Page 36 - Mastheads July-Dec 1945
P. 36

PAGE  4        THE MASTHEAD,  SATURDAY,  AUGUST  4,  1945·                                                           1

      li,_ •.• The  Girl Back  Home .. ,I                         Commander Miller  ''lal,u/ous Jollnny' Comes Home
                                                                  Retires  After
                                                                  37 Years  Service
                                                                    Commander  Grover  A.  Miller,
                                                                  USN  (Ret)  is  leaving  Treasure
                                                                  Island after two and one half years
                                                                  of  duty  here.  He  has  watched  the
                                                                  growth  of  the  island  from  a  rela-
                                                                  tively  small  activity  to one  of  the
                                                                  largest  training  stations  on  the
                                                                  Pacific  coast.
                                                                    His naval career makes an inter-
                                                                  esting story. He enlisted in 1906 as
                                                                  an  apprentice  seaman_ and  later
                                                                  earned a  quartermaster's  rating.  A
                                                                  year  after enlistment  he  was  fo-r-
                                                                  tunate  to  make  a  round-the-world
                                                                  trip  on the  USS  Kearsage,  at that
                                                                  time  one  of  the·  Navy's  first-line
                                                                  battleships-.  It was  during the  first
                                                                  Wo·rld War that he  became Ensign
                                                                  Miller  and  succeeding  promotions
                                                                  earned him the right to retire  as a ·
                                                                  lieutenant commander in 1939 after
                                                                  32  years  service.
                                                                    If World War II had not made it
                                                                  necessary  to  recall  experienced
                                                                  Navy  men,   Commande·r   Miller
                                                                  might  still  be  enjoying  that  re-
                                                                  tirement,  but  after  a  rest  of  only
                                                                   one  year  and  15  days  he  was  re-
                                                                   called to duty in the Twelfth Naval
                                                                    His  duty on  Treasure  Island  be-
                                                                   gan in 1942  as officer in charge  of
                                                                  Receiving Barracks. A  later trans- ON  FIRST  LAP  HOME  is  Staff  Sergeant  J-ohn  R.  Williams  ,of  San
                                                                   fer found him attached to Training  Francisco  a,nd  his  Marine  buddy,  Corporal  Gilbert  H.  Smart of  Marion;
                                                                   Center  as Coordinator  of  Services   Ill.  They  recently  arriv,ed  on  Treasure  l·sland completing  their first  lap
                                                                                                 home  after  reaching  the  U.  S.  mainland ..  Both  men  served  as  overseas
                                                                   and later as executive officer under
                                                                                                 orderlies  to  Major  Generol  Long  and  have  completed  more  than  21
                                                                   Admiral Hugo Osterhaus and Com- month~  in  Pacific  battle z,ones.  (See story ).
                                                                   modore  R.  W .  Cary.  He  retires  as
                                                                   Assistant for Operations for Tadcen.
                                                                                                  San  Francisco's  "fabulous   Sergeant  Williams  will  soon  be
                                                                    Highspots  of  all  the  time  spent  waiter," the man who was driven to  48 and he is a  little indefinite about
       FROM  THE  LAND  OF  SHINING  MOUNTAINS  comes  wistf.ul  Miss   in  the  Navy  were  listed  by  Com- work  in  a  limousine  and  who pos- his  future  plans.  He  wants  to  get
       Leona  Reichelt,  a  sophomore at the  University of  Montana at  Missoula.   mander Miller as two trips around  sessed as many tailor-made suits as  back to  San  Francisco and see  his
       Her  interest  in  Treasure  Island  is  confined  to ,one sailor-Clark  Hilton,  the  world,  service  on  six  different  any other man in town is back from  friends  and  the  spots  he  used  to
       Y3c,  of  the  RMS  Personnel  -office.  Both  lived  in  Fort  Benton,  in  the  types  of  naval  craft,  duty  in  two  21½  months overseas.  His name is  know  and  he  has  plans  for  more·
      same state,  before  Leona  went away to  school  and  Clark was called  to
       war.  Vital  statistics -on  Miss  Reichelt:  Blue  eyes,  brown  hair,  19  years   wars, the opportunity to see· his son  John  R.  (J ohnny)  Williams,  47,  philanthropic  work  if  he  is  dis-
       of  age.                                                   commissioned a  Navy officer and a  Marine  staff  sergeant.   charged,  but  right now  "Fabulous
                                                                  ring-side  seat to watch the  expan-  "Fabulous  Johnny"  worked as  a  Johnny"  is  just  plain  glad  to  be
                                    not evaluate  it, so we leave you to   sion of the American :fieet into the   waiter for  a  number of San Fran- back in the United States.
                                    figure  out  the  mathematics  of  the   largest Navy in the world.   cisco  places,  including  L e f t y
                                    statement.                      He believes in a  large Navy after  O'Doul's.  When  asked  about  the
                                     More  Waves                  the  war  and  he  says,  "Enlisted  report  of  his  limousine  days  he   "The  Navy  Reporter"
                                                                  men  eat,  sleep and  live  far  better  said:  "About that limousine,  I  only
                                      Unattached, eligible ladies, please
                                    note.  The Navy still wants  Waves,   than  when  I  joined  the  Navy  in  kept  that  for  the  use  of  the  poor
                                                                  1906."                                                      Broadcasts  News,  Views
                                    20,000 . in  fact.  The  hospital  corps                    and  needy.  When  I  went  in  the
                                    needs  10,000  of  that  quota.  If you   FoUowing  his  retirement  Com- Army  back  in  1941  I  gave  away   For  Men  Overseas
        Now  that  you  are  safely  three   know someone who is interested in  mander  and  Mrs.  Miller  intend  to  about 50 suits,  I  guess. I  got out of
      years old and the noise of the cele-  joining  the  Navy,  here  is  your  make  their  home  in  Atherton,  the  Army  in  1942  and  in  June  of   Featuring an enlisted man desig-
      bration has died away,  it is  a  good   chance  to  be  influential.  Join  now  Calif.,  where  they have  lived since  the same year I  g,ot into the Marine  nated  by  SecNav  as  the  Enlisted
      time to say thank you to the  dance   and  evade  the  draft!   1939.                     Corps because I  wanted to see more  Ma.n's  Representative  in  Washing-
      committee and to those who  had  a
                                    Just  Between  Us                                           action and more places."       ton,  t he  Bureau  of  Personnel  has
      hand in making the whole  affair a                                                          Johnny got his wish. Overseas he  recently  inaugurated  a  weekly
                                      Birthday bits ... Congratulations  cartoons  for  his  mess-hall  collec-
      success.  The  congratulations  be-  to  the  mess  cook  who  put  on  the  tion  ... Now  that we  have  begun  served  for  some  time  as  a  cook- series  of  radio  programs  entitled
      long  to  you,  too,  for  putting  on  a   wine glasses for the Wave birthday  a  brand  new  third  year,  he  thinks  orderly  to  Marine  Major  -General  "The  Navy Reporter."
      military  review  which  "knocked                                                                                         These  broadcasts  feature  news,
      their  eyes  out."  (No  reference  to   dinner!  .. .  It was a  good try,  old  the  old  ones  are  outdated  .  .  .  E .  C.  Long.  He still tells about the
      men in Pre-Embarkation.)      man,  even  if  it  didn't  work  .  .  .  Eavesdropping  at  the  review  .  .  .  fried  chicken he prepared for Gen- information,  answers  to  specific
                                    Most  disappointed were incredulous  T. I.  Commanding  Officers  when  eral Vandegrift and a  flock of other  questions, and inte·rviews with prin-
       Wacs  Have  New  Boss        sailors who waited for shore patrol  asked  by  the,  Commodore  if  any  generals.  In  fact  the  co,mmandant  cipal  naval · officials.  Subjects  cov-
        Colonel  Oveta  Culp  Hobby  has   to pick up hatless Waves last Mon- would  like  to  accompany  him  on  of the whole Marine Corps told him  ered  are of  broad  interest  to  both
      retired  to  her  home  in  Houston,   day night ... Sorry fellers,  it was  his  inspection,  stepped  forward  as  that  it was  the  best fried  chicken  enlisted  men  overseas  and  those
      Tex.,  to  enjoy  her  family,  her   legal  .  . . Will someone  please take  a  man  .  .  .  all  present  and  ac- he  had been able  to get this side of  about  to embark for such duty.
      books,  her  collection  of  Georgian   "Chief  Wave"  Goddie  some  new  counted  for!   Virginia.                       Broadcast  stations,  times  and
      silver  and  a  private  life.  During                                                                                  frequencies of- the several programs
      her three years as boss lady of the                                                                                      broadcast weekly from  short wave
      Women's Army Corps, she has  seen   Ne/Iller llle Nor Saws Get Dull At Ille RMS Carpenter Sllop                          stations  in  -San  Francisco  are  as
      their  ranks  grow  to  the  present                                                                                    follows:
      100,000  mark  and  has  personally
                                                                                                                                 (Times  given  are  Pacific  War
      taken a  look  at the four co·rners of
      the world in which they now serve.                                                                                      Time)
        Up from the ranks came 43-year-                                                                                         Alaska-Aleutians-China  -  1545-
                                                                                                                               1600,  KROJ,  17,700  kc.  Each Tues-
      old  Colonel  Westray  Battle Boyce,
                                                                                                                               day.  2215-2230,  KROJ,  9,897  kc.
      who joined the Wacs two years ago,
                                                                                                                               Each Tuesday.
      served as a  supply  sergeant, moved
      up  to  staff  directo•r  for  the  North                                                                                 Southwest  Pacific - Philippines-
      African  theater,  came  home  to                                                                                       1815-1830,  KROJ,  17,760  kc.  Each
      serve on predec-esso·r  Hobby's staff,                                                                                  Tuesday.  0245-0300,  KGEI,  9,550
      and  a  few  days  ago• became  first                                                                                   kc.  Each Wednesday.
      lady of  the corps,  to relieve  Oveta                                                                                    Souttiwest  Pacific-Pacific  Ocean
      Culp  Hobby  and  don  the  colonel's                                                                                    Area- 0245-0300,  KWIX,  9,855  kc.
      eagles.                                                                                                                  6,105 kc. Each Wednesday.
                                                                                                                                Philippines-China  -  2115-2130,
      What,  N-o  Point  System?
        Sorry girls,  but  the  Navy· Office                                                                                  KWID,  11,870  kc.  Eac_h  Tuesday.
      of  Public  Information  was  asked
      this  week  if  the  Navy  planned  a
      discharge point system for Waves.                                                                                        Sat.  Evening  Post  Offers
      The  answer was  a  flat,  unqualified                                                                                   $ I 00 for War Anecdotes
      "no." If you are forty-two you may
      stand a  chance  under the  over-age                                                                                      For acceptable true anecdotes of
      r.etirement  provision;  if  not,  that's                                                                                this  war,  the  Saturday  E vening
      all.                                                                                                                    Post  is  offering  $100.  A  sample  of
       Increase  in  Food  Allowance                                                                                          the  type  material  desired  appears
        Did  you  know  that the monthly                                                                                      in  the  current issue.
      food  allowance for Waves has been                                                                                        Subjects of the anecdotes may be
      increased  $13.50  per  month?  The                                                                                     humorous or serious, and should be
      Bureau has it figured out that with                                                                                     from  experience  of  the  author  or
      your monthly pay and quarters al-.   DESKS,  TABLES,  FILING  CABINETS,  shelves-  made  of  wood  in  perfect  repair.  The  large,  well-  thoroughly  authenticated.  Stories
                                    the  Radio  Materiel  school  carpenter  shop  bui Ids   lighted  plant  is  in  the  capable  hands  of  Chief  Met-
      lowance  you  now  make  $155  per   them  all.  In  addition  t-o  their  construction  jobs,  the   calf,  CCM,  who  is  a  highly  skilled  carpenter  with   must be previously unpublished and
     " month:  Our  job  is  t o  :report  news,  13 carpenters undertake to  keep virtually everything   many years of experience.   less  than 400 words.
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