Page 112 - Mastheads Jan-June 1945
P. 112

PAGE  4           THE  MASTHEAD,  SATURDAY,  APRIL  7,  1945  -------------------------------------

      RADIOMEN  SLUG  IT  OUT AT  SMOKER                                                        ARMED  GUARD
                                                                                                  Steady  drive  in  War  Bond  sales
                                                                                                fo·r  the  Armed  Guard  Center  con-
                                                                                                tinues  with averages for  the  quar-
                                                                                                ter totaling· sales of: $27,281.25.  To-
                                                                       asked  you  to  send  us  your   tal sales from the BpJ'.id  Bar on the
                                                                  suggestions  on._ the  column  hoping   main -deck  of  the · Armed  Guard
                                                                  to  reprint them  tl,  week.  We  are   Center  were  $21,466.50,  and  $5,-
                                                                  not  sure-if as ·w.e  hope-you  like   814. 75  worth  of  bonds  sold  at the  •   Seaman:  "Do  you  shrink  from
                                                                  the  column  and  have  no  sugges-  training  center  were ; credited  to   kissing?"
                                                                                                Armed Guard.
                                                                  tions  or-if as we  fear,  you  never                         Gal:  "My  goodness  no.  If  I  did,
                                                                  read  it- anyway  you  let  us  down.   Buzz in the Waves' lounge nowa-  I'd be nothing but skin and bones."
                                                                  We  reprint  your  column  as  prom-  days  is  of  coming  marriages  of   *  *  *
                                                                                     Now  to  the   both  Reba  Skinner,  Y2c,  and  Ella
                                                                                                Hansen, Ylc.     ,   .          End of the month song favorite:
                                                                                                  Heard around the main deck . .  .  "I  wish  I  had  a  paper  dollar  I
                                                                  About  Sti II water           that out of a  total of 100,000 liberty  could  call  my own."
                                                                    A  few  words  about  the  yeoman                                   *  * *
      THROWING  THE  LEATHER  at  the  recent  Radio  Materiel  School  school  at  S illwater,  Okla.,  which   passes issued  by the  Armed Guard   Don't  divorce  your  wife . if  she
                                                                                                in  March  only  24  were  lost  :  .  .
      smoker are Andy Whitehead of company 60 and  Bill  Suter, company 50.  is  closing.  It was  one  of  the  most
                                                                  successful  of  the  Wave  training   that in  addition  to his  baseball du- flirts  with  the  butcher.  She's  only
                                                                                                ties  Lt.  (jg)  "Chuck"  O'Hara  will  playing' for  h_igher  steaks.
                                    assisted  by  the  Sps(A)  attached  schools  and  one  in  which  the  en-
                     rx             to  this  command.  The  boxers  are  listed women performed most of the   handle  volley  ball  games  between   * *  *
                                    working  out  diligently  under  the  duties  of  administration  and  in-  1130 ·and  1230  in  connection  with   This  week's  definition:·  Sophist-
                       POTENTIA                                                                 the  physical  fitness  program  for  ication-knowing  enough · to  keep
                                    guiding eye of Navis, Sp(A)2c, and  struction.  Wave  graduates  used  to
                                    Trukositz, Sp(A)3c. Some good en- taking  responsibility  have  proved   Armed Guard officers ... how come  your  feet  out  of  the  crack  of  the
                                    tertainment  has  been  lined  up  by  themselves  as  some  of . the  best  somebody sent somebody else a  Get  theatre  ~eat  in front  of  you.
                                                                                                                                        *  * *
                                    Harkins,  Sp(Al)c,  who  tips us  off  yeomen  now  on  the  job.   Well  Quick  card  when  the  first
                                                                                                party heard· that the  second  party
                                    that  something  special  in  the  way  N-ote to the Cooks                                  "Do   you   approve   of  tight
                                    of  feminine  pulchritude  will  head   Our Waves on duty in the galley   was  in  sick  bay  with  measles  in  skirts?"
                                                                                                February  and  same  card  was  re-       ·
                                    the ::;how.  Wednesday,  April  18,  is  wear  the  regulation  reserve  blue               "Naw.  I  think  women  ought  to
                                                                                                ceiyed  last week_?  .. .
                                    the  date  so  make  your  plans  now  smock,  but  Waves  at  Norman,                    leav.e  liquor alone."
                            \       to  attend.                   Okla.,  when  given  the  chance  to                                   * * *
      RADIO  MATERIEL  SCHOOL         The call is out for candidates for  express  a  preference,  argued  for  Davis tells  us that she and Kermit   Awkard  age-when  a  youngster
                                    the  RMS  softball  team!  Athletic  weeks  as  to  whether  the  all-white  Huebert  have  finally  come  to  an
                                                                                                                              is  too  old  to  cry  and too  young  to
      Red  Cross  Drive  G-oes  Over Top   Officer, Lt  (jg)  Jessup plans to en-·  uniform  or  dungarees  would  be  agreement.  .  .  We  guess  she  won   swear.
        Smashing  all  previous  records   ter a  team  composed  of RMS  stu- the  best  uniform  for  such  duty.  since  she  says  they are  "engaged"
                                                                                                                                         * * *
      the Red Cross War Fund campaign   dents in the Treasure Island league like women they are still argu- .  .  .  Easter  brought  lilies  and  cor-  Extract  from  a  co-ed's  letter
      concluded  with  total  contributions   which  is  being  organized  at  the  ing as far as we  know.   sages galore, but "Julie" Davis' two   home~  "I'm  getting  fat.  I  weigh
      amounting  to  $2927.78  which  ex-  present  time.  All  students  and  Spars  Move· to  Manhattan   dozen  red  roses  really  stole  our   128  stripped.  Of  course,  the  scales
      ceeded  the  fondest  hopes  of  the   members  of  Ship's  Company  are   All  training  for  women  of  the  heart.  . ·  .  Jean · Kimberley,  new   at Mr.  Monahan's pent  house  may
      chairman  of  the  drive.  The  out-  eligible  to  compete  for  places  on  Coast  Guard  will  now  be  at  the  specialist  at  Barracks  C,  took  the   not  be  accurate.''
      standing response to the appeal for   the team which will  be  coached by  Coast  Guard  IT'raining  Station  at  Navy  lessons  in  promptness  to   * * *
      funds  il'ldicates  that  all  hands  of   Specialists  (A)  Navis  and  Truko- Manhattan  Beach,  N.  Y.  Gone  are  heart  and  turned  up  on  Treasure
      this  command  are  solidly  behind   sitz.  If  you  have  had  softball  ex- the days when  the  Spars could loll  Island  at  0630.  .  .  Twenty-five   A  boy  was  walking  down  the
      the  American  Red  Cross  in  the   perience  sign  up  with  your  com- in the sun at famous  Palm  Beach,  sighed,  breathed  again,'  passed  street rolling two bicycles when he
      great  job  they  are  doing  to  help   pany commander or in the Welfare·  Fla.          candy  and  cigars  and  began  to  met  a  friend.
                                    Office.  The  date  and  time  of  prac-                    sew on new ratings this week . .. An   "Where did you get two bikes?"
      service  men  and  women  and  their                        NATS  Fly  in  Oakland
      families.  Chaplain  H.  G.  Gatlin,   tice  sessions  will  be announced.   The  first  six  Waves  to  become  Army technical sergeant stole Ber- asked the  pal.
      chairman of the drive for TADCEN   The  regimental  basketball · tour- Navy plane  crewmen are  in train- nita Cole right from under the eyes   "My girl and I  went for a  ride,"
      in a memorandum to the Command- nament  is  in  full  swing  to  deter- ing at the transport airmen's school  of  the  boys  at  the  hospital.  .  .  It  sa._id the lad. "and we stopped under
      ing  Officer,  congratulated  the  per- mine the champion among the sev- at  Oakland,  Calif  The  girls  learn  takes  the  Army.  .  .  This  week's  a  tree  to  rest.  After  a  while  I
      sonnel  of  RMS  for  their  unselfish  eral  companies.  The  elimination  how  to  load  war  cargo  and  pas- farewells  go  to  Alice  P assmore,  kissed  her.  'That's  nice.'  she  said.
      and fine  response to a most worthy  series will  be  completed  this  week  sengers carried on NATS, the Navy  off  to  San  Bruno;  Rebecca  Whit- Then  I  put  my  arm  around  her
      cause.  Leaders  in  the  campaign  and  the  all-star  team  from  each  sky  supply  line,  and · will  be  as- tington,  who will  begin  training at  waist and asked her how that was.
      were  the  men  of  Barracks• 22  un- section  will  compete  in  a  double  signed to  duty with va,rious  NATS  the  Naval  hospital  in  Bethesda:,  i:?he  said  it  was  great.  So  then  I
      der  the  guiding  hand  of  Sps(A)lc  round robin tournament in the final  squadrons,  releasing meh ·for over- Md.;  to  Boyd,  O'Hara  and  St.· kissed her on the cheek and squeez-
      Thorne  and  Cooper with total  con- series. Play is on the outside courts  seas  duty.  And  if  you see  a  Wave  Pierre,  who  take  up  new  duty  at  ed her, and she said,  'Oh  boy!  You
                                                                  wearing  a  Specialist · (V)  rating,  the  Epidermiology  school,  and .fi- can  have  anything  I've  got.'  So  I
      tributions  of  $503  to  set  the  pace  adjacent  to  each  barracks  and
      for  all  other barracks.  Among the   every  day  sees  real  action  while   you will know she is  a  Navy plane  nally  to  Rose  Gallagher,  who  did  took her bicycle."
      Instruction  and  Administrative  di-  the  men  are  taking  advantage  of   crewman.    go  to  Washington,  D.  C .... Sorry .. --;:------~~~,.,..,..~~--~~~
      visions  the  Seventh  Month  of  In-                       More  "Firsts"                about  last  Sunday's  Wave  broad"
                                    the  spring  sunshine.  The  Recrea-
      struction  under  the  guiding  hand   tion  Division  promises  some  fine   Two interesting newcomers carry   cast.  .  .  The  record  had  bumps  or   Cross-Word  Answers
      of Lt.  Lynch and Lt.  (jg)  Fletcher                       rates that are new to Treasure  Is-  lumps  or  something.  .  .  It  will  be
                                    awards to the  winni11g  tea,m so we
      led  all  other  groups  with  the  out-                    land. ·.  Marian Ballin,  now  assigned   transcribed  again  and aired in the   REMO
      standing contribution of $546.   know  competition  will  increase  in   to  Receiving  Ship,  is  a  first  class   future. ,.  . For a  taste of life in the
                                    intensity  as  t!J,e  tournament  ap-                       14th  Naval  District,  run  down  to   AL  I
      Graduati,on                                                 Classification  specialist.  Hers  was
        Companies  50  and  51  have   proaches  the  final  round.   the  job  of  interviewing  Waves  at   the Armed Guard Wave  lounge .. ·.,
      reached  the  end  of  the  academic                        Hunter  for  future  assignment  and   Its  walls  are  covered  with  grass
      road  and  are  now  ready  to  put  to                     later  at  Stillwater,  where  she  as-  shacks and palm trees ... Aloha .• :.
      practical  use  in  the  fleets  and  at                    signed  bille_ts  to  graduating  yeo-  We  forgot  to  thank  you  for  y~~; ·., .....:..i--=-1-=-1-=
                                                                                                suggestions,  recommendations, ~t~/
      advanced bases the knowledge they                           men.  She  was  born  in  New  York,
      have assimilated over many months                           but  claims  San  Francisco,  as  her   *  * *
      of  intensive  study  in  the  field  of                    home.  Glad  to  have  you,  Marian,   One  old  maid  to  her  sister:  "I
      electronics.                                                how  about an interview?      can,'t  understand  why  y_ou  go  out
        R. A. Nelson, RT2c, with an over-                           Second  customer for  our  hall .of  ;vvith  that young sailor.''.
      all  average  of  96.16  per ,cent  and                     fame  is  Betty  '"Jill"  Witt,  who   Sister:  "Oh,  it's  just  a .. platonic   AMAZO   NA  MEL
      C.  J.  Schleck,  Jr.,  RT2c, with 95.33                    comes from the sunflower state. She  friendship- play for him and  tonic   RAGER   ETEST
                                                                  will  probably  be the  first  and· last  for  me."
      per  cent  were  high  men  scholas-
      tically  in  their  respective  com-                        Wave  to  carry  the  rating  of  SKV
      panies.  To  these  recent  graduates                       on  Treasure  Island.  She  reported
      our  best  wishes  and  smooth  sail-                       here from di,ity at Livermore Naval   RMS  Leads  Red  Cross  War  Fund  Campaign
      ing  and  we  know  they will  give  a                      Air  Station  where  she  was  an
      good  account  of  themselves.                              aviation  storekeeper.  Since  Treas-
                                                                  ure  Island  is  short  on  planes,  she
      Cr,ow's  Tracks                                             will  have'  to  dr@p  the. SKY' to  be-
        New rates effective April 1 were
      earned  by  the  following  members                         come a  plain S:Ev in, ·the, near future.
                                                                               .;~:: .. ,.,,.,,..k~:1
                                                                     ... .._  :
                                                                            •  ,,.
      of  Ship's  Company:  Ona Tellaisha,                        Just  s ·etweer,v  us z.:·, 4  ·.
      Y3c;  M.  A.  Northum, ·PrtrM2c;  J.                          The  ski trip was  a  huge success
      F.  Godek,  E.  J.  Gottschalk  and  J .                    .  .. Everyone- got · a  s~nburn  and
      M. Kinard, RTlc; John Hanselman,                            lots of experiencer -. :. 'l'{:ote to Ellen
      Max  Patterson  and  Richard  Jus-                          Lautzenhiser: · To  get  proper  re-
      tice,  Y3c.  Our  congratulations  on                       sults,  both  skis  _ :;ihould  \progress
      your  advancement  which  should                            in  the  same  general-· di_rection.  .  .
      give  further  encouragement  to                            Another  trip  is  planned  fof April
      other members  of  Ship's Company                           14  so hang on to your sunburn lo-
      to study hard and advance in  rate.                         tion ... Edith Waddington !{as  put
      Chief  Ship's  Clerk  Kosko,  Asst.                         all  her  eggs  in •on.e  basRet  and
      Personnel Officer, holds school each                        married into the  N~\iy~·., . r:5id  you
      Tuesday at 1215  in  the  Recreation                        see  the  beautiful  Easter  lily  left
      Lounge  and  if  you  are  not  now                         by the  Easter bunny in  Wave gal-
      working  on  that  rate  take  advan-                       ley ?  .  .  .  ( The  bunny is  known  to
      tage  of  the  opportunity  which  is                       his friends  as Al  Stone,  SClc)  ...
      yours for the  asking.                                      Yes,  it's  true  ... Our  career  as
      Sports  News                   TECHNICOLOR  FAVORITE - Vir-  lady bus drivers is almost ended .. .
        The  St.  Patrick's  Day  Smoker  ginia  Mayo,  Bob  Hope's  leading  lady  They are going to give us  cap  de-
                                                                     >'.  '   '
      was such a success that the Recrea-  in  Samuel  (:,oldwyn's  big  musical  Yic·es 'to  teU  us. apart  ... About
      tion  Division  is  formulating  plans   "The Princess and the Pirate;'..'. has now   .shore  patrol.  .. . 'rt takes 30 a  day,  RADIO  MATE.RIEL  SCHOOL  goes  all  out  in  their support of the 1945
                                     been  cast  by  the  same  producer to play
      for  an  April smoker  to  be  held  in                     210  '.t  week  and  75,000  a  year  to  ·Red  Cross ·War  Fund  Campaign  by  raising  $2927.78  to  lead  all  other
                                     opposite  Danny  Kaye  in  "Wonder                         commands on  Treasure  Island.  A  feature  of the drive was the competi-
  *   the  RM.S  small  gym.  Lt.  (jg)  Jes-                     look  out for  us ... Hard  to  realize
                                     Man,"  another  big  extravaganza  in                      tion  among  the  laboratory  a,nd  platform  instructors  of  the  s,;venth
 /' s~ is  in  charge  of  arrangements       Technicolor.        that we  are  that  deadly ... .  Doris   Month of  Instruction who  raised $546.00 to  lead  all ,other divisior.s,
   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117