Page 110 - Mastheads July-Dec 1945
P. 110

PAGE  2     THE  MASTHEAD,  SATURDAY,  OCTOBER  6,  1945                               11,e  Island  Trotter
                                                                   Radio Materiel School

         4      ~      T.AST                  AD      ~  ~                                       A  $2  purchase  order  good  at  long. There's a  lot of fellows  get-
                                                                  RMS  Basketball
                                                                    In  the  Commodore's  Trophy   any Ship's Service store on Treas- ting  out  now  that  would  put  in
                                                                                               ure  Island  goes  to  Longene  M.  another  hitch-providing  it  was
         Official  Treasure Island publication,  distributed every  Saturday without  cost to  the  competition  the  RMS  basketball
         officers,  enlisted  personnel,  and  employees  of  Treasure  l_sland.  All  communications   team  annexed  second  place  and   Cecchini,   Slc,   Transportation.  for a  short period like two years.
         and  contributions  should  be  directed  to  ThP  Editor,  Welfare  Division,  TADCEN,   The  question  submitted  was:   The  outside  world  is  too  uncer-
         Treasure  Island.  Snn  Franci•co,  California.  Telephone:  EX brook:  8931,  Extension  another  six  points  to  the  grand
         69.  The  Masthead  Is  published  In  compliance  with  regulations  of  SecNav  Jetter   total  making  a  final  count  of  64   tain for many at the present time.
         of  May  28,  1945,  and  is  produced  commncially  from  non-appropriated  Welfare   Do  you believe more  men  would  An enlistment period of two years
         Funds  at  no  expense  to  the  Navy  Department  or  Government.  The  J\lasthead  is  a  points  for  RMS  teams  in  the
         member  of  the Twelfth  Naval  District Press  Association,  the Ship's  Editorial  Asso-  remain  in  the  Navy  if the  en- duration would  be  a  great incen-
         ciation,  and  receives  material  suppli~d  by  Camp  Newspaper  Service.  Reproduction  overall  rush for the Commodore's   listment period was slwrtened?  tive for  quite a  few  to remain in
         of  credited  material  prohibited  without  permission of  SEA  and  CNS.   Trophy.  Pre-Com  defeated  RMS   What do  yol/, recommend?
                    .    COMMODORE  R.  W.  CARY,  USN            in  the  final  game  by  a  score  of                    the  service.
                 Commander  U.  S.  Naval  Training and  Distribution  Center   39  to 36  in one· of  the  best  tour-  Peter  Dantos,  MoMM3c,  Rec-  *  *  *
                         CLYDE  F.  BABR,  Sp(X)Sc,  USNR.        nament games played to  date.  In  Ship.  Like  a  child  having  a  new   Leroy  M.  Dunlock,  BM1c,  Rec-
                                                                  the overall count for the Commo- toy-when  the  newness  wears  Ship.  A   two-year  enlistment
                         Rex  N.  Olsen,  Y2c,  Associate  Editor   dore's  Trophy,  RMS  finished  first  away the kid gets  disgusted with  period would prompt a  lot of fel-
         Carolyn N.  Brown. Ylc, Waves Editor  -  Robert H. Perez,  BM2c,  Sports Editor  with  64  points  whereas  Pre-Com  the plaything.  This  applies to the  lows  to  take  a  try  at the  Navy.
                    Edward  L.  Levitt,  SK2e>--Featurea  and  Activities   was  a  close  second  with  a  point  Navy's  four-year  enlistment sys- The  guy  would  probably  figure
                                                                  count  of  56.               tem.  When  a  guy  first  gets  into  he hasn't much time to lose.  Two
         TREASURE  ISLAND,  S.  F.,  CALIF.,  SATURDAY,  OCT.  6,  1945   In  the  very  near  future,  the  the outfit, he throws out his chest  years will go by in a snap, he says
                                                                  awards  are  to  be  made  to  the  and  he's  nuts  about  the  monkey  to  himself.  And  then  if he  likes
                                                                  various commands at an all Treas- suit.  But  after  three  years  of  it,  it,  another hitch goes on his  rec-
         JUST  PATTER  Want a  Job, Lieut.?                       ure  Island  Athletic  Party  and  he wishes he had .been color blind  ord.  And after all,  a  service filled
                                                                  RMS  is  most  anxious  for  this  in the beginning and had been re- with  contented  guys  goes  a  long
           As  an  earnest  display  of  their  return to civilian life,  I  would  be   event,  since RMS  teams won  five  jected.  Having a  two-year  enlist- way.
         regard for  the  late Ernie  Pyle,  a  pleased  to  offer  the  lieutenant  a   of  the  ten  events  staged,  along  ment period  would  work  out fine
         large number of enlisted men and  job  in  my  organization."   with three seconds,  and one third.  for all concerned.   Melvin  Johnson,
                                                                                                                                      *  *  *  MM2c,  Pre-
         women in  the  armed forces  liave     *  * *             RMS  Bowling                                             Embarkation.  A  great number of
                                                                                                         *  *  *
         signified  their  desire  to  serve  in                    The  RM;S  bowling  team,  with   Lloyd Swanson, PM1c, RecShip.  young  fellows  would  be  encour-
         the capacity of honorary members
                                                                  R.  Offord,  Sp(A)  at  the  helm,  The average man in the service is  aged  to  come  into  the  Navy  if
         of  the  Ernie Pyle  Memorial  com-
                                                                   came  through for  a  second  place  determined  to  regain  his  civilian  there  was  a  two-year  enlistment
         mittee. A  drive is being conducted
                                                                  in the island competition and gave  freedom.  No matter how short an  in  effect.  it's  a  short  period  of
         to raise funds with which to erect
                                                                   Pre-Com a  close brush for the top  enlistment  period,  most  of  the  time,  and if a  fellow feels that he
         a  memorial library in Dana,  Ind.,                       honors.  With  just  thirty-one  guys  want  out.  You  just  can't  doesn't like  the Navy-he doesn't
         birthplace  of  the  famed  G.I.  bi-
                                                                  points  deciding  the  final  outcome  talk Navy, or for that matter any  have to put up with it for a length
         ographer.                                                 it  is  a  very  good  indication  of  branch  of  service,  to  the  fellows  of time.
                                         I'm  Lost-Help  Find  Me
                   * * *                                           the  class  of  competition  with  in my outfit.  Their hearts are  set   *  *  *
           When  the  residents  in  Dana   Has  anyone  seen  "Dopey?"  which  all  had  to  contend.  Our  on one thing-separation from the   Bill  Elmore,  MoMM1c,  R-ecShip.
         first  talked  about  raising  money  Dopey,  a  pet wire-haired and toy  eight bowlers did very well and in  Navy.  Whether  the  Navy  lowers  A  two-year  enlistment  period
         for a  memorial honoring their fa- fox  female  dog hasn't been. home  so  doing  took  second  place  in  its  enlistment  period  to  three  should  be  adopted  so  that  more
         mous native son, others in nearby  since September 4.  The dog is the  every  event  including  the  final  years or to 12  months,  makes no  men  would  want  to  get  into  the
         communities  heard  of  it  and  of- particular  pet  of  the  11-year-old  total  number  of  pins.  The  out- difference  to  my  shipmates  and  Navy.  This  type  of  plan  would
         fered  to  help.  Then,  from  the far  son  of Mr.  and  Mrs.  E .  W.  Dan- standing   bowler,   Lubkekman,  yours  truly especially.   work  out  okeh for  the  man- but
         away Atlantic there came a letter  iels,  2149  Santa  Clara  Ave.,  Ala- RT3c,  of  Company 94B,  who was         not for  the  Navy.  Just when  the
         containing a  $64  money  order.  It  meda.  The  family  is  especially  our  singles  competitor,  hit  a  583   Bert  Harris,  SK1c,
                                                                                                         *  *  *  RecShip.  It  bluejacket  would  gain  the  expe-
         was  from  the  crew  of  an  L.S.T.,  anxious  that  the  dog  be  found  three-line  total for  an average  of  wouldn't benefit the Navy to low- rience  ,of  handling  his  job  effici-
         men  and  boys  who  had  known  before two members of the family  194.  This  is  good  bowling  in  any   er its .enlistment period.  Let's say  ently,  he'd  be  eligible  for  dis--
         Ernie,  read  his  G.I.  stories  and  group  return from overseas serv- man's lea~e.   the  Navy  did  shorten  its  enlist- charge. But as far as getting men
         want_ed to help.  Soon, another let- ice.   Mr.  and  Mrs.  Daniels  are  RMS  Vodvil  Show   ments  to  two  years.  That  would  to join up was concerned, it would
         ter  reached  Dana,  a  letter  con- appealing to bluejackets of Treas-  Headed by the Hawthorne Band  mean just when a  fellow is catch- work wonders.  And  after all,  the
         taining another money order from  ure  Island  to  help  them  locate  from  NAD,  Hawthorne,  Nevada,  ing  on  to  things,  he'd  be  dis- Navy  could  use the manpower.
         G.I.'s  on  Okinawa.  It now  looks  their lost pet.      the  third presentation  at RMS  of  charged.  Where  would  the  ex-  *  *  *
         like  a  suitable  memorial  will  be   *  *  *           the  Alameda  Naval  Air  Station  perienced  men  come  from  that   Robert Gaus,  RM3c,  RecShip. If
         constructed to honor the friend of   The  fact  that  the  OP A  is  still  Vodvil  Show  went  over  big  last  will  have  to  man  our  peacetime  a  guy  wants  the  Navy-a  four
         all  G.I.'s.  If  you  are  interested  functioning  in  our  favor  was  Tuesday  night.  Displaying  much  fleet?  The  answer  can  be  found  year enlistment period won't stop
         contact the  Ernie Pyle Memorial,  proven last week when judgment   charm  and  talent,  the  feminine  in  the  present  four-year  enlist- him  from  signing  up.  For  those
         Inc.,  Dana,  Ind.           in  the  amount  of  $50  plus  costs   acts brought wild acclaim and ap- ment  set-up.  It's  the  only  practi- that  don't  care  for  the  outfit,  it
                                                                   plause.  The  offerings  of  the  14- cal solution.
                   *  * *             against  the  Ben-Var  Cleaners,   piece  band,  combined  with  a  fast              wouldn't  make  an  iota  of  differ-
           Choice  story  of  the  week  can   485  O'Farrell  St.,  was  awarded                         *  *  *           ence  whether  the  enlistment
         be  classed  definitely  a  re-deploy-  Lt.  (jg)  Joseph  Drury,  in  Judge   moving  aggregation  of  topnotch   .tohn  Curtin,  SM2c,  Pre-Embar- period would be  shortened or not.
                                      J.  M.  Golden's  court.  The  officer   acts, spotlighted the evening's en-  kation.  I  believe  by  lowering  the  It's  just  a  case  of  whether  the
         ment  item.  A  corporal  entered                         tertainment.  These  shows  are
         company  headquarters  on  a  Ma-  claimed that the dry cleaning firm   brought to RMS for the entertain-  enlistment  period,  maybe  to  two  fellow  wants in  or ouL The  time
         rine  base  and  announced:  "Cor-  had  overcharged  him  three  dol-                 years,  more  men would ship over.  element  is  of  secondary  import-
                                      lars  above the  OP A  ceiling  price   ment  and  recreation  of  all  hands   After  all,  24  months  isn't  too  ance.
         poral  Jones  has  the  first  ser-                       and  it  is  gratifying  to  note  the
         geant's permission to speak to Lt.   for deaning four garments. In the   turn-out  at  the  various  perform-
         Johnson,  sir."              opinion  of  the  OP A  the  over-
                                      charge was  a  deliberate violation   ances.
           "What  can  I  do  for  you,  Cor-                      RMS  Boxing  Smok,er
                                      of  the  price  ceiling  on  dry                                                                 _l-
         poral?"  inquired Johnson.   cleaning.                     Thursday,  October  4,  was  the
           "Sir,"  said the  corporal,  stand-                     date and Bldg. 29  the place of the
         ing  properly  at  attention,  "I  am                     October  Boxing  Smoker at RMS.   --......._
         about  to  receive  my  discharge.  I   Western  Sea  Frontier   With  top-flight entertainment se-  j-                                7_
         have  been  watching  the  lieuten-                       cured  from  the  various  night   1
         ant,  sir,  since  I  have  been  in his   Offices  Close;  Move   clubs  in  t~e  Bay Area and a  sec-  .....I
         platoon  and  have  been  favorably                       ond-to-none fight bill,  the evening
         impressed."                  To  Quarters  in  12ND       was  highly  successful.  Featuring
           The  lieutenant  stiffened.                             the  fight  bill  were  the  Malan
           "I  am  head  of- a  construction   Western  Sea  Frontier  (Local  Twins,   two   youngsters   who                                             ..--.
         and engineering firm on the West  Defense  Forces)  offices  in  the  showed plenty of spirit and game-
         Coast,"  continued  the  corporal.  Administration Building will close  ness  in  their  display  of  fisticuffs.
         "If the lieutenant contemplates  a  today, and operations for Treasure  Six  all-star  bouts  completed  the
                                      Island  will  be  handled  through  bill  and  offered  plenty  of  excite-
                                      offices  in  the  Twelfth  Naval  Dis- ment.
         SALTSHAKER                   trict,  Lt.  Commander  H.  T.  Le-  Forty minutes of first class vod-
                                      Favoure,  Operations  officer,  dis- vil,  dancing,  singing,  and  clever
          I                           closed  this  week.          acrobatics  were  received  with
                                        Captain E. J. Moran, now Com- rounds  of  applause.   Another
                                      mander,  Northern California Sec- smoker  will  be  coming  up  next
                                      tor,  WSF,  will  become  District  month,  so "stand by,"  mates!
                                      Operations  officer.         National  War  Fund  Campaign   l
                                        Section  Patrol -Craft headquar-  The RMS War Fund Campaign   ...J_
                                      ters,  formerly located near Fron-  is  well  under  way  for  a  goal  of
                                      tier  Base,  have  been  closed  two   "all we can get." Eighteen special-
                                      weeks  and  most  vessels  in  that   ists have pledged their services in
                                      command· have  been  decommis-  the  campaign  to  help  swell  the
                                      sioned.  All  YMS's  have  been  de-  War -Chest  Funds  that  help  pay
                                      tached and only two PC's, several   for  entertainments  that  we  have
                                      guard vessels and frigates remain.   enjoyed  in  war,  and  that  should
                                        Approximately  30  naval  and   be continued now  that the war is   fD PllAil(,,t~
                                      civilian personnel  affected  by  the   won.                   11.~tJll.,,                          /   THE  HOIS_T
                                      shutdown  will  be  absorbed  by
                                      other  activities  here,  or  in  the   The  Bos'n's  girl  is  so  shy  she   "My Herman can't seem t.o  remember that ihe  isn't i,n the
                                      case  of Navy men,  will  be  trans- goes into another room to change          Navy a,ny  more!"
          "'"Well, at last-my replacement!"   ferred  to  separation  centers.   her mind.
   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115