Page 130 - Mastheads July-Dec 1945
P. 130

PAGE  2    THE  MASTHEAD,  SATURDAY,  OCTOBER  20,  1945                                                            CHANGE  OF  SCENERY
                                                                    NAVY  POINT  SCORE CUT;  MILLION                           (SEA)  -  After  receiving  the
                                                                                                                             Navy Cross in a citation signed_by
                  ~     T           ASTHEAD                    l:f TO  BE  OUT  OF  SERVICE  THIS  YEAR                      the  late  Secretary  o.f  the  Navy
                                                                                                                             Knox,  Lt. -Colonel  James D.  Dev-
                                                                    Continued  from  page  1-   The   announcement   said   the   ereux, USMC,  remarked "I'm now
                                                                                                                             going  to  see  'Wake  Island.' "  He''!'  .'
          Official  Treasure  1, land  publication,  distributed  every  Saturday  witho.ut  ~ost  to  the  offi~ers,   scores  of  yeomen  and  storekeep- is,  of course, hero  of the movie.  t'  '. .
          enlisted  personnel  and  employees  of  Trea~ure  Island.  All  commun1cat1ons  and  contr1bu~  as  possible;  and  second,  a  deter- ers  will  not  be  reduced  Novem-  1   'I,-.
          lions  should  be  directed  to  The  Ed .tor,  Welfare  Divisi.on,  TADCEN,  Treasure . Island,.  San   mination  to  keep  demobiliza- ber  1  because  of  need  for  their   i  ··
          Francisco,  California.  Telephone:  EXbrook  3931,  Extension  69.  The  Mast~ead  IS  published
          in  compliance  with  regulations  of  SecNav  letter  of  May  28,  1945,  and  is  produced  com- tion  promises  practicable  and  at-  Birmingham.  The  last  few  years
          -mercially  from  non-appropriated  Welfare  Funds  at  no  expen·e  t'?  t~e  Navy  Depa(t~ent  tainable.   services.   I've  been  stationed  on  the  USS
          or  Government.  The  Masthead. is  a  member :if  the  Twe!fth  Nava!  D,strict  Press  Association,   Specialists  of  classification  and
          t,he  Ship's  Ed·torial  A-sociat1on  and  receives  material  supplied  by  Camp  Newspaper   The  Navy  announced  the  fol -  .   Boston  and  also  the  USS  Balti-
          Service.  Reproduction  of  credited  material  prohibited  without  perm'ssion  of  SEA  and  CNS .   ·   t·  ·  t  d  f  t   mailmen who have been ineligible   more.  I  know  what  I'm  talking
                                                                    1  owmg  an 1c1pa  e   u  ure  re- for  release  under the point form-
                                                                           ·  t
                                                                      .  d
                           COMMODORE  R.  W.  CARY,  USN            qmre  porn  -scores : .     ula  will  become  eligible  Novem·-  about when on the subject of ship
                    Commander  U.  S.  Naval  Training  and  Distripution  Center                                            life.  And I  say shore duty outside
                                                                     For  male  officers,  other  than  ber  1,  with  sco-res  of  44  points
                            CLYDE  F.  BABB,  Sp(X)3c,  USNR        doctors:  December  1- 44;  Jan- for  men  and 29  for women.   the USA stinks compared to being
                                     Editor ·                                                                                aboard ship. Not only have you  a
                                                                    uary 1-43.                    Still  in  frozen  ratings,  not  eli-
          Carolyn  N.  Brown,  Ylc,  Waves  Editor   Robert  H.  Perez,  BM2c,  Sports  Editor   For  enlisted  male  personnel:  gible  for  discharge  under  the   better  chance  to  see  the  sights,
                       Edward  L.  Levitt,  SK2c-Features  and  Activities                                                   but  you  never  stay  in  one  place
                                                                    December 1- 39;  January  1-38.  po-int  system  are  these  classifica-
                                                                                                                             1ong  enough to get fed  up  on  the
                                                                     For  Wave  officers:  December  tions :  Specialists  (S)  shore  pa-
          TREASURE  ISLAND,  S.  F.,  CALIF.,  SATURDAY,  OCT.  20,  1945                                                    same  scenery.  The  ship  is  con-
                                                                    1- 30;  January  1- 29.     tml;  specialists  (I)  punch  card   tinually  moving,  which  affords
                                                                     For .enlisted  Waves:  December  accounting   machine   operator;   you an opportunity to  see a  lot o.f
          JUST  PATTER                                              1-24;  January  1-23.       spe-cialist  (X)  key  punch  opera-  things  you would  otherwise mi'ss.
                                                                     For  medical  officers:  Decem- tor;  specialist  (X)  transporta-
                                                                                                                             On  a  ship  you  have  a  permanent
                                       bright lights in years.  The city is  ber 1-53; January 1- 51.   tion; storekeeper  (D)  disbursing;  job,  and  aren't  subject  to  one  of
            The poor ricksha coolie will get
                                       policed by 128 shore patrolmen.   Some  Ignored          physical   th erapiS ;  occupational  those  sudden transfers which  are
          only  $500  a  minute  for  pulling    *  *  *
                                                                     Point  scores  for  yeomen  and  therapist.  About  22,650  men  are  so  common on shore bases.
          American  sailors  through  the                           storekeepers  remain  unchanged.  in  these  classifications.      *  *
          streets  of  Shanghai  under  a   Widow, writing to an insurance  ~-----------------------------~                                  *
          strict  Navy  order  issued  this  company:  You  have  asked  me  to                                                Sam Tyl-er,  RdM2c,  RecShip. O.f
          week.  The  $500  is  puppet money.  fill  out  so  many  proofs  of  claim  ,,. ,. e  ls 'and  ,,.  O tier        what I've  seen of shore  duty out-
          It's worth only about a  third of an  and  I  have · had  so  much  trouble  I  ff   I  l   I  f                   side  the  continental  limits  of  the
          American  cent.  Some  sailors  getting my money that sometimes  ======================                            USA,  I'd  prefer  a  ship  anytime.
          loaded  with  accumulated  pay,  I  wish  my husband  had  not  died.                                              Having  duty on practically any is-
          have  been  handing  the  ricksha      *  *  *              During the  war  which  type  partial due  to the fact that I  was  land in the Pacific during the war,
          pullers  one,  two  and  even  five   Treasure Island bluejackets and  duty did you pref er outside the  on  the  USS  Asheville  for  two  was no picnic.  Quite a  few  of my
          gold dollars for a  short trip.  This  veterans are warned against buy-               years,  but  I  think  living  condi- buddies  were  stationed on  a  rock
          is  more  than  a  coolie  usually   ;ng or trucks without  U.  S.  A.-ship or  shore?   tions  are· better  aboard  ship.  Ori  in  the  South  Pacific,  and  they
          makes in a whole month.  The order  first  checking  the  legal  ceiling   J,ohn  Lanier, TM3c,  PCTC. Give  a  v.essel  you  have an  opportunity  were situated there in that lonely
          was  designed  to  reduce  the high   ])rice  with  the  OP A.  Certain  un- me  a  ship,  anytime.  If you  get  to  get  back  to  the  states  more  spot  on  the  map  for  over  18
          cost  of  fun-making  in  Shanghai,  3crupulous dealers and individuals  stuck  on  one  of  those  foreign  often,  coupled  with  the  fact  that  months.  On  ship  it's  a  little  dif-
          where  hundreds  of  sailors  are  1re using illegal methods to  raise  bases,  they  seem  -to  forget  you  you hit modern ports occasionally.  ferent  story.  You're  constantly
          pouring ashore daily from a string  the  prices  of  automobiles  and  exist  On  board  ship  you  have  a  Chances for advancement are bet- on  the  move  · and  seeing  new
          of  ships in  Whangpoo.  The  Navy  trucks above  the legal ceilings. It  better  chance  of  moving  around  ter  at  sea,  also.  In  your  travels  surroundings.  Also  aboard  ship
          also posted warnings to "be care- ;s  against the  law for a  dealer to  and  seeing  different  things.  Ship  aboard  ship  you  invariably  hit  a  there's  more  of  a  cooperative
          ful what you drink." Five or more  force  you  to  buy  a  car  on  time  chow,  on  a  who.J.e,  is  supposed  to  place  where  there's  civilization.  spirit  among  all  hands.
          have  died  from  drinking  bad  ?ayments  when  you  are  willing  be  better than shore  chow-over- Whereas  many  sailors  stationed   *  *  *
          liquor, while others have lost their  to  pay cash.  It is against the law  .seas  version.  I  was  aboard  the  on  Pacific  atolls  haven't  enjoyed   Mari-o Costa, M-oMM2c, RecShip.
          eye  sight  entirely.  Officials  are  for -a  dealer to force  you to trade  USS  Bushnell,  a  sub-tender;  for  a  liberty in  over 20  months.   For  the  simple  reason  that  you
          well pleased with the overall  con- in  another  car  as  a  condition  O•f  two  years.  During  that  time  I   *  *  *   see  more  places  instead  of being
          duct  of  Navy  men  ashore.  Navy  sale.  If  you  have  been  over- saw enough of Pacific shore bases   Rafael  Barrientos,  CK1c,  Rec- stuck  in one hole for a  long time
          officers  have  been  complimented  charged  on  an  automobile  you  to convince  me ship  life  is better.  Ship ..  I  was  aboard  ship  during  -I'd pick  ship  over  shore.  I  had
          by  Chinese  city  officials  on  the  may sue the seller for three times   *  *  *   World  War I  and also  during the  most  of  my  duty  in  the  Mediter-
          good  behavior  of  their  enlisted  the  amount  of  the  overcharge. _  Joseph  Keville,  SM3c,  R-ecShip.  conflict  just completed.  In  1918  I  ranean  theatre  of operations.  we
          men  who  are  seeing  their  first  The OPA will help you  collect.   Duty afloat is the best. Maybe I'm  did  duty  on  the  heavy  cruiser  certainly  moved  around  on  that
                                                                                                                             slick  LCI,  and we  enjoyed seeing
                                                                                                                             some  wonderful  ·sights.  Aboard
                 RADIO  MATERIEL  SCHOOL                                                                                     ship  there's  not  that  formality
                                                                                                                             that one  goes  through at a  shore
                                                                                                                             base.  Living conditions  are better
                                                                                                                             and  the  chow,  most  of  the  time,
            The RMS War Chest Campaign  from  heavy  harmony  to  light                                                      is okeh.  Chalk me down as favor-
          is in full  swing and all  personnel  opera;  lovely  Wanda  Warren,                                               ing  ship  duty.
          have been contacted and given the  singing "swing"  and "low" in her
                                                                                                                                       *  *  *
          opportunity  to  contribute  to  a  own  inimitable  style;  Lucille  El-                                            Maynard  Sundt,  BM2c,  Rec-
          most worthwhile cause. "Over the  more,  petite  ventriloquist  of  un-                                            Ship. Time doesn't drag nearly so
          Top"  reports continue to come in  usual  versatility;  Romping  Red-                                              much aboard  ship as it does on a
          from  the  company  commanders  headed Bombshell Ida Lynne  in a
          who  thus  far  have  collected  the  clever  routine  of  Taps  'n  Tumb-                                         shore  base  overseas.  With  a  ship
                                                                                                                             you're  always  on  the  go,  hitting
          sum  of  $1,115  as  the  War  Chest  ling and  Carlyle,  magical camou-                                           ~his  port and that one.  The  mon-
          Campaign nears its final  days.   flage  expert  who  combined  a  lot                                             Jtony  of  staying  in  one  place  is
            Money  is  welcome  at all  times  of  fun  and  fooling.  This  proved                                          'lot  a  problem  for  sailors  aboard
          and can be brought in to the RMS  to  be  one  of  the  best  shows  we                                            , hip.  A  feeling  of  cooperation
          Chairman  in  the  Recreation  Of- have  had  as  yet  and  everyon e  is                                          ~eems  to  prevail  more  so  on ship
          fice,  Bldg. 28,  Room 107, and your  looking  forward  to  a  return  en-                                         than  on a  shore  base.
          companies will  be given credit.   gagement· of this gifted  group  of
                                                                                                                                       *  *  *
          RMS  Basketball              entertainers.                                                                           N-orbert  Schuck,  M M2c,  Rec-
            In  a  game  played  against  the  Coming  Events                                                                Ship.  Shore duty had a  little more
          Baptist  Service  Center  team  on   Tuesday,  October 23,  1945,  will                                            advantages than  ship duty during
          Friday,  October  12,  the  RMS  bring to RMS a:t~other of the well-                                               the war. Most of the vessels were
          quintet rolled  up  25  points in the  known  "City  of  San  Francisco"                                           ,ver  complemented  and  space  to
          first  quarter  to  score  their  sec- Shows.  We  ·have  been  fortunate                                          move  around  in  was  cut  in  half.
          ond consecutive win of the current  in securing this show at least once                                            Living  quarte,rs aboard  ship were_
          basketball  season.  The  Radiomen  a  month with a  new group  of  en-                                            naturally  crowded.  On  a  shore
          scored with ease and hit the half  tertainers and acts each time. The                                              base  this  condition  is  not  prev- .
          century·mark in totaling 50 points  cast is  chosen from top nite-spots
                                                                                                                             alent.  Those islands  in the Pacific
          to •  opponents'  30.   in the Bay Area and the perform-                                                     have  more  room  than  Carter has
            All members of the team shared  ances  always  provide  an  evening                                              -pills.  Things were so. cramped up
          in the scoring  and  Coach Haugh,  of  riotous  fun  for  all.  Building
                                                                                                                             aboard  ship  during  the  war
          Specialist  in  charge,  substituted  127(C)  will be the scene of action
                                                                                                                             months, that a  fellow had a  tough
          freely  to  give  all  members  a  and  all  hands _are  cordially  in-
                                                                                                                             time  getting  the  proper  exercise.
          chance to play,  show their ability  vited  to  attend.                                                            On  a  foreign  base  you  have  a
          and line  up  his  squad for the  fu- Hall-owe'.en  Nite  Show                                                     chance  to  get  the  kinks  out  of _
          ture games this season. All played   In  keeping  with  the  date,  Oc-                                            your  bones.
          first class basketball and the pros- tober  31,  a  Hallowe'en  Special
          pects  look  fine  for  the  coming  show  will  be  presented  at  RMS                                              Bill  Jameson,  F1c,  R,ec  Ship.  A
         · season.                     in Building 127 ( C) . Sponsored by                                                   sailor's  not  a  sailor  if  he's  not
          Shell  Show                  the Welfare &  Recreation depart-                                                     on  a  ship.  I  joined  the  Navy  to
            On  Monday  night,  October  15,  ment,  the  evening promises to  be                                            sail  the  sea.  If I  wanted any part
          1945, RMS presented the Shell Oil  a  little  on  the  different  side.  We                                        of  land  duty  I  would  have  en-
          Company Show for the entertain- suggest that if you really want to                                                 listed in the Army.  As far as I'm
          ment  of  all  hands.  With  Johnny  have  a  good  time  and  enjoy  fine                                         concerned they can jam those for-
          O'Brien in  the dual  role of emcee  entertainment in the bargain, just                                            eign  shore  bases  into  an  atomic
          and  Harmonicomic,  the  perform- plan to attend. The evening's pro- PRETTY  BARBARA  LEE  MATHIAS will  be  saying  "I  do"  instead  bomb  and  drop  it  in  the  middle
          ance  featured  such  talented  ac- gram includes suspense, fun, frolic   of," Number, plea·se," when Joseph Orsini, GM2c, gets ,out ,of the  Navy.   of  the  Mexican  desert.  This  is
                                                                    Right  now  she's  a  hello  girl  for  the  Bell  system  and  he's  at  Armed
          tors as Loyd Simpson, pianist and  and  surprises  that  go  with  Hal-                                            one sailor that can't afford to be-
                                                                    Guard  Ce·nter,  but  later  Joe  will  return  to  Chicago,  Ill.,  where  his
          singer,  who  played  everything  lowe'en.                home  is  but a  block  Barbara's.                 come  stagnant!
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