Page 163 - Mastheads July-Dec 1945
P. 163

THE  MASTHEAD,  SATURDAY,  NOV.  17,  1945       PAGE  3
                                                                             • • •
            SERMONETTE                                          Treasure and Verba Buena Islands   OPERATIONAL
                                                                      DIVINE  SERVICES
                                                                                             TRAn~u  G SCHOOL

                   GIVE  ME  THE SAME  THING                                                   Come  on  you  swimmers  and   · Until  further  n,,  mat-
                                                                                             divers,  here  is  your  chance  for   inees  will  be  shown  at all  the-
               By CHAPLAI~  J.C.  JOHNSON, Receiving Ship                                    fame  and glory;  Ensign R.  Haw-  atres on  week days starting at
                                                                                             kins,  OTS  Athletic  Officer  an-  1500. Sundays starting at 1400.
          The words  "give me the  same thing"  have probably been                           nounces  that  the  Commodore
                                                                                             Trophy  Swimming  Meet  will  be
       uttered  in  bars  and  restaurants  throughout  the  world  much   Sunday  Services   held  November  27th.  If  you  are
                                                                        Protestant  Worship                                Treasure  Island Theatre  No.  1
       oftener than anywhere else, but we heard them said once in a   Treasure  and  Yerba  Buena  I slands   interested  in  being  part  of  an
                                                                Tr eas,ue  Island  Chapel-0930 and  1030  OTS  team stop by at the "muscle
       very  reverent  tone.                                    Oom1mi_nion-1130  (Chapel)                                Last  Showing  T,onight
                                                                Hospital  Chapel-1000        factory,"  Room  128  . .. The Offi-
          Two  old  Navy  Chief  Petty  Officers  with  our  outfit  were   Theatre  No.  3-1030   cers Bowling team smashes ahead   "ENCHANTED  FORES~•
                                                                Embar kation Ship's Service  Chapel  0700   with  teping  victories  in  all  Edmund Lowe   ··Brenda Joyce
       close  buddies.  One was  married.  The other,  a  bachelor,  was   Yer ba  Buena  Island  '£heatre-0930   branches  of  the  tournament.  Lt:
                                                                         Catholic  Masses
       planning  to  marry.  After  consulting  the  Chaplain  about  the  Treasur e  I sland  Chapel-0630,  0720  and  (jg)  Miller  took  third  place  in   Sun.-M,on.,  N-ov.  18-19
                                                                    0820                     the singles with 519 pins,  (second   "THE FALL"l:aN  ANGEL"
       plans for the wedding, the Chaplain asked him about his rela- Theatr e  No.  1- 1030
                                                                Hospital  Chapel-0630 and  0900   place  bowled 520.)' Lt.  Jones  and  Alice  Faye   Dana Andr.ews
       tionship to his God. The Chief admitted none, but thought he  J,;mbar l<ation  l::ihip ' s  Ser vice  Chapel  -  Ensign  Rowlett  took  fifth  place
       ought  to  establish  one.  Both  were  present  at  worship  next   Yer ba  ,,uena  Island  'l'hcati·e-0830   in the doubles  while the five  man   Tuesday,  Nov.  20
                                                                Uontess10ns  (Yjj  'l'neatre  u ,rtce)  0800
                                                                                             ~earn  of  Comdr.  McWhinnie,  Lt.   "PURSUIT  TO  ALGIERS"
       Sunday  and  both  stayed  for the  examination  and .baptism  of   Mormon  :stua.y  Group   Sheller,  Lt.  Hanford,  Lt.  Dewey  Basil Rathbone   Nigel  Bruce
                                                                i 'neatre  l'lo.  ~--V\::J;jV
       the  Chief  who  planned  to  marry.  After  the  examination  in                     and Ens.  Norton  took fourth  . ..
                                                                     W:t:EKDAY  AC:.rrv1-,:1ES                            Wed.-Thurs.,  N-ov.  21-22
       faith  and baptism in the name of the Triune God,· the Chap-  D aily--.lY.La::-ses  ( i::iJnaH  u n ape1,  'l'reasu rt:::   A  very  fast  LCI  team  spelled
                                                                    J.SU\..u.UJ  J.l vv  a uu  J. 06v   doom for OTS in the first game ot   "FOLLOW  THAT  WOMAN"
       lain was about to pronounce the benediction when the married  Dai!y-vvu:tess1ons  \ i:::>HHJ.J.l  vnapel, Treas-  the  season,  the  final  tab  was  56- William  Gargan   Nancy Kelly
                                                                    ure  J.s1ana.J
       man  spoke  up:  "Chaplain, give me  the same  thing."   lJaiiy-Masses  \Hospital  Unape!J-U64&  44  and  Wood,  Sp (A) 2c,  came
                                                                .uau ,r  -  .ru.asstis   \~.1.uua..l'.l{c:u,.1.011  ::;1np  s   Fri-Sat.,  Nov. 23-24
                                                                   i:servi c~  \Jll&pe.1,  .1. ovv   through  as  high  point  man  for
          You probably have a  buddy.  You might be  together in  a  Daily  -  .Lr oi;;e::H.allt  h' 01·su1p  :::ier v1ce -  the  game.   "SNAFU"
                                                                    J. 4ilU  \.lirnua1·.n..at10n  i:::>J.up · s  c1:.1·v.1c~
       restaurant  and  find  steak on  the menu and order it.  He says,   u11ape11          Demobi lizati,on             Nanette Parks  Robert Benchley
                                                                ll1ono.ay·-JjJessed  Virgin  Soe1a11ty  (.l!'irst   To  the  ranks  of  civilian  first
       "Give me the same  thing."  No harm can  come of that if you   J.Y.LOllCiay O!  i;.Qc  JlJ..v .u.t.a J  J. r,vv  \ uu1U-JJ.
                                                                   unape1/                   class  we  have  contributed  the
       can pay the bill.  You might be together in a bar and order a   J.1uesuay  -  ].fir aculous  Medal  .Noveua 1   following men:  Herschell, Sp ( T) -  -Treasure 'island Thea.tre ·No.  2
                                                                   1830  (Large  Cnapel/
       drink. He says,  "Give me the same thing." Harm can come of   ·r uesC1ay-Ulll"1suan .:;c,ence  Group,  1800  le;  Petrik,  RdM2c; -Levy,  SKle;;   Last  Showing  Tonight
                                                                    (Vnapel  Keceptio11  .ttoom J
                                                                Tuesa. .. y  -  lioly  !-lame  .::ioc1ety,  1915  Olney,  GM3c;  McIntyre,  Cox;
       that.  Or you might be  together in Church and he finds  your   ( .:;mall  Onapel )   Bailey,  RdM2c;   Morris,   Slc;   "TOO  YOUNG  TO  KNOW"
                                                                Wednesdays  -  Uhristian  Service1ne.n ' s
       God.  Maybe he'il  be  another one to  say,  "Give me  the same   L eague,  183u  l Unapel  itecept10n  Canepa,  BM2c;  Staggs,  GMlc;  Robert  Hutton   Joan  Leslie
       thing."                                                  Wednesday -  Organ  Recital  (Hospital  Swtochak,  CEM;  Hurd,  BM2c;   Sun.-Mon.,  Nov.  18-19
                                                                   ()nap e!)  l ~l o  and  l 4UU
                                                                T b.urselay  -  Ullapel  Unoir  Rehearsal   Stanfield,  CRM;  Mayville,  CM2c.
                                                                    (U11apeJ· Ga.ue.-y/  18UU   Facets                    "SHE  WOULDN'T_ SAY  YES"
                                                                Fi-iday-" ave  .:;rngers  ;-,;enearsal  ( Chap-           Rosalind  Russell   Lee  Bowman
                                                                    el  Reception  i·coom/  1 8uu   Lt. Clinton Keay leaves the En-
       Former NAIii Hangar Can lunlt 6,000                      F riday  -  .i,1ormon  l::itudy  llroup,  1830   gineering  Department_ for  Wash-
                                                                    \ Uhapei  u-allery /
                                                                Friday  -  Jewish  l::iervices  (Hospital  ington,  D.  C.  and  a  grey  flannel   T-uesday,  Nov.  20
                                                                    vnapel)  190U                                          "SING  YOUR  WAY  HOME"
                                                                Saturo.a1  -  vonressions  (Small  Uhape-1,  suit . .. Looking out for the wel-
                                                                   'J. rt:::asure  .1.::..1.a.u.uJ  J.4vv-~vvu            Jack  Haley     Anne J effreys
                                                                i:,atur uay -  \Jo).11ess10ns  \ 1-.1osp1tal  Chap-  fare of the city of San Francisco,
                                                                    ~.11  l l:>Vu-.1.~vv     we  have Gus Grieve! on shore pa-
                                                                                                                          Wed.-Thurs.,  N-ov.  21-22
                                                                                             trol  .  .  .  Oscar  Geror,  Slc,  and
                                                                                                                             "IT  ALL  CAME  TRUE"
                                                                                             the  station wagon have made up,
                                                                                                                          Ann Sheridan,  Humphrey Bogart
                                                                AT  THE  CHAPEL  • • •  they are together always . .. Did
                                                                                             you  know that our own Lt. Wen-
                                                                     Thanksgiving  Services   dell  was  quite  the  cake-baker?   Fri-Sat.,  N-ov.  23-24
                                                                                                                            "ENCHANTED  FOREST"
                                                                  Thanksgiving  will  be  observed  His  efforts  have  been so  success-
                                                                at Protestant Worship services in  ful that the Yeoman,  beneficiaries   Edmund Lowe   Brenda Joyce
                                                                the  Treasure  Island  Chapel  Sun- of  his great talent are  said  to  be
                                                                day,  Nov.  18.              starting  a  "Watch  your  waist-  Treasur,e  Island  Theatre  No.  3
                                                                                             line" campaign .. . The Navy will
                                                                  Chaplain  H.  G.  Gatlin  will  de-
                                                                liver  a  Thanksgiving  sermon  en-  be putting Lt. Friedle on its com-  Last  Showing  Tonight
                                                                titled  "We  Give  Thanks,"  at  the   missions  to  be  paid  list;  he  de-  "SNAFU"
                                                                1030  service  Sunday  morning.  At   serves many congratulations upon   Nanette Parks  Robert Benchley
                                                                0930  Chaplain Bernard H.  Kinzer   the  success  of  his  recent  "Ship-
                                                                will  speak  on  "The  Singing   ping Over"  talk  .  .  .  Lt.  Simpson   Sun.-Mon.,  Nov.  18·19
                                                                Heart."                      joins  the  ranks  of  instructors at   "THE  SPIDER"
                                                                                             OTs;  she is now teaching coding;
                                                                  Special  music  at  both  services   seems  like  a  scheme  to  increase   Richard  Conte   Faye  Marlowe
                                                                will include a special arrangement   the  classes to  us!  ... Chief  But-
                                                                of "Now Thank We All Our God"   !er,  delivering  eggs  in  the  mom-  Tuesday,  Nov.  20
                                                                (Cruger-Mueller)  sung by a  dou-  ing,  is  quite  the  sight  to  behold.   "CR IM SON  CANARY"
                                                                ble  quartette,  and the  anthem  by
       NO  LONGER A  ROOST FOR  NAAF PLAN ES,  Hangar "B" has been                           .  .  .  Welcome  aboard  to · E .  F .  Noah Beery,  Jr.   Lois  Collier
       outfitted with some 3,000 bun ks so that ov,erflow personn,el  T. 1.'s   the  Chapel  choir,  "O  Lord,  How   Casey,  SMlc;  he  comes  to  us  Wed.-Thurs.,  Nov. 21-22
       Receiving  Ship  ma,y  hav,e  a  place  to  drop  their  weary  bodies.  On  Manifold Are Thy Works"  (Bam-
       moments  notice,  Public  Works  scoured  from  Los  Angeles  to  the  by) . Hugh Folkins, Sp (W) le, will   from the Section Base, and a  tour   "SAN  ANTON  10 ,,
       Oregon  border and  east to  Nevada to dig  up  the double-racks.                     of  duty  on  the  YMS  145  in  the
                                                                conduct  the  choir  and  Ross  Mc-                       Errol Flynn      Alexis Smith
                                                                                             Pacific  area.
                                                                Kee,  Sp (W) 2c,  will  play  the  fol-
       Navy Offers Vets            A Couple of Bucks Will       lowing  organ  solos:  "Ode  to                           Fri.-Sat.,  N-ov.  23-24
                                                                Thanksgiving"  (Beethoven)  and   and  "God  of  Our   Fathers"   "THIS  LOVE  OF  OURS"
       Trip  East on Ships         Reinstate Insurance          "Triumphal  March"  (Grieg) .   (George  Warren) .        Merle Oberon    Claude Rains
                                                                        Theatr-e  No.  3
        Incoming veterans will be given   NEW YORK  (CNS) -  Several   Corporal Kathleen Reece of the   Organ  Recital         Verba  Buena  Movi,es
       an  opportunity  to  volunteer  for  billion dollars worth of lapsed Na-  Marine  Corps  Women's  Reserve   Allan  J.  Gastren,  PhM2c,  will
       transportation  to  East  and  Gulf  tional Service Life Insurance held   will  be  guest  soloist  at  Worship   play  a  special  Thanksgiving  or-  Last  Showing  Tonight
       ports  aboard  thirty  ships  of  de- by World War II vets can still be               gan recital at the Hospital Chapel
                                                                services in Theatre  No.  3  Sunday                        "FOLLOW  THAT  WOMAN"
       stroyer size or larger, the Twelfth  reinstated, usually for only a  few              Wednesday, November 21, at 1215.
                                                                at 1030.  She will sing "Thanks Be                        William  Gargan   Nancy  Kelly
       Naval  District  headquarters  an- dollars,  says the Institute of Life               All  Naval  personnel  and  their
                                                                to  God"  (Dickenson) ,  in  observ-
       nounced this week.          Insurance, the information organ-  ance  of  Thanksgiving.  Andrew:   guests are invited to hear the fol-  Sun.-M,on.,  Nov.  18-19
        Intended  to  prevent  a  backlog  ization of the insurance industry,   Flanders,  Slc,  a  student at Radio   lowing program:   "THIS  LOVE  OF  OURS"
       of dischargees awaiting transpor- which  urges  servicemen  to  keep   Materiel  school,  will  be  organist,  Overture to the Opera "Alcina"   Merle Oberon   Claude Rains
       tation  at  Pacific  ports,  the  pro- their  GI  policies.   and the  sermon will  be  by  Chap-  ... .. , ... . .. . . . .. . . . ... Handel
       posal  was  made  by  Adm.  Royal   Policies  can  be  put  back  in  lain J . W. Baus.   Aria  . ........ .. . .. Mendelssohn  Tuesday,  Nov.  20
       E .  Ingersoll,  commander  of  the   force  if  they  have  lapsed  if  -'P·   Chaplain  C.  H .  Loveland  will  Old  French  Chanson   ".BIRTH  OF  THE  BLUES"
       Western  Sea  Frontier,  and  ap-  plication  is  made  in  6  months,  speak  on  "Being  Grateful  for   . .... .. .. .. Composer unknown   Bing Crosby
       proved  by  the  Bureau  of  Naval
                                   provided  the  owner  was  in  good  Obstacles"  at Thanksgiving  serv- Andante  con  moto  ( Symphony
       Personnel in Washington,  D.  C.   health when the policy lapsed.  In  ices  in  the  Hospital  Chapel  Sun-  No.  5)  . ... . ......... Schubert   Wed.-Thurs.,  Nov.  21-22
                                   the case of unconverted insurance,  day,  November 18,  at 1000.  Allen                      "THE  SPIDER"
                                                                                             Ode  to  Thanksgiving .. Beethoven  Richard Conte   Faye Marlowe
        Californian  in  Florida  fruit  payment of one month's  back _t;>re- Treat,  PhMlc,  baritone  soloist,
                                                                                             Come,  Ye  Thankful  People.Elvey
       store,  picking  up  a  watermelon:  mium  is  all  that  is  L·e-;:ess~ry.  will  sing  "Thanks  Be  to  God"
       How much is this cucum1er?   Converted policies, of which there  (Dickenson) ,  and  Allan  Gastren,   Triumphal  March .. . .... .. Grieg  Fri.-Sat.,  Nov.  23-24
        Clerk:  All  right,  buddy,  put  are  but few,  muse  ':>e  paid  up  in  PhM2c,  organist,  will  play  "Ode  Conce,:t  Fantasy on  American   "SAN  ANTONIO"
       down that grape.            full.                        to  Thanksgiving"  · (Beethoven) ,   Airs .. . ............ ... . Diggle  Errol Flynn   Alexis Smith
   158   159   160   161   162   163   164   165   166   167   168