Page 29 - Mastheads July-Dec 1945
P. 29

------------------------------------------ THE  MASTHEAD,  SATURDAY,  JULY  28,  1945                                                          Page  5
      REIIJfiEE FROM II SCRAP P/1.E                                                             Ill Pierce 11ntl NI$  fi11n9  111/te Over  T. /,
                                                                  THEATRE  No.  3 GETS

                                                                  USO  SHOW  JULY  31

                                                                    Featuring a  wide variety of sing-
                                                                   ers,  dancers,  and  comedians,  the
                                                                   USO  Camp  Show  "Hello  Joe"  ar-
                                                                   rives  at  Treasure  Island  Tuesday,
                                                                   July  31.   At  Theatre  No.  3  are
                                                                  scheduled  two  perfo,rmances- one
                                                                   at  1900  and  another  at  2015.  Ad-
                                                                   vance  notices  indicate  that  this  is
                                                                   one show  you  shouldn't  miss.
                                                                    The  movie  "Back  to  Bataan"
                                                                   will  be  shown  once  at  1800  and
                                                                   again at the  conclusion  of  the  sec-
                                                                   ond  stage  performance.

                                                                  "Girl  Back  Home"  Weds

 '----'                                                           Treasure  Island  Yeoman
       IT  WILL  BE  PAINTED in  a  few  days and then  it will  l,ook as though  it
       is  actually  worth  $13,000.  Built foom  old  pieces  of  scrap  by  the  Public   A   few  months  ago  in  The
      Works' garage, this is the  heaviest truck in  the 12ND; can carry 76,000   Masthead's  "Girl  Back Home" fea-
       pounds at fifty  miles per hour.
                                                                   ture,  there  was  run  a  picture  o.f  a
                                                                   pretty  girl-Miss  Kay  Raptis-  INFORMAL  GLIMPSES  ,of  the  members  of  the  Al  Pierce  show  were
                                     SOS  for  heavy  trucks-ones  cap-
      Truck,  Offspring  of  a       able  of  hauling 20  or  30  ton  loads.   from Chicago.  With her was Harry   caught  by  the  station  photographer when  the  show  appeared  here  last
                                                                                                 week. One of the most entertaining acts was Russ Clark and  his puppets.
                                                                   W.  Seiler.  Y2c,  of  the Tadcen Per-  Clark  is ,one  of the  most  talented  puppeteers  in  America  today  and  \he
                                     Somebody said it was impossible to
      Scrap  Pile,  Built  on  T.  I.   get them.  But the  Pool  had  to  find   sonnel  Office.  The  caption  said  Treasure  Island  audience  was ~ncline·d  to  agree  after watching  his  hula
      By  Public Works  Garage       some- and good ones-if important   nothing a.bout marriage, and as far  dancer  in  a  skirt-shaking  performance.
                                                                   as  we  knew,  nothing  definite  was
                                     war work and materials were going
                                                                   planned.                      District  Badminton  Meet · when devotees of an the commands
        The  most po•werful  tractor-truck  to  be  transported  on  schedule.  Lt.                                            in  the 12th Naval District compete
       in  the  Twelfth  Naval  District- it  Febiger's  men,  under  the  direction   But the  other day Harry walked  Commences  Auq.  20;   in  the  district  tournament  in
       hauls a  30  ton load--just rolled  off  of  CSF  Mike  L.  Hodges,  rolled  up  into  the  office  and  said  he  thought   Treasure  Island's  Gym  No.  1.
      Treasure  Island's  "assembly  line."  their  sleeves.  The  Pool  was  going  we would  like to  know that he had   T earn  Positions Still  Open
                                                                                                                                 Eyes  will  be . focused  on  the  two
        The  beginning  of  thi&  "assembly  to  get  their  trucks.   married his "girl back home." They   Badminton  will  get  its  initial   singles and two doubles events that
       line"  is any old scrap pile.  The end   A  cab was ta.ken from a worn out  had  been  married  June  4  on  his  acid  test  August  20  through  23,   will  terminate  on  the  night of Au-
      is  a  $13,000  tractor  with  a  semi- Diamond  T.  truck.  They  found  a  recent leave  and  had honeymooned
                                                                                                                               eust 23  in  a  final  round  of play.
       trailer,  assigned  to  the  heaviest  rear-end and frame on an otherwise  at Wisconsin  Dells.  Living in  San  located in Room 29  on the top deck .   Men still interested in occupying
       duty within the district.     ruined  Autocar.  Two  30-gallon  Francisco,  they  are  leading  the  of  the  Recreation  Building.  You   a  position  on  the  T.  I.  team  can
        Two months ago the first "refuge  diesel  tanks  were  obtained  from  blissful  life  of  model  newlyweds.   don't  need  a  picture  of  yourself-  contact  Lt.  Patrick  at  Extension
       from  a  junk  heap"  came  off  the  Navy  surplus  material.  Construe-  Now  we  don't  know  if  our  fea- we  take care of that.  Imagine your  682  or  685.
      Public Works "assembly line," built  tion got underway. The chief's men  turette  had  anything  to  do  with  girl's  thrilled  surprise  when  she
      under  the  cognizance  of  Lt.  C.  C.  made  some fenders  and  a  hood for  furthering  this  romance,  but  one  sees  herself gazing from  a  page  of   Doctor:  "You  cough  more  easily
      Febiger,  after  which,  construction  the  rebuilt  150-horsepower  Cum- can  never  tell  ... Why  not  bring  a_ newspaper  read  by  thousands.  this  morning."
      on  the  present  ten-ton  job  got  mings  engine.  An  old  Sterling  the picture  of your girl  back home  How  about  it,  mates,  sound  al-  Patient:  "I  should.  I've  been
      underway  immediately.  Now  that  radiator became the bow.  Pieces of  to  The  Masthead  o·ffice?  We  are  right?     practicing  all  night."
      the  completion  of  this  tractor  is  old  material  began  to  take  form,  ~------------------ --------------- ------------
      realized,  the  rusty  frame  of  the  as  the   thin-wheel,   dual-driven  AN► UDhny .uror 1.1rru  ,..UAOI Ir Ro~~I r1.1 •
      third  diesel-powered  truck  will  be  tractor moved  down  the  "assembly  ff  lflfl,,   ffc;flc;  ~c;c;fJ  9-ffffflf-fc;   U'U'f-c;~ ~
      placed  upon  the  garage's  produc- line."
      tion line,  to come under the critical   Air  brakes  were  installed.  Bat-
      scrutiny of a  half a  dozen salvage- teries  were  charged.  Gears  were
      minded  Motor  Machinist's  Mates.  hooked  up,  which  allowed  twelve
      They say this one, too, will be doing  forward  and  three  reverse  speeds.
      double  duty in the Bay Area within  Those  diesel  tanks were welded on.
      two  months.                  A  dashboard,  steering  wheel,  seat
        It all started when the  Industrial  cushions,  foot  pedals  and  mirror
      Transportation  Pool  sent  _out  an  were  fitted  in  the  cab,  as  the· trac-
                                    tor-truck neared the terminal point
                                     of a  two  month construction job.
 V    Cross-Word  Answers             When  tested,  it  was  found  the
                                     unit  just  complied  with  the  Cali-
                                    fornia  State  laws  limiting  a  gross
                                    weight  of  76,000  pounds;  which
                                    it's  geared-up  engines  move  at  a
                                    speed  of  fifty  miles  per  hour.
                                    Burning about six gallons of diesel
                                    at  that  speed,  over  three• hundred
                                    miles can  be  made non-stop before
                                    refueling  is  necessary.  Thanks  to
                                    the  Public  Works  Garage,  Indus-
                                    trial Transportation Pool  meets  its
                                    schedules . ..

                                 E    Sailor:  "What is home without a
                             DEN  mother?"
                                      Gal:  "I am  tonight."
        The Wolf                                by  Sansone

        Copyright  194S  b, Leon1rd  Sinsone,  distributed  by  Camp  Newsp1per  SerYice

                                                                  N.OT  CHARLIE,  BUT  YOGI  RUGGLES!  That's   Virginia  Clark  turned  herself  inside  out  for  them;
                                                                  right,  there  is  Charlie,  all  dressed  up  in  his  y,ogi   Lillian  Gilbert  ·sang  them  sweet  _songs  in  Spanish;
                                                                  costume  in  the  upper  left  hand  corner.  Charlie  and   Emma  Lou  strummed  her  guitar  and  sang  sultry .
                                                                  Mary  Brian  and  a  group  of  Hollywood  entertainers,   songs in  anybody's  language while Charlie and  Mary
                    "Oh  yes!  I've  heard  a lot about  you!"
                                                                  headed  for  the  South  Pacific,  stopped  here  to  give   wise-cracked through a  great show. Thanks for com-
                                                                  bluejackets  an  hour  packed  with  laughs  last  week.   ing  Charlie,
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