick  as  that  some  Congressman  has   a  mission  required  in  completion
                                                                                                                             of the war effort,  one  relating to
                                                                   tuned in ~n  the drift of your opinion.  Hence,  you are already   military demobilization or to mili-
          JUST  PATTER Those  13  Po~t  Men  on the job without realizing it,  and you hadn't thought of pre- tary  occupational  needs,  or  one  "
                                                                                                                             of comparable emerg.ency justify-
                                                                   paring for such a job. Now is the time to thinldt over. Now is
            Step  right  this  way,  all  you  mighty lucky the shooting stopped                                             ing  the  granting  of  emergency
          ·gn,uhbling bluejackets. Step right  before they started.   the time to inform yourself, weigh the evidence, deliberate, and  leave (in the case of military per-
          this way. It's free--it will not cost   *  *  *          -choose  a  philosophy  that  is  sound.  It  is  a  man-sized  job.   sonnel).  Leave  papers  should
          you a  single penny. Right here on   "Points?" asks one seaman. He   Whether you  like it or  not, you  are going to do  it.  Are  you   specify nature  of .emergency.
          Treasure  Island  you  can  see  a  nodded  and  grinned-"Oh,  yes,                                                  Likewise  travel  on  commercial
          group  of  sailorl?  ~ho  ar.e  not  points.  I've  got  13."  Another  ready for it?-The Breez~.                  lines  from  the  United  States  to
                                                                                                                             -Central  and  South  America  and
          ·counting  their  discharge  points.  thirteen  pointer  explains:  "It's
                                                                                                                             North from  the  United  States  to
          They  do . not  expect  to  go  home  only  fair  that  w.e  young  fellows                                        Alaska  will  be  handled  on  the
          seem actually comparatively hap- brought  out  the  idea  that  it will  11,e  Island  Trotter                     single  priority basis.
          soon,  and  believe  it  or  not,  they. relieve  the  veterans."  Another
          py about the  whole darned thing.  give  him  a  chance  to  travel- a                                               All  priorities  will  be  discon-
            Furthermore  - · that's  right,  chance  he  never  hoped  to  get                                               tinued October 15.
          Chief,  step  right  up  close  and  until now. "Why, I'm planning on   A  $2  purchase  order  good  at  got 47 points and should bP.  out of   Naval  personnel  will  observe
          stare  at  them..:._furthermore  they  seeing this  old world  before  I  go  any Ship's Service Store on Treas- the  Navy.  Instead  I  find  myself  these  instructions  for  air  travel
          are  not  asking  "when  do  we  go  home,"  another  r-eplied.- Another  ure  Island  goes  to  Louis  Hen- at T.I.-and hitting working par- as issued in Alnav 266  dated  Sep- ,......
          home?"  If you  listen  closely  you  thought  the  educational  part  of  dricks,  Slc,  Welfare.  The  ques- ties  regularly.   tember  17,  1945.
          can  hear  what  they  are  asking.  the  trip would be worth it all.   tion  submitted was:    *  *  *
          It's  "Where are we  headed for?"     .*  *  *                                          Ray   Saracino,   MM3c,   USS
                                                                      What  was  the most  embar-  Nereus.  The  night  I  got  in  the   Navy Contracts to
                    *  *  *             The  educational  part  has  been
            Don't  be  bashful,  mates.  Go  troubling some of the young men.  rassing  moment  of your naval  dog  house  with Jeanette.  I  had  a
          right ahead and ask questions. It's  One  stated  that  by  the  time  he  career?    date  to  meet  her  but  just wasn't   Be  Settled  Jan. 1
          a  strange  and  curious  sight  to  gets back to college he could have               in the mood.  I  phoned her saying
          see such men as these. Why don't   had  his  degree  in  engineering.   Connie  Kaufman,  SC2c,  Armed  that  I  wasn't  feeling  we-Jl  and   The Navy has announced a  time
          they  care  about  points?  Well  However, like many of the sailors,   Guard.  It occurred just last w:eek  asked  her  couldn't   table  for  settling  most  of  its  ,,.....
                                                                   in  San  Francisco.  I  was  at  the  we  make  it  some
          brother,  it's  because  they  don't   this  young  man  is  planning  on                                          terminated war contracts by New
          have  any to  speak of.  Why  don't  taking  some  courses  through  the   Snappy  cleaners,  waiting  in  my  other  night.  She   Year's  Day.
          they  expect  to  go  home  soon ?  Navy's educational plan.  "We are   shorts  for  my  uniform  to  be  said  okeh,  but  I   H.  Struve  Hense-I,  Assistant
          Well,  mostly  because  they  just  fortunate  our education  was  just   pre·ssed.  After  twiddling  my  could tell she was a   S.ecretary  of  the  Navy,  said  the
          came from there.  And why aren't  interrupted, not canceled entirely,   thumbs for an hour, I was handed  bit peeved.  After I   7   Navy wants  to  clear up  the  bulk-
          they having hysterics in the  bar- like  some,"  one  tow-headed  blue-  a  uniform.  But it wasn't mine.  It  made  the  call  I  was  strolling  on  of  contract negotiations promply,
          racks  about  the  whole  business?   jacket  said  seriously.   seems  as  though  another  sailor  Broadway  Street  when  I  bumps  not only  to facilitate  plant clear-
                                                                   got  my  uniform  by  mistake  in  into  this  chick  that  I  knew.  I  ance  and  reconversion  to  civilian  ,,..-,
          Well mate, they seem to think it's     *  *  *
          only fair that they do their share   That's  all for this week,  mates.   place  of his own.  There was only   hadn't seen her for some time and  production,  but  also  to  speed  the
                                                                   one  thing  left  to  do.  And  I  did
          out there and let the battle-weary  Keep  right  on  moving.  After  all              we went to a  cafe for a few drinks  return  to  civilian  life  of  Naval
                                                                   just that. I squeezed into the other                      Reserve contract-termination per-
          men come  home.              this  is  just  a  Pre-Embarkation   guy's  outfit.  After  all,  I  couldn't   and talk over old times.  We were   sonnel.
                    *  *  *            sideshow.  Under  the  big  top  you   get  back  to  the  ship  with  just   chatting  for  about  a  half  hour
            You  see them' every  day.  Hun- will  find  thousands  of  veteran   scivvies  on.  The  jumper  was• so   when  the  inevitable  happens.
                                                                                                                               Girl:  "What  do  you  mean  by
          dreds  of  them,  in  fact  thousands   sailors still joining their voices in   tight I  could  barely  breathe.  And   J eanette  walks  into  the  place.   saying  that  our  dates  have  been
          of them if yoµ  are where you can   that old  battleweary  ballad,  "We               Sl:_le  looks at me  and  then at my
          see  them  plainly  daily-they're  Wanna Go  Home."      those  pants- they  ended  where   companion  without  batting  an   like a  string of pearls to you?"
          in  Treasure  Island's  Pre-Embar-                        my  knee  caps· began.  The  payoff   eye.  I  try to smile  back but  noth-  Sailor:  "Neckless,  dearie  -
                                                                    came in the rate. I may have come
          kation  Center.  Over  there  just                                                    ing gives.  Finally  she_ walks past   neckless!"
          waiting  and  wondering  where   Course  in  Management   into  the  store  as  a  Ship's  Cook,   without  a  word  being  said.  She
                                                                    but  I  left  as a  First  Class  Boat-
          they're next stop will be.  Most of                       swain's  Mate!              ignores  me  completely  and  I'm  time  I  stayed  clear  of  Market
                                       Engineering  Open  to
          them  are  kids who got caught in                                                     squirming like a  worm. Oakland's  Street.
          18-year-old inductions six months                                   *  *  *           certainly  a  small  place!            *  *  *
          or less ago. Very few of them are   Experienced  Officers   Stanley  Rice,  R DM 3c,  RecShip.   *  *  *             James  Linden,  S1c,  USS  Rad-
          b.itter  about  being  stuck  with  a                     I  was riding down  Market Street   Luder  Behling,  ARM1c,  Rec- ford. We were just outside Tulagi.  r---
          long hitc~ i? the.P11,cific, no"'i th_at   A  small number of officers, with  in Frisco during the rush  hour on   Ship.  A  few  weeks  ago  in  San  Everyone  was  nervous,  we  had
          the  war has  been won  and other-  experience  in  the  field  of  indus- a  very populated street car. There   Francisco I  found  myself slightly  just  been  in . the  battle  of  Kula
          shipmates are being allo,wed to go   trial  engineering,  may  apply  to  was one lonely strap remaining  in   red  in  the  face.  I  jumped  on  the  Gulf.  It was  a  dark  and peaceful
          home.  Mostly,  they  feel  (indeed   the  Chief  of  BuPers  for  enroll- the front of the car, and my hand   street car downtown,  and  decided  night. Then it happened. Someone
          not  without  ~ea.son_)  that  they're   ment  in  a  course  to  be  held  at  was  around  it.  It  began  to  get   to  find  a  seat  in  the  center  sec- sung out that there was a  sub off
                                       NAS Alameda, starting about De- warm and  I  must have  dozed  off
                                                                                                tion.  I  tried to slide the door open  the  port  bow.  General  Quarters
                                       cember  1.  These  men  will  be  for a  moment. All of a  sudden the
          HELEN  HIGHWATER                                                                      to get inside, but it wouldn't give.  was  sounded.  The  men  rushed  to
                                       trained for jobs all staff assistants  car gave a  jerk. I  lost my balance
                                                                                                -I  pushed  once,  twice-but  still  their stations.  I  was on watch at
                                       to  the  A  and  R  officer  at major  and  my  elbow  went  through  the   the door refused  to open.  After a  a  20mm  at the time.  I  opened up
                                       air stations.                window.  Glass shattered in all di-  third  try,  I  gave  up  in  despair.  at what I  believed to be a  moving
                                        The  course  will  include  cla.sses  rections,  but  particularly  on  a
                                                                                                Just  then  a  small  tot,  no  more  target.  Later,  much  to  my  cha-
                                       in methods of increasing the utili- sailor  nearby.  He  had  so  much
                                                                                                than  six  years  old,  grabbed  the  grin,  I  found  out  what  I  was
                                       zation, of manpower and facilities,  broken  glass  on  his  jumper  that
                                                                                                handle of the door and SWISH- shooting  at.  It  proved  to  be  a
                                       plant  layout,  production  control,  when  the  motorman  stopped  the
                                                                                                the  door  opened.  Embarra.ssed!  harmless   submarine   detector
                               structure  and new  car to investigate the accident, he
                                                                                                You  can say that again.     sticking  out of  the water.  Was  I
                                       problems  in  industrial  engineer- thought  this  other  guy  had  the               embarrassed!
                                       ing.                         mishap.  Luckily no one was hurt.      *  *  *                     *  *  *
                                         Interested  officers  should  ad- I  was  fortunate  to  be  wearing  a   Darwin  Smith,  PM2c,  RecShip.
                                                                                                 It was  my first  liberty  in  over  a   Meyer  Lipson,  CSF,  RecShip.
                                       dress  Chief  of  BuPers  via  the  pea  coat  at the  time.  The  whole
                                                                                                year.  This  was  the  day  I  was  We  were  going  through  a  gas
                                       Chief of BuAer stating their pre- thing proved embarrassing.
                                       vious pertinent naval and civilian                       looking forward to for a long time.  chamber at Port Hueneme in Oc-
                                       experience  and  approximately         *  *  *           But it didn't turn out that way.  I  tober  '43.  We  all had  our  masks
                                       how long they are willing to stay   Harry  Levine,  WT2c,  RecShlp.  had no sooner stepped on Market  tightly  around  our  faces.  I  ·kept
                                       on  active  duty.  Further  details   It's  embarrassing  as  hell  to  lay  Street  in  Frisco  when  an  officer  kidding  with  the  fellow  in  front
                                       may be obtained from  Alnav 265.   around here for four weeks when  passed  by  going  the  opposite  di- of me. He was·a slow-walking guy
                                                                    y-ou  have more than the necessary  rection.  Two  minutes  later  I  and,.eyerytime he paused an extra   ~
                                         Two  burly  cannibals  caught  a   points for discharge.  When I  was  found  myself  hustled  into  a  pa- second,  I'd  give  him  a  shove  to
                                       beautiful  young  white  girl  and   transferred from my ship and no- trol  wagon  and  SP's  around  me.  speed_ Up.  When  we  got  on  the
                                                                    tified that I'd be discharged with- Before I  could say beans, one SP  outside  and  we  all  removed  our
                                      j brought her before their chief. He
                                       glanced  casually  over  the  girl,   in 72 hours, I  immediately phoned  hollered out the fact that I  failed  masks,  it  dawned  on  me  what  I
                                                                    my  wife  and  kid  about  the good  to salute a  lieutenant. I  spent ten  had  done.  The  guy  who  I  was
                                       yawned,  and  said:  "I  believe  I'll
                                      . have breal,ffast in bed this morn-  news. That took place four weeks  minutes in the brig, and then back  shoving  around  turned  out  to  be
                                                                    ag-o.  And  I'm  still  waiting.  I've  tci  my  liberty  pursuits.  But  this  a  Commander!
             "Rough  road,  eh,  Helen?"   Iing!"                -
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