Page 213 - Mastheads July-Dec 1945
P. 213

I.EIIRN/N(; THE /JPS AND DOWNS 01 /,/IE Well-Known T. I.  Asst.                        THE MASTHEAD,  sATURDAY,  DEc.   29 1945         PAGE  5
                                                                Personnel Officer            OTS  Trainees                S. F.  Now Navy Base

                                                                Discharged with Award  Pinch-Hit  For                     As  Bay Activities
                                                                  Robert  S.   McCarthy,  Chief   Public  Works           Undergo  Changes
                                                                Ship's  Clerk,  left his  job as, Tad-
                                                                cen's  Msistant  personnel  officer   Four OTS trainees, working un-  The  Navy  announced  recently
                                                                last  week  for  civilian  life.   der  the  supervision  of  Chief  Du- that San Francisco has been des-
                                                                  McCarthy was presented with a  rant,  have  been  assisting  Public  ignated  as  a  naval  base.
                                                                citation  by  Commodore  R.  W.  Works  this  past week  in  the  un-  The  change,  which  conforms
                                                                Cary  for  his  outstanding  service  loading  of  the  victory  ship  Wil- with  plans  to  "streamline"  shore
                                                                as Tadcen's secretary between Au- liam  P.  McArthur,  tied  at  Pier  establishments,  con temp I ates
                                                                gust  2,  1944,  and  March  9,  J.9/.5  17,  Treasure Island.   merely  a  redesignation  of  exist-
                                                                and  as  assistant  personnel  officer   Given  only  one  week  to  unload  ing  naval  establishments  in  the
                                                                of the same command from March  some 10 or 12 million feet of lum- area and organizing them into an
                                                                10  to  December  15.        ber,  the  Operational  Training  administrative  unit.  Officials  said
                                                                  He was a  veteran of 25  years of  school came to the rescue by sup- it is not to  be  interpreted as des-
                                                                naval  service.  His  last  tour  of  plying  winch  drivers  and  slings,  ignating a  Pacific  fleet base.
                                                                sea-duty was ab::>ard  the USS  Sa- made by the school on rush order,   Rear  Admiral  Mahlon  S.  Tis-
                                                                vannah,  then  under the  command  for  handling  the  lumber.   dale  is  commandant  of  the  U.  S.
                                                                of  Captain  (now  Commodore)   These  men  had  had  only  four  Naval  base,  San  Francisco.  He
                                                                Cary.  The  Savannah  was  in  the  hours previous instruction in han- will  have  authority  to  issue  such
                                                                Salerno operation and  Sicilia."l  in- dling  the  winches  but  have  orders as may be necessary to im-
                                                                vasion in  1943.             "caught on"  quickly,  according to  plement  the  administrative  reor-
                                                                  The citation read, in part :  "His  P.  R.  Harris  of  Public  Works.  ganization.
                                                                tact, pleasing personality,  energy,  The experience  gained in  this op-  The  base  will  absorb  and  re-
                                                                efficiency  and  unusually  broad  eration will . be of great benefit° in  place  the  base  listed  for  Mare
                                                                background  of  naval  experience  their  training,  he  added.   Island,  as  well  as  other  separate
                                                                were  of  inestimable  value  not                         naval  establishments  in  the  vi-
                                                                only  in  the  organization  of  the                      cinity.
                                                                administrative offices,  but also . ..   All  Axis  POWs  to Be   The  order  listed  twenty-four
                                                                to  the  efficient  operation  of  the                    naval establishments to be group-
                                                                Personnel Division."         Shipped Out By May           ed within the San Francisco naval
                                                                                                                          base organization, with provisions
                                                                                               (SEA) .-The remaining 350,000  for adding such other activities as
                                                                                             German  and  Italian  POWs  held  may be  hereafter designated.
                                                                Ex-First  Sergeant           in  America  will  be  shipped  out   The  Navy  also  announced  the
       SUPPORTING  TWO  MEN  AT  THE  SAME  TIME  may  be  against                           before  next  May,  Secretary  of  designation  of  Rear  Admiral
       the  law,  but  these  elev-er  acrobats  seem  to  take  it  in  stride.  This   Wants  Desk Job
       brother-sister act was one of the  many  brilliant features  of the  USO              War Patterson announced. _At. the  Walter  S.  Kilpatrick  as  deputy
       Camp  Show at the  Basilone  Theatre rec,ently.            NEW  YORK  (CNS)  -    The  peak,  one  half  million  were;\con: _ c::'ommanding  officer  of  the  west-
                                                                paper PM, which carries free want  fined to work camps locate_d at 15()  e,91 sea frontier  for  duty  in  con-
                                    Yank  Mag  Honorably        ads for  job-seeking vets,  recently  Army  bases.   · ..  ~  '   nection  with the  inactive  fleet  on
        HOSPITAL  NOTES                                         ran this one:  "Returning bombar-  The  prisoners,  who  have  been  the Pacific  Coast.
                                    Discharged Last Week        dier  desires  occupation  less  dan- doing 10,000,000 man days of work   Admiral  Kilpatrick  has  previ-
                                                                                 entertaining."  per  month  for  industry,  agricul- ously  had  duty _at  the  Western
        San Francisco florists have been                        Another ad read : "Ex 1st Sgt. de-
                                                                                             ture  and  the  Army  a nd  Navy,  Fleet  Frontier  headquarters  in
  V    donating  flowers  to  the  hospital   For all their wishing each other   sires  position  assistant to  admin- will  be  qut  of  private  con_ tract
       each  week  for  well  over  a  year.  well,  men  in  the  armed  forces   istrative exec. or labor supervisor;  work  by . the  end  of  February.   San  Francisco.
       The  patients  enjoy  a  great  va-  viewed with regret one Army dis-  capable  handling  personnel,  com- About  75,000  will  be  embarked
       riety  of  seasonal flowers  such  as  charge paper issued December 28.
                                                                piling reports,  time,  labor conser- each  month  starting  in  Decem-  He  who  laughs  last  has  found
       gladiolus,  sweet  peas,  chrysan-  This  particular  certificate  ap-  vation."      ber.                         a  double  meaning.   -
       themums,  phlox,  roses  and  many  peared  on the  cover of Yank,  the
       others.  Podesta &  Baldocchi send  Army  weekly  magazine.  It read,
       flowers  on  Monday,  Angelo Rossi  under  the Army spread eagle :
       on  Wednesday,  Steins  on  Thurs-  "This is to  certify that Yank is
       day,  and  Sheridan &  Bell on Fri-  hereby honorably discharged from
       day.  These  flowers  are  arranged  the military service of the United
       and  taken  to  the  wards  by  the   States of America. This certificate
       Gray Ladies. It is surprising and   is  awarded  as  a  testimonial  of
       gratifying to see how the patients   honest and faithful service to this
       enjoy these flowers.         country."
         The Schooner Club of the Oak-  The fact that a  magazine, finan-
       land  Presbyterian  Church  visits
  V                                 cially  in  the  black,  with  nearly
       the  hospital  on  the  second  and
                                   3,000,000  paid  circulation,  nearly
       fourth  Thursdays  of  each month.   10,000,000  readers  and  a  staff  of
       This  club  brings  fresh  fruit  to   the  country's  hottest  writers,  is
       four  to  six  wards  on  each  visit.
      ~ Fruit  includes  boxes  of  bananas,   going to fold is enough to make a
                                    publisher  strip  a  gear.  But  after
       grapes, pears, apples and oranges.
                                    the last week in December,  Yank
       They  are  making  a   special
                                   will be simply a  title in possession
       Thanksgiving visit this next week.
                                    of  the  War  Department,  which
       Very  often  this  group - supple-
                                   will  publish  a  yearly  token  issue
       ments their donation of fruit with
                                    to keep  title.
       boxes  of  candy,  candy  bars  and
                                     Actually, a few publishers, vica-
         Another  regular  group  coming   riously  grieving  over  the  loss  of
       on  the  second  Thursday  of  each   such a  readership market, put out
       month  is  the  Navy  Wives'  Club.   feelers  to  see  if  Yank  could  be
       They  bring  homemade  cookies,  bought.  None  of  them,  however,
       cards,  games,  airmail  stationery  was equipped to talk turkey to the
       and  stamps.                 point  of  precipating a  decision.
         On  the first  and  third Tuesday   The alternative was thought up
       of  each  month the Music  Federa- by two Yankmen,  Sergeants Dur-
       tion  sends  a  group  of  entertain-- bin  "Jack"  Horner  and  Harry
       ers,  whose  program  is  entitled  Sions,  respectively  London  and
       "Tunetime."  This  group  plays  re- Rome  editors,  and  a  Stars  and
       quests as well as distributing mu- Stripes compatriot, Dave Golding,
       sical  instruments  to  the  patients  and  is  in  itself  publishing  news.
       and  having  the  patients  provide  Backed  by  Publisher  Leverett
       the music. This, as you can imag- Gleason,  they  intend  to  start  a
       ine,  gets  some  very  strange  new  monthly  rotogravure  maga-
       though  very  often  melodious  re- zine,  a  "kind  of  civilian  Yank,"
       sults.  Another  musical  activity  called  "Salute."
       sponsored  by  the  Music  Federa-  Most of Yank's  star writers, the
       tion  is  instruction  on  the  auto- majority of whom  have  accepted,
       harp.  This  is  a  new  instrument  or  are  waiting  for  discharge  to
       that is small enough to be played   accept,  positions  with  established
       by the patients in bed and simple
                                   magazines, are promised contribu-
       enough so that the patients learn   tors.  The  by-lines· of  others,  al-
       to play it in  one lesson.  Such fa-
       vorites  as  "Little - Brown  Jug,"   ready well known to the potential
       "Old  Susanna,"  and even popular   readership,  and  the  cartoon  and
       pieces  such  as  "Tampico,"  are  artwork  of  Yank  staffmen  who
       played. This is a  regular Tuesday  wish to free-lance are sure to find
       afternoon activity in the wards.   its  way  to  Salute.

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