Page 208 - Mastheads Jan-June 1945
P. 208

PAGE  6          THE  MASTHEAD,  S!,.TURDAY,  JUNE  23,  1945

        llrmed  Gut1rd  Officers  Portrt1lts  1/nlsl,ed

                                                                                   •    •   •    •
                                                                             Divine  Services            :l, iAeaMff alt
                                                                     Treasure  and  Verba  Buena  ·Islands
                                                                                                      Sewiced- /fvz,  ~ !J.

                                                                                                       BANKING  FACILITIES         Treasure  Island  Theatre  No.
                                                                                                         WESTERN  UNION          Last  Showing  Tonight
                                                                                                           PosT OFFICE               A  MEDAL  FOR  BENNY
                                                                                                                                 Dorothy Lamour   A.  de  Cordova
                                                                                                        w AR  BOND  O FFICE
                                                                                                     All 4  services  located  in  Bldg.   Sun.-Mon.,  June  24  and  25
                                                                                                       258,  Ave. H,  near 4th St.   THE  FIGHTING  GUARDSMAN
                                                                               Protestant                                        Willard  Parker   Anita  Louise
                                                                     Sunday  Worship  Services-0930  and  103'l   *
                                                                     Sunday,  H oly  Communion,  1130  (Chapel)
        W.  RUSSELL  JONES,  S1c,  Armed  Guard  Center,  is  shown  with  the  Sunday  Worship  Service-1030  Theatre   SMALL  STORES   Tuesday,  June  26
        finished  portraits of  Captain  Flaherty and  Commander  Macklain  which   No.  3.   Catholic   Bldg.  215,  10th  St.,  between   TARZAN  AND  THE  AMAZONS
        he  completed  after  a  month  of  sittings.  Both  portraits  will  be  placed                                         J .  Weissmuller   Brenda  J oyce
        in  the  recreation  lounge.                                Weekday  Masses-0630  and  1800  (Small   Aves. M and N.
                                                                     Sunday  Masses-0630  and  0820  (Chapel )                   Wed.-Thurs.,  June  27  and  28
                                                                     Sunday  Mass- 1030  (Theatre  No.  0       *
                                      Art  in  N ew  York City,  he  studied  W eekday  Confessions-Daily  in  the  Small   TELEPHONE  CENTERS   NOB  HILL
        Veteran Artist  of Armed  under  a  European  Master for  sev-  Chapel.  Saturday  1400  to  2000.                       Joan Bennett      George  Raft
                                                                                 J ewish             Recreation  Bldg.  263,  9th  St.
        Guard  Finishes  Portraits    studio.                           Room.                               and Ave.  H .        Fri.-Sat.,  June 29  and  30
                                       eral years and then opened his  own  Sunday  Service-0830  Chapel  Reception
                                                                                Mormon               Bldg.  174,  4th  St. and Ave. C.   THAT'S  THE  SPIRIT
        Of 'CO' and 'Exe('              A  large  number of his  paintings  Sunday  Study  Group  -  0930  (Theatre   ( Band Circle)   Jack Oakie   Peggy Ryan
                                      and diagrams were exhibited  in the   No.  ·>
          W.  Russell  J ones,  Slc,  interna-  New  York  World's  Fair  by  auto-  u. s . NAVAL  HOSPITAL     *                  Treasure  Island  Theatre  No.  2
        tionally  known  portrait artist,  has  mobile  manufacturing  concerns.   Sunday  Worship  Service-1000  Hospital   RAILW A y  COACH TICKETS   Last  Showing  Tonight
        recently completed the paintings of  One  of  them  was  a  jungle  scene   Chapel   Catholic   AIRLINE R ESERVATIONS
        Captain Flaherty, commanding offi- with  over  two  hundred  and  fifty   Sunday  Masses-0630  and  0900  Hospital   TRAVELERS' CHECKS   IT'S  IN  THE  BAG
        cer,  and  Commander  Macklin,  ex- hand-carved animals.        Chapel                                                   Fred Allen         Jack Benny
                                                                    W eekday  Masses-0645  Hospital  Chapel   INSURANCE
        ecutive officer,  of the Armed Guard   Since  his  enlistment  in the Navy  Cotifossions-Saturday 1800-1900  Hospital    S·un.-M-on.,  June 24 and 25
                                                                        Chapel.                      Bldg.  174, 4th  St. and Ave.  C.
        Center.  The two life-sized portraits  he  has  completed sketches of more ,                                               THE  TOWN  WENT  WILD
        are  done  in  rich  deep  colors,  and  than three  hundred combat scenes.   PRE-EMBARKATION  CENTER   Bldg.  221,  11th  St.,  between   F.  Bartholomew   James  Lydon
        will  be  placed  in  the  recreation  Several of them which he  sketched                          Aves. G and H.
                                                                     Daily  , vorship  Ser vices- 1430  ( Ship 's                Tuesday,  June  26
        lounge of the Armed Guard Center.  at Buna, New Guinea,  Guadalcanal,   Senice  Chapel)
                                                                     Sunday  Worship  Service-0700  (Ship's     *                    HONEYMOON  AHEAD
        The  arti_st  did  them  in  his  spare  and  the  New  Hebrides  Islands,
                                                                        Service  Chapel)               SHIP's SERVICE No.  1
        time  during  the  last four  weeks.   have  appeared  in  national  maga-  Catholic                                     Allan  Jones   Grace  McDonald
          Jones,  who  joined  the  Navy  in  zines.  J ones'  latest assignment is  a.   Daily  Chapel   (Ship 's   Service   Bldg.  152,  9th  St.  and Ave.  C.   Wed.-Thurs.,  June  27  a';,d  28
        1942,  was  born  thirty-three  years  series  of  combat  sketches  to  be  Sunday   llfass-0600   (-Ship's   Service   *   A  MEDAL  FOR  BENNY
        ago in Selma, Ala., and  did his first  displayed  in  the Armed Guard  rec-                   SHIP's SERVICE No.  2     Dorothy Lamour   A.  de  Cordova
        work  at  t he  age  of  fifteen.  After  reation Lounge with the portraits he   WEEKLY  CHAPEL  ACTIVITIES
                                                                    llfo.nday-Blessed  Virg-in  Sodality  (First   Bldg.  8,  5th St., between Aves.
        leaving  the  Metropolitan  School of  has just completed.      Monday  of  the  Month)  1800  (Small                    Fri.-Sat.,  June 2-9  and  30
                                                                        Chapel)                              Mand N.
                                                                    Tuesday-Organ R ecital  (Hospital Chap el)                       THE  CORN  IS  GREEN
                                                                        1215-1300                                                Bette Dl),viS        John Dall
        Admiral  Nimitz                clearly apparent.  In view of this it  Tuesday-Miraculous  Medal  Novena,  1830
                                                                        (Large  Chapel)
                                       is  suggested  the  following  action
                                                                     Tuesday-Christian  Science  Group,  1800                     Treasure  Island  Theatre  No.  3
                                                                        (Chapel  Reception  Room)
        Sends "SOS"  For               may improve the situation:    Tuesday  -  Holy  Name  Society  19 15   Navy  to  Sponsor  Radio   Last  Showing  Tonight
                                        "Obtain  blanket  d~ferment  by   (Small  Chapel)
                                                                                           Reception  Series  Depicting  War
                                                                    Wednesday  -  Christian   Servicemen's                             TWICE  BLESSED
        Shipyard  Workers              Selective Service of all  skilled ship-  League,   1830   ( Chapel                        Preston  Foster   Gail  P atrick
                                       yard  workers in  West Coast  repair   Room)
                                                                     Thursday  -  Chapel   Choir   Rehearsal   Role  of  Blueia(kets
          As  the  result  of  an  urgent  plea  yards.                 Ch apel  Gallery)  1800                                  Sun.-Mon.,-June  24  and  25
                                                                     Friday- Wave  Singers  Rehearsal  (Chap el
        from  Fleet  Admiral  Chester  W.   "Priority be given to  repair work   R eception  Room)  1800   The Navy Department, approving  WHERE DO  WE GO  FROM  HERE
                                                                     Friday  -  Mormon  .Study  Gr oup,  1900
        Nimitz  for  the  return  to  action  in  over  new  construction  including   (Chapel  Gallery)   the  first  network  program for pro- Fred  MacMurray   Joan  Leslie
        the shortest possible time of  battle- maritime.                                           duction by its department, has com-
                                                                          YERBA  BUENA  ISLAND                                   Tuesday, June 26
        damaged  war13hips,  the  Navy  De-  "Transport  needed  repair  per-  Protestant          pleted arrangements to produce and
        partment has  obtained approval  of  sonnel  East  Coast  yards  to   Sunday  Worship  Service-0930  Theatr e  direct  a  26-week  series  of  30-min-  DON  JUAN  QUILLIGAN
        policies  designed  to  make  more   West  Coast  repair  yards."   Sunday  Mass-0830  Theatre   ute programs on the Blue. Network,   William Bendix   Joan Blondell
        workers  available  on  the  West   High  Navy Department authori-  Sunday  Confessions  iu  Theatre  Office  -  depicting the activities and achie_ve-  (Note-Story  on  page  1  in  ref-
        Coast to ship  repair.                                                                     ments of Naval Aviation, Rear Ad-  erence  to  Kay  Kyser  Show.)
                                      ties  immediately  conferred  with   A;LL  SERVICE  PERSONNEL  WELCOME·
          Fleet  Admiral  Nimitz  sent  the   Selective  Service  Officials  and  ex-              miral  H .  B.  Miller,  Director of  the   Wednesday,  June  27
        following  message:           plained  the  extraordinarily  urgent                        Office  of  Public  Relations,  an-  THOSE  ENDEARING  YOUNG  ,
          "Warships damaged in  action or  situation.  As  a  result,  Selective                   nounced  today.                         CHARMS
        ordered  to  Navy  Yards  for  over- Service  H eadquarters  on  May  21   At_ The  Chapel ...   The  program,  which  is  the  first   Robert Young   Laraine  Day
                                                                                                  step in plans to bring to  the public
        haul work are needed again in com- authorized  State  Directors  in  Cali-                                               USO  Stage  Show-1900
                                                                           Protestant  Services    wider  coverage of  the  Navy's  par-
        bat  in  the  shortest  possible  time.  fornia,  Oregon  and  Washington  to                                                  SUNTAN  REVIEW
        That delay in repairing these ships  postpone  the  induction  of  skilled   The  Chapel  Quartet  will  be  ·ticipation in the war, will be broad-
                                                                    heard  in  a  special  musical  number  cast in the evening, beginning some-
        is unavoidable in view of insufficient  workers in Pacific Coast ship repair   at  both  0930  and  1030  services  in  time  this  summer.   Thursday,  J-une  28
                                           .                         the  Treasure  Island  Chapel  Sun-                                   CHARMS
        manpower  in  West  Coast  yards  is  yards.                                                                              THOSE  ENDEARING  YOUNG
                                                                    day,  24  June,  singing  "How  Beau- I . W A N T  A D S  I  Robert Young      Laraine  Day
        WHO  WOIJlDN'T 8IJ1 II BOND 1.                 ••           tiful  Is   Thy  Dwelling  Place"
                                                                     (Brahms).  At  the  same  services  •-------------- USO  Stage  Show-1715-2000
                                                                    the  Chapel  Choi·r  Wl'll  si·ng  "How   LOST:  Pair of sun glasses in base-  BROADWAY  MANEUVERS
                                                                    Lovely Upon the Mountains"  (Har-  ball  bleachers  on  June  12- in  Fri.-Sat.,  June  29  and  30
                                                                    ker).                           leather  case  marked  "I.  Miller   THE  TOWN  WENT  WILD
                                                                      "Ultimate  Realities"  will  be  the   &  Sons."  Call  Bill  Morkan,  ex- F .  Bartholomew   J ames  Lydon
                                                                    title  of  the  sermon  at  1030  by   tension  76.          VISITS  TO  TREASURE  ISLAND
                                                                     Chaplain  H.  G.  Gatlin.  At  0930
                                                                                                  LOST:  Black and gold  P arker pen-  1800  to  1830  Friday  O!llY
                                                                    Chaplain James A . Alley will speak
                                                                                                    cil with  name "Charles Wallach."
                                                                    "On  Doing  More  Than  Is  Ex-  Lost  near  Ship's  Service  No.  1.
                                                                    pected."                                                     YERBA  BUENA  MOVIES
                                                                                                    Return to The Masthead office.
                                                                             Theatre  No.  3                                     La_st Showing Tonight
                                                                      Chaplain  Edward  M.  Reighard   WANTED:  Automobile;  anything   "DON  JUAN  QUILLIGAN"
                                                                    will speak Sunday at 1030 in Thea-  that runs. Contact The Masthead,  Joan  Blon dell   William  Bendix
                                                                                                    extension 69.
                                                                    tre  No.  3  on  the  subject,  "Yes,                        Sun.-M-on.,  June  24  and  25
                                                                    But-". Special music at the service  FOR  SALE:  Diamond  engagement   "THE  CORN  IS  GREEN"
                                                                    in the theatre will be by the Treas-  ring;  real  bargain.  Contact  Lt.  Bette Davis   John  Dall
                                                                    ure  Island  Jubilee  Choir.    Paul L.  Anderson on PYC  11.
                                                                                                                                 Tuesday,  June  26
                                                                       Organ  Recitals  Wednesdays
                                                                                                   WANTED:  Furnished  apartment     "A  GUY  NAMED  JOE"
                                                                      Organ  recitals by Allan Gastren,
                                                                                                    by  Navy  lieutenant.  Call  The  Spencer Tracy   Irene Dunne
                                                                    PhM2c,  are  open  to  all  hands  at   Masthead,  extension  69.
                                                                    the   Treasure   Island   Hospital                           Wednesday, June 27
                                                                    Chapel  every  Wednesday  at  1215   WANTED:  Housekeeper,  prefer-  "TWICE  BLESSED"
                                                                    and again at 1400. The  program an-  ably  the  wife  of  a  serviceman.  Preston  Foster   Gail  Patrick
                                                                    nounced  for  Wednesday  27  June   Large spacious  room,  board  and   "BROADWAY  MANEUVERS"   ~
                                                                    includes:                       some  stipend.  Contact  Lt.  L.  D.   USO  Show  -  1930
                                                                    Prelude  and  Fugue  in  G  Minor   Boshes,  Yerba  Buena  Island :  Thursday, June 28
                                                                                                    Garfield  3169,  Extension  103.  At
                                                                      (Little)  .... . ............. Bach                             "TWICE  BLESSED"
                                                                                                    Home:  Overland  8521.
                                                                    Gavotte  (Suite  in D  Major) . . Bach                       Preston  Foster   Gail  P atrick
        and  sailors  at  Radi-o  Materiel  sign  up  f.or  their  contributi-ons  to  the   Be Thou But N ear (Chorale) . . Bach  Andante Cantabile (5th  Symphony)  Fri.-Sat.,  June  29  and  30
        "Mighty  Seventh"  War  Loan  Drive  at  the  activity's  bond  booth.  RMS   Sketch in C  Minor ...... Schumann   Tschaikowsky   "IT'S  IN  THE  BAG"
        sales  now total  $21 ,500.00.                              A  Netherland Folk Song .Jan Zwart  March Slav  ... . .... Tschaikowsky  Fred Allen   Jack  Benny
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