Page 211 - Mastheads July-Dec 1945
P. 211

citbapcl ...                THE  MASTHEAD,  SATURDAY,  DEC.  29,  1945        PAGE  3
           SERMONETTE                                          Treasure and Verba Buena  Islands   OPERATIONAL
                                                                     DIVINE  SERVICES
                                                                                            TRAUil  G SCHOOL

              By  CHAPLAIN  EDGAR  C.  ANDREWS,  U. S.  N .                                   We  at  ors  decided  that  in
                                                                                            place  of  our  usual  column  we   Until  further  notice,  mat-
         The word "success" occurs only once in  the Bible. That one                        would  take  this  opportunity  to   inees  will  be  shown  at all  the-
      place occupies  a key  position-in the first chapter of  the  book                    extend  the  New  Year's  greeting   atres on  week  days starting at
                                                                                            to  all  our  shipmates  and  friends.   1500.  Sundays starting at 1400.
  \J   of Joshua. God there promises to be with Joshua as he was with                         So  then,  without  further  ado,
                                                                       Sunday  Services     from  OTS  to:  All  our  staff  and
      Moses, provided that Joshua keeps the laws that had ceen given
                                                                       Protestant  Worship   crew,  their  families  too,  Happy   DORIE  MILLER
      co  Moses.  And if Joshua does  keep the divine  laws  faithfully,   Treasure  and  Yerba  Buena  Islands   New  Year.  To  the  editors  and   (T.  I.  Theatre  No.  1)
                                                                Treas,1re  I sland  Chapel-0930 and  1030
      God then promises:  "Thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and  Communion-1130  ( Chap el)   staff of The  Masthead, who make
                                                                H ospital  Chapel-1000
      thou shalt have good success."                            Theatre  No .  3-1030       this  interesting  weekly  possible,  Last  Showing  Tonight
                                                                E mbarkation  Ship's Service  Chapel  0 700   Happy  New  Year!   "GETTING GERTIE'S GARTER"
         While the  word  "success"  appears  only  once  in  the  Bible,   Yerba  B uena  I sland  Theatre-  0930   Organizations   Dennis  O'Keefe  Marie  McDonald
  ).__;                                                                 Catholic Masses       To the  AWVS, Red Cross, Navy
      the  idea of success  appears many times in  the Holy Scriptures.  Treasure  I sland  Chapel-0630,  0720  and
                                                                   0820                     Mothers  and  the  USO,  where  we   Sun.-Mon.,  Dec.  30-31
      In the book of Genesis is  one of the best known success stories  'l'hratre  No.  1- 10311                                   "KITTY"
                                                                Hosp its.l  Chnpel- OG30  an<l  0900   get our rips and tears mended and
      of  all literatur~the story of Joseph, the boy who was sold as  Emba rkation  Ship's  Service  Chapel  -  have  a  little  fun,  Happy  N ev,   Paulette  Goddard   Ray Milland
      a slave,  but who became premier of the land of his masters.   Yerba  B uena  Tsliind  Thcatre-08~0   Year!  To _the corpsmen who know   Tuesday,  Jan.  1
                                                                Co nfess ions  ( YH  Theatre  Office)  0800
                                                                                            not  aches  or pains  and  mend  our
         The first  Psalm  states  that  the prosperity of  the  righteous   Mormon  Study  Group   little  ills,  the  best  for  the  New   "HOUSE  OF  DRACULA"
                                                                Theatre  No.  2--09311                                   Lon  Chaney      Lionel  Atwill
      reveals  the favor of God.  The statement is  that the godly  man                     Year!  To all  the folks  back home
                                                                     WEEKDAY ACTIVITIES     that write us so faithfully, Happy
      shall  be  "As a  tree  planted by  the rivers  of water,  and what   Daily--Masses  ( Small  Chapel,  Treasure    Wed.-Thurs.,  Jan. 2-3
                                                                   Isla nd)  1150  and  1630   New  Year!                   "A  LETTER  FOR  EVIE" ·
      soever  he  doeth  shall  prosper."                       Daily-Confessions  (Small  Chapel, Treas•   To  our basketball  team.  win  or   Marsha Hunt   John Carroll
                                                                   ure  Island)
                                                                Dnil y-1\'lasses  (Hospital  Chapel) -0645  lose,  always playing a  good game,
        ·  But what is success? And what is money?-The L~ndon paper  Daily  -  Masses  ( E mbarka tion  Ship's
                                                                   Service  Chapel)  16tltl   Happy  New  Year!          Fri.-Sat.,  Jan.  4-5
      Tidbits  not long ago  offered  a prize for  the best  definition  of  Daily  -  P1·0tf'st.nnt  \.Vorship  Service -
                                                                   1430  (Embarkation  S hip's  Service   To  all the  lucky ones who have   "FRONT! ER  GAL"
      money.  This is  the definition that won the prize:  "Money is  an   Chap,,J\         gone  the  way  of  demobilization  Rod  Cameron   Yvonne  De  Carlo
                                                                Mondsty--nlessed  Virgin  Sodality  (First
                                                                   Monday  of  the  Month)  1800  (Small  and know no more of reveille and
      instrument that can buy you ev_erything but happiness, and pay   C:ha pt>l)
                                                                Tuesday- Christia n  Science  Group,  1800   long  lines,  Happy  New  Year!  To   EDWARD  H.  O'HARE
      your  fare  to  every  place but heaven."       ·            (Chapel  Reception  Room)   a ll  who  have  a 1 most  enough   (T.  I.  Theatre  No.  2)
                                                                Tuesday  -  Holy  Name  Society,  1915
         What is  it to  be truly successful?  To be truly successful is   (Rmall  Chapel)   points but just could not make it,
                                                                Wedn esday -  Miraculous  Medal  Novena,   Happy  New  Year!  To  the  enter-
                                                                                                                          Treasure  Island  Theatre  No.  2
                                                                   18~0  (Lar ge  Chapel)
      to succeed with others, instead of over others, and to build per-  WPdn f'~ d A.ys  -  f'hristian  ServicemPn's  tainers  and  show  p e o p 1 e  who  Last  Showing  Tonight
                                                                   League,  1830   ( Chapel  R eception
      sonal characters that are a credit to our nation and to our world.   Room)            brightened  up  many  an  evening   "DANGER  SIGNAL"
                                                                W edn~sday  -  Organ  R ecital  (Hospital   on  the  T.  I.  stages,  Happy  New  Faye  Emerson   Zackary  Scott
                                                                   Ch 1tp el)  121.5  and  1400
                                                                Thursday  -  Chapel   Choir  R ehearsal  Y e a  r  !  To  the  silent,  suffering
                                                                   ( Chap el  Gall ery )  1800
      NEW DIRECTOR TAKES OVER T,  I,  CHOIR                     Frid ay-\Va.\•p  Sin 2'Prs  R Phf'ar ~aJ  (Chap-  storekeepers  who  keep  the  pay  Sun.-Mon.,  Dec.  30-31
                                                                   el  Reception  Ronm)  1 8()11   lines  alive  and  hardly  ever  make   "YOLANDA  &  THE  THIEF"
                                                                Priday  -  Mormon  Study  Group.  1830
                                                                   / Chap el  lh ll eryl    a  mistake, Happy New Year!   Fred Astaire   Lucille Bremer
                                                                Friday  -  Jewish  · Services   (Hospital   Waves
                                                                   Chapel)  1900
                                                                Saturday  -  Confessions  ( Small  Chapel,   To  all  the  lovely  Waves  who   Tuesday,  Jan.
                                                                   Treasure  Isla nd)  1400-2000                            "PEOPLE  ARE  FUNNY"
                                                                Saturday -  Confessions  (Hospital  Chap·  kept their femininity despite regi-
                                                                   el)  1800-1900           mentation  and  who  brighten  up   Jack  Haley   Helen  Walker
                                                                                            many an office, Happy New Year!
                                                                AT  THE  CHAPEL  . . .      To  the  Marines  who  guarded  our   Wed.-Thurs.,  Jan.  2-3
                                                                                                                         "THEY  WERE  EXPENDABLE"
                                                                                            gates  so  alertly,  Happy  New
                                                                    ·  Protestant  Services                              Robert  Montgomery  John  Wayne
                                                                                            Year!  To  Leave  and  Liberty  yeo-
                                                                 "Facing  the  New"  will  be  the
                                                                                            men  everywhere,  Happy  New
                                                                title  of  the  sermon  by  Chaplain   Year! To the Transportation girls   Fri.-Sat.,  Jan.  4-5
                                                                H .  G.  Gatlin  at 1030  Sunday,  De-  who  kept  us  moving  around  and   "GETTING  GERTIE'S
                                                                cember 30, in the  Treasure  Island                                GARTER"
                                                                                            are never, never late, Happy New
                                                                Chapel.  Chaplain  Benjamin  E .   Year!         ·       Dennis  O'Keefe  Marie McDonald
                                                                Smith will speak at the 0930 serv-
                                                                                              To  everybody  we  missed,  not
                                                                ice.                                                           JOHN  BASILONE
                                                                                            intentionally  of  course,  H  a  p p y
                                                                 "My  God  and  I"  (Folk  Song)                              (T.  I.  Theatre  No.  3)
                                                                                            New  Year!  And  to  all  who  pause
                                                               · will  be the  anthem  by  the  Chapel
                                                                                            to  read  this  little  column  ... and
                                                                Choir  under  direction  of  Erwin   enjoy  it  .  .  .  a  very  Happy  New  Last  Showing  Tonight
                                                                Ruff,  Slc.                 Year!                              "FRONT I ER  GAL"
                                                                        Theatre  No.  3       So,  there  you  have  it.  Other- Rod  Cameron   Yy.9nne  De  Carlo
                                                                  Chaplain  John  B.  Nance  will  wise  things  are  normal:  that  is
                                                                                                                         Sun.-Mon.,  Dec.  30-31
                                                                speak  at  Protestant  services  in  as  normal  as  can  be  expected
                                                                                                                             "WALK  IN  THE  SUN"
                                                                Theatre  No.  3  Sunday  at  1030.  under conditions  ...
                                                                His subject will  be  "Looking For-  Basketball still holding sway of   Dana  Andrews   'Huntz  Hall
                                                                ward  Through  the  Past."   the  sports  realm  ... New  mem-
                                                                       Hospital  Chapel     bers  of  ship's  compa.nv  and  the   Tuesday,  Jan.  1
                                                                 . Chaplain  C.  H.  Loveland  will   usual run of transfers, d;scharges   "STAR  SPANGLED  RHYTHM"
                                                                bring  a  New  Year's  mess!:lge  to   and  reenlistments  .  .  .  Crews  in   Wed.-Thurs.,  Jan.  2-3
                                                                servi:::es  in  the  Hospital  Chapel   training  and  most  everybody  fig-  "DOLL  FACE"
                                                                Sunday  at  1000  entitled  "Begin-
                                                                                             uring  up  their  points  ... We'll  Carmen  Miranda   P erry  Como
                                                                ning  Again."  Charlotte  Wolford   bP,  back  next  week  with  more
                                                                Y3c  will  sing  as  a  soprano  solo   news.             Fri.-Sat.,  Jan.  4-5
                                                                "O  Lord  Most  Holy"  (Franck)                                "VACATION  FROM
                                                                and Allan  Gastren  PhM2c,  organ-  CARRIER  TOP  WARSHIP.        MARRIAGE"
                                                                ist,  will  play  "The  Old  Year  Now   (SEA).-The  aircraft  carrier  Robert Donat   Deborah  Kerr
                                                                Hath  Passed  Away"  (Bach)  and   has  superseded  the  battleship  as
       FORMER  UNIVERSITY  PROFESSOR,  Erwin  Ruff,  S1c,  is  seen  at  "March  Pontificale"  (Tombelle) .
       left  as  he  takes · over  the  Treasure  Island  chapel  choir  from  Hugh          the  heart  of  the  fleet,  according   VERBA  BUENA  MOVIES
       Folkins,  Sp{W)1c,  seated  at  the  piano.  Ruff  is  a  former  music  in- ,   Catholic  Day of Obligation   to  Rear  Admiral  H.  B.  Miller,
       structor  at  the  University  of  Redlands  wh-ere  Folkins  was ,once  a   New  Year's  Day  will  be  ob- USN,  director of Navy Public In-
      student.  Folkins  was  discharged  recently  to  continue  his :X.Vork;, fo.r ·a  , served  by  all  Catholics  as  the   formation.  The  admiral  noted,   Last  Showing  Tonight
       Masters  Degree  in  Music  at the  University.   ·.   .,. , t•_,:;'.  •  · 'r.   ."Feast  of  Circumcision."  Masses   "A  LETTER  FROM  EVIE"
                                                                                             however,  that  battleships  still
                                                    ,; . .,.    will  be  held  in  the  Treasure  Is-  must  be  built  as  protection   Marsha Hunt   John  Carroll
                                   ROOS~V.ELT ·MEMORIAL
      Regular  Navy                                          :·.  , land  Chapel  at  0630,  1150  and   against an enemy which has them.  Sun.-Mon.,  Dec.  30-31
                                   .  (SEA).- A  memorial  shaft'.to.  1630.  This  is  the  Feast Day  cele-                "A  VACATION  FROM
      Strength  Put                mark the  spot  where  Franklin D.  brating  the  Baptism  of  Christ.   All  personnel  and  their  guests   MARRIAGE"
                                   Roosevelt decided to re-eiit~J.poli- , "When  eight  days  were  fulfilled   are  invited  to  hear  the  following   Robert Donat   Debora.h  Kerr
      At  351,469                  tics  17  years  ago,  after  beil}g  i for  His  circumcision,  His  name   program   by   Allan   Gastren
                                   stricken  by  infantile  paralysi.~j:.J s  was called J esus."  Our New Year   PhM2c :   Tuesday,  Jan.
        Strength  of  the  United  States  being  erected  at  Warm ';:Spring's,  began  at  our  baptism  then  were   Processional  March  (Parsifal)   "FOLLOW   THE  BOYS"
      Navy's backbone was revealed re- Ga., for 12 years site.,o't\ Jfo / ,iffi:ie  we  reborn  then . were  we  given  a   · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·  Wagner  Geo.  Raft   Dinah  Shore
      cently  in  Alnav  448.      White  House."  It  ~as  h~re:, th~t  Christian name. Let this feast day   "The Old  Year  Now  Hath
                                                                be  a  reminder to venerate and re-  Passed  Away"  . . . • • . • • • Bach  Wed.-Thurs., Jan: 2-3
      en~::edn:~:e~n °!c:::u:::vi1:t7s  the  man  who  was  destined  to  be   spect  the  Holy  Name  of  Jesus  A  Sonnet  . .. ...... ...  Granados   "WALK  IN  THE  SUN"
      of  December   12 th was   351 469 .   the  nation's  World  War  II presi- given  Him  on  this  day.   Ave  Maria  (Arcadelt) .. . ... Liszt  Dana  Andrews  I   Huntz  Hall
        Transfers  to  the  Regular  Navy  ·dent  sent  a  telegram  to  the  late   Organ  Recital   "Pilgrim's  Song  of  Hope"
      from  reserves and inductees were  Alfred  E.  Smith  in  1928  accept-  Regular Wednesday noon organ   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Batiste  Fri.-Sat.,  Jan.  4-5
      1,803,  and  number  of  re-enlist- -ing  the  Democratic  nomination  recitals  will  be  resumed  January  March Pontificale  ...... Tom belle   "DOLL  FACE"
      ments and extensions were 391.   for  governor  of  New  York.   2  in  the  Hospital  Chapel  at 1215.  "Hark,  Hark!  My  Soul" .... Frost  Carmen  Miranda   P erry  Como
   206   207   208   209   210   211   212   213   214   215   216