Page 175 - Mastheads Jan-June 1945
P. 175

U.S. Naval Training and Distribution Center

       VOL.  IV -  No.  16                                  TREASURE  ISLAND, SAN  FRANCISCO, CALIF.                                SATURDAY, JUN€ 2,  1945

       T.  I.  Pre-Embarkat.ion  Center  Melting  Pot  for  Men  Going  Overseas

       Rationing  of  Cigarets,                                                                                               Miraculous  Growth

      Other  Tobaccos  To  Be                                                                                               • Seen  After  One

      Started  on T. I. Tomorrow                                                                                              Year  in  Operation
        According  to  a  late  news  bulletin
       as  we  go  to  press,  cigarets  and                                                                                    Having  expanded  four  times  its
      other tobacc,os  will. g,o on  the  rati.on                                                                             original  size  in  a  period  of  12
      list  to  all  naval  personnel ,of  Treas-                                                                             months,  Treasure  Island  Pre-Em-
      ure  Island tomorrow.  Due to  lack of                                                                                  ·barkation  Center,  final  point of or-
      space  only  the  highlights  ,of  the                                                                                  ganization  for  fighting  men  en-
      ration  program  are  being  given.                                                                                     route  to  Pacific war zones,  became
       Other informati-on  will  be  published                                                                              ii  one year old Tuesday, May 22-, with
      in  next  week's  issue  ,of  The  Mast-                                                                                Commander H. S. Doulton,  veteran
      head.  The bulletin  reads,  in  part, as                                                                               of many Pacific  campaigns,  still in
      follows:                                                                                                                command.
        Subject:  Rationing  of  cigarets,                                                                                    Administrative  Command
      cigars  and  smoking  tobacco  sold                                                                                       With the war in the Pacific being
      through  Navy,  Marine  Corps  and                                                                                      geared  to  its  maximum  tempo,  a
      Coast Guard  resale  activities.                                                                                        continuous  flow  of  men  and  equip-
        Effective  with  the  week  com-                                                                                      ment through this  gigantic  assem-
      mencing June 3,  the ration plan for                                                                                    bly  pool- the  only  one  of  its  kind
      cigarets, cigars and smoking tobac-                                                                                     in  the  United  States-made  it
      co  herein  described  will  be  placed                                                                                 necessary  to  perfect  its  organiza-
      in  effect  in  all  resale  activities  in                                                                             tion to a  point where the time-table
      the naval establishments within the                                                                                     in  the  Pacific  could  be  met  when
      forty-eight  states  of  the  United                                                                                    scheduled.
      States and the District of Columbia.                                                                                      The  job,  at  times,  of  keeping  a
      The  Navy Tobacco  Rati.oning  Card:                                                                                    man in the same condition in which
        Serially  numbered  ration  cards,                                                                                    he comes until he shoves off c_an be-
      prescrfbed  and  procured  by  the                                                                                      come  increasingly  difficult,  some-
      Chief  of  Naval  Personnel,  will  be                                                                                  times painstaking. Especially, if the
      distributed  throughout  the  naval                                                                                     man  needs  a  variety  of  services-
      establishment  within  the  conti-  DESTINATION  OVERSEAS-Having  been  pro-  minute  services  without  causing  a  delay  in  ships   from  getting a  toothbrush to clean
      nental  United  States.       c_essed  and  equipped  at  Treasure  Island  Pre-Em-  schedule.  Buses  and  trucks  from  the  transportation   his teeth to  getting a  legal adviser
        Ration  cards  will  be  non-trans- barkati-on  Center,  these  bluejackets  have  been  mus-  pool  at Treasure  Island  stand  by  to  carry  the  blue- to  help  clean  up  his  domestic  en-
                                    tered  at  the  assembly  shed  and  are  ready  to  shove   jackets  and  their  sea-going  gear  to  a  point  where  tanglements.  To  give  adequate
      ferable  and  may  be  used  only  by   off  f.or  duty  overseas.  A  systematic  pr-ogram  has   they  will  leave  to  meet  the  time-table  schedule  in
      the  person to whom  issued.  When-  been  worked -out  by  the  administrative  staff of  Pre-  the  Pacific  theatre  of  war.  As  the war  intensifies  it   service  to  men  who  need  it  are
      ever any cards are found in  use  by  Embarkation  to  enable  each  man  to  receive  last-  will  be  necessary for this activity to expand further.   several  essential  activities  which
      persons  other  than  those  to  whom                                                                                   require  an  extensive  staff  of  of-
      issued,  they will be confiscated and                                                                                   ficers,  ship's  company  and  ship's
      a  report  of  the  confiscation  made  Motor Scooter,      Navy May Publish              YOUR  BLOOD  FOR              service  personnel.
      to  the  commanding  officer  of  the                       Daily Paper in  Pacific       T.  l.'S  BLOOD  BANK           Executive  Officer  in  the  admin-
      issuing activity.             Truck,  Collide                 The  Navy  has  under  considera-                         istrative  command  is  Commander
                                                                                                                              D.  D.  Parke,  who  recently  com-
        Ration  cards  of  uniformed  per-
      sonnel  of  the Army,  Navy,  Marine  Near Post  Office     tion  the  establishment  of  a  daily   You  have  a  chance  to help  your   pleted 38 months at the Canal Zone
      Corps,  Coast  Guard  and  Allied   There  was  a  small  report  slip   newspaper  in  the  Guam  area,  ac-  own  shipmates  here  on  Treasure   Naval  Station,  Balboa.  Port Direc-
                                                                                                Island by giving your  blood to the
      Armed  Forces  will  be  honored  for   lying on some commanding officer's   cording to Navy Department Office   Treasure  Island  Blood  Bank,  lo-  tor  Liaison  Officer is  Lt.  E.  Bing-
      sa1e  purposes  interchangeably  at   desk this week. They call it "Treas-  of  Public  Relations.   cated  on  4th  Street  between  the   ham,  who helped pioneer,  plan,  ex-
      Army,  Navy,  Marine  Corps  and                              If  Fleet  Admiral  Chester  W.                           periment  and  execute  this  grea.t
                                    ure Island Shore Patrol Report."  A                         School of Tropical Medicine and the   program  from  a  tiny  "hole  in  the
      Coast  Guard  resale  activities,  pro-                     Nimitz  agrees  it  will  probably  be
                                    Shore Patrol fills  it out if anything  established.        nurses'  quarters.
      vided that under local station rules                                                                                    wall"  at Barracks J  to its  present
                                    goes wrong on his beat- a  more or                            The bank will. receive your blood  size. Other Pre-Embarkation activi-
      the  person  holding  the  card  is   less  routine  procedure.  The  beats
      normally  authorized  to  make  pur-  are pretty  quiet,  evidently,  for  the   along  an  instant  earlier.' It  would   during the day,  but the  best hours  ties  include  Ship's  Service  No.  3,
      chases  in  the  resale  activity  con-  book  of  report forms  we  saw was   have  been  caught  under  the  rear   are  0830,  1130  and  1430  daily.  BOQ,  the  Chaplain  ·Department,
      cerned.                       quite  badly  dog-eared from  wear.   wheels  of  the  truck.  The  scooter   Coffee  and  doughnuts  are  served  Dispensary,   Processing  Depart-
        Ration  cards  will  be  issued  only                     might  well  have  been  one  of  the   to  all  donors,  as  well  as  a  certi- ment, Duty Office, Legal Assistance
                                      The  report we have in mind tells                         ficate showing the date of donation.  Office,  and  the  Red  Cross.
      upon application as follows:                                intra-island  buses  that would have
                                    of an accident that happened down                                                         Morale Services  Increase
        1.  One  ration  card  only  to  each                     made a  pretty big dent in the small-  The  Treasure  Island  hospital,
                                    by  the  Post  Office.  It  seems  the                                                      "Ship's Service  No.  3  is the  big-
      uniformed  person  in  the  Navy,                           er truck.                     ships  in  the  bay  and  individual
                                    driver  of  a  half-ton  truck  backed                                                    gest  morale  factor  we  have  here,
      Marine  Corps  and Coast Guard.                               The moral of this story is this: It : cases  are  a  constant  drain  on  the
        2.  One  ration  card  only  to  each   into  the  street  apparently  without   is  the  responsibility  of  every  per- precious  blood  supply.  All types of   and  we  would  be  lost  without  it,"
      adult  civilian  authorized  by  law   looking where he was going. At the   son  on  the  island-whether in  the  blood  are  in  constant  demand.   says Commander Parke. "The chap-
      and/or  regulations  to  purchase  at   same instant a  motor scooter came   service  or · civilian;  driver  of  a   It  takes  only  a  few  minutes  to   lains,"  he  continued,  "do  very  ef-
                                    bounding down  the street and  con-                                                       fective  work  and  has  been  found
      any of the  various naval resale ac-                        scooter,  truck,  automobile,  or sim-  make  a  donation,  and  you  have
                                    nected  with  the  truck  with  a  jolt                                                   to be advantageous to all.  They in-
      tivities.                                                   ply  a  pedestrian- to  be  constantly   helped  a  shipmate here  on T.  I.
                                    that sent it reeling. After the nam-e-                                                    corporate  their  religious  activities
        3.  One  card  to  any  uniformed                         on the alert to prevent needless ac-  When  you  pass  the  blood  bank
      person  in  the  other  Allied  Armed   taking  was  conducted  by  the  SP,   cidents  that  do  nothing  to  hasten  today  or  tomorrow,  stop  in  and  Continued  on  Page  2-
                                    the driver of  the truck hustled  the
      Forces stationed at any Navy,  Ma-                          our journey to Tokyo.         give  the  pint that will  save  a  life!
      rine Corps or Coast Guard activity.   scooter  operator  over  to  the  dis-
        4.  Each person to whom a  ration   pensary to have a  small cut on  his                                              HOLLYWOOD  VICTORY
      card  is  issued  in  accordance  with   hand treated.            ADD  TO  CASUALTY  LIST:  ONE  SCOOTER -
      the  provisions  of  this·  sub-para-  The  last  we  saw  of  the  fallen                                              SHOW  TONIGHT
      graph  will  receipt  for  the  ration  motor scooter it was lying stricken
      card issued to him,  and a  record of  on  its side in a  small pool  of gaso-                                          AT  THEATRE  NO.  1
      applications  and  receipt  of  cards  line.  Not  a  v<;ry  serious  accident,
      will be maintained on the station.   we  grant  you.  But  it  could  have                                               The  twelfth  Hollywood  Victory
        The  weekly  tobacco  rati-on  is  been.                                                                              show  will  be  served  piping  hot  to
      initially  established  at  two  ration   Suppose  the  scooter  had  come                                              an  eager ;i,udience  tonight at 1730.
      points, each of which points author-                                                                                    The  Shoemaker  Swing  Band  will
      izes  ·the  purchase  of  (a)  three                                                                                    play and it is rumored that among
      packages ,of cigarets, or  (b)  twelve                                                                                  the entertainers  ( cleverly hidden of
      cigars, or (c)  on,e  package of smok- DANCE  TONITE !                                                                 ·course),  will  be  Groucho Marx and
      ing  t,obacco  of  approximately  two
      ounces.  The  Chief  of  Naval  Per- SAILORS  AND  WAVES!                                                             ~  George  Murphy.
                                                                                                                               The  first  show  will  be  at  1730
      sonnel  may,  when  conditi,ons  per-                                                                                   and  the  second . at  1930.  Tickets
                                      The  Alame·da  Coast  Guard
      mit or  necessitate,  revise  the  value                                                                                may  be · obtained  from  the  various
                                     band  will  play  for  the  Treasure
      of the ration  point. Only one week's                                                                                   W,elfare  officers.  Those  unable  to
                                     Island  dance  at  Gym  No.  1  to-
      rati-on  may  be  purchased  at  one                                                                                    obtain · tickets  may  get  in  the
                                     night.  The  dance  will  begin  at
      time,  ,except  that  when  smoking                                                                                     "stragglers" line at the Theatre en-
                                     2000  and -civilian  hostesses,  sail-
      tobacco  is  sold  in  larger  than  two   ors and  Waves will  swing ,out till                                         trance  and  they  stand  a  good
      o·unce  units,  the  purchaser's  ration   the  last  tune  ends  the  affair  at                                      ·chance  of  being admitted to  either
      card  will  be  punched  ahead,  one   2330.                                                                            show  without  a  ticket.  The  Holly-
      ration  point  f.or  each  full  two                                                                                    wood  Victory  commit.tee  has  al-
      ounces.                          Men  may  obtain  tickets 'from                                                        rea,dy  brought Edgar Bergen,  Dick
       The  ration  point  allowance  for   their own Welfare officers. Waves    ~ •  ~ '*                                    Powell,  Eddie  Bracken,  Danny
      any  week  is  cancelled' if  not  used   will  not  require  tickets  for  ad-                                         Kaye,  Jose  Iturbi  and  Jep.nette
      during  the  week  in  which  applic-  mission.             BOL/N'D  FOR  HOSPITAL  is the scooter that collided with a  truck near   MacDonald  to  Treasure  Island  au-
                                                                  the Post:-Office recently.  Robert H, Wheeler, TM3c, Shore Patrol on duty,  diences·.
      able.                                                       takes the number of the vehicle for his report.
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