Page 109 - Mastheads July-Dec 1945
P. 109

U. S. Naval Training and Distribution Center
       THIS  WEEK'S  ~·
                                  ©                 T                             ASTHEAD                                              VQJ
       NAV Y                                                                                                                           ~~~

     The  luxury  liner  Normandie,
   whose   career  includes  many
   months  spent  on  the  bottom  of
   New York's harbor,  has been  de-  VOL.  IV -  No.  35          TREASURE  ISLAND,  SAN  FRANCISCO,  CALIF.              SATURDAY,  OCT.  6,  1945
   clared  excess  by  the  Navy  and
   turned ov,er to the Maritime Com-  Snaclt l!ars Now  Open  /or Business
   mission  for  disposition.  Anybody                                                   DISCHARGED  NAVY  MEN  URGED  TO
   want  to  bid ?
             *  *  *                                                                     APPLY  FOR  JOBS  OPEN  ON  T. I.
     The  Navy's  bid  fo r  enlist ments,
   begun  on  a  large  scale  after  the
   Jap  surrender  announcement,  be-                                                                                 Civil  Service  Pay
   gan  to  show  profits  this  week.                                                   National  War  Fund
   Civilians from 17  to 30 trooped to                                                                                Rates  Range  From
   recruiting _ offices  and totaled  11,-                                               Drive  Opens;  T.  I.        $7.52-$10.72  Day
   215  for  the  month  August  15  to
   September 19.  Also present  were                                                     Sailors  Giving  Freely
                                                                                                                        That there are many job oppor-
   some  50  per  cent  of  the  regulars                                                   The shooting  war against the  tunities still  open on Treasure Is-
   who  agreed  to re-enlist.
                                                                                          Axis  is  over  and  won-but the   land  and  that  discharged  Navy
             *  *  *                                                                      war against want has still  to be   enlisted  men  are particularly  de-
     Good  fiction  materia l  wou ld  be                                                 waged  in  the  peace.  That  war   sired  for  these  positions  was  an-
   the  war record  of  the  USS  Ana-                                                    is  now  under  way.        nounced by the Civilian Personnel
   capa,  once  known  as  the  lumber                                                      The   National   War   Fund   bffice  this  week.
   ship  Coos  Bay.  She  has  been                                                       Driv,e   began   last   Monday   It was stated that much  of the
   cruising up  and  down  the  Pacific                                                   th roughout the  naUon.  Here o,n  training  which  an  enlisted  man
   Coast  for  the  past 18  months  on                                                   Treasure   Island   bluejackets   has  received  in  the  Navy  can  be
   the  prowl  for  enemy  submarines                                                     have   already   demonstrated   utilized  in  civilian  positions.  For
   and camouflaged  as live  bait. Her                                                    their  approval  ,of  the  campaign   example,  . skills  acquired  as  a
   crew were regular Navy carrying                                                        by  giving  freely.         watertender are right  in line  with
   merchant  seamen  papers,  her   SAi LORS  LINE  UP for co kes and sandwiches at one ,of t he six  newly   Sailors  at  T.  I.  dug  down   those  required  to  hold  a  job  as
                                opened  Ship's  Service  Snack  Bars.  When  fully  in  operation,  the
   cargo was lumber covering special   stands  will  offe r  a  wider  variety  ,of  refreshments  and  will  be  open   deep  and  came  up  with  the   engineman.  A  motor  machinist
   guns  and  gun  mounts  and  her  from  about 0800  until  1500.
                                                                                          tune ,of  $10,197.60  in  last year's   becomes a  civilian auto and diesel
   work  so  successfully  carried  out
                                                                                          drive.  Indications  point  t o  an   mechanic;  a  Navy  machinist can
   that after her initial patrol enemy                                                    even  higher  do-re-ml  output   well  carry his Navy job  over into
   ships  never  had  another  shot  at  Ship's  Service  Snack   "DON'T  TRAVEL  ON      from  personnel  here  during  the   civilian life. Other men who came
   the West Coast mainland.     Bars  Feature  Coffee,      STOMACHS/'  SAYS              present campaign.           into  service  with  prior  training
             *  *  *                                                                        Chaplain  E.  C.  Andr,ews,  Jr.,   and  skills  in  mechanical  trades
     Admira l Halsey, 63-years-old  on                                                    has been  designated as T adcen's   can  attain  similar positions here.
   o'ct~ber  30,  will  be  on  his  way   Cokes  and  Sandwiches  T.  I.  COBBLER  SHOP   representative,  and  money  col-  Veterans are hired on Treasure
   home  next  weelc.  Speaking  from   Designed  and  located  for  the   The  Army  may  travel  on  its   lected   ,on   Treasure   Island   Island  as  "war  service  indefinite
   P earl  Harbor  he  stated  that  he  convenience  of  Treasure  Island  stomach, but the crew at Treasure  should  be  turned ,over to  him  at  appointments."  Such  a  status  is
   thought  General  Douglas  Mac- men are six Ship's  Service "snack  Island's Cobbler Shop  knows  oth-  his ,offic•e,  topside  Barracks "E,"  granted only to  the following:
   Arthur  was  doing  a  good  job  in  bars" which sprang up like mush- erwise about the Navy.   not  later  than  October  31 .   1. Those veterans re-
   the  occupation of Japan and that  rooms at various  spots  about  the   This compact shoe repair place,   The   National   War   Fund   open  Civil  Service exan;iinations.
   Americans  at  home  should  look  island  last  week.   situated  directly  across  from  the   Drive  not ,only  aids  members of   2.  P ersons previously  employed
   for  more  restrictions  on  Jap   Besides  relieving  congestion  at   main  post office, handles upwards   the  armed  forces  and  their  by the go·vernment who are eligi-
   living  in  the  next  few  months,  the  main  stores,  the  small  re-  of 1500 shoes a  week.   families, but also  supplies  relief  ble for transfer or reappointment.
   that the Allies were not making a  freshment  stands  will  make  un-  Starting  out  in May,  1943,  with   agencies  with  money,  and  helps   3.  Persons previously employed
   "soft  peace"  for  defeated  Nips.  necessary the  long trek  to satisfy  a  complement  of  one  man  in  the   those  destitute  as  the  result  of  by the government  who have been
   He indicated he would ask for re- that  occasional  odd-hour  hunger.  person   of  Willie  C.  Raines,   the  ravages of war.   furloughed  or  discharged  due  to
   tirement  and  also  said  that  the   Coffee,  cokes, milk,  sandwiches,   SSMCl c,  T.I.'s  shoe  mending  es-   reduction in force for a  period not
   Navy would  work  out  a  counter-  rolls and hot dogs are their stock   tablishment now  employs 20.              to  exceed sixty days.
   weapon  for  the  atom  bomb  and   in  trade  and  when  in  full  opera-  J oe "Red"  Henderson, SSMC2c,  MON E Y  A LLOWANCE   All  other  appointments  are  on
   that as an organization the  Navy   tion they will open about 0800 and  in charge of the  Cobbler Shop,  is  GR ANTED  TO  MEN   a  temporary basis.
   was as imperishable as the dough-
                                close at 1500.              lamenting  these days. It seems as  ON  TRANSFER          List  Openings
                                 The  first  stand  placed  in  com- though  the  war's  abrupt  ending                 The following job vacancies are
                                mission (in front of Ship's Service  brought about a  slight decrease in   Enlisted personnel  being  trans- now available and all enlisted men
     Headline  Navy  news
             *  *  *  t his  week
                                No. 1) ran into some trouble when  business "Not as many customers  ferred  will  be  advanced  money  who are being separated from the
   was  the  talk  given  by  SecNav   crowds of sailors clustered around  now as before," Henderson states.  allowance of three cents per mile  service  here·  are  urged  to  apply
   F orrestal before the House Naval
                                it  and  disrupted' traffic.  It  has   P rices  are  more  reasonable  at  plus  subsistence  or  furnished  for these positions at the Civilian
   Affairs  Committee.  House  mem-  since  been  moved to the  oppos-ite  the  Cobbier  Shop  than  they  are  transportation  requests and meal  Personnel  office  in  the  Adminis-
   bers  were given more specific  de-  side of the  Terra Cotta circle.   on the  civilian market. Half soles  tickets.  Men  being transferred  to  tration  Building:  auto  mechanic,
   tails  of  future  Navy  wants.  The   Other stands are located in the  and heels  cost about $2.50  ashore,  separation  centers  should  be  cement  finisher,  electrician,  en-
   post-war  fleet  would  have  three   vicinity  of:  Building  221,  Bar- at  Treasure  Island  the  same  job  granted this allowance at time of  gineman,  gardener,  painter,  pipe-
   categories,  "active,"  "ready"  and   racks  E ,  Building  218  and  ~ec- is  done  fo·r  90  cents.   transfer.   fitter,  plumber,  sheetmetal  work-
   "laid-up  for  emergency."  This   Ship  muster  field.  The  sixth  is                                            er, machinist, filer, general helper,
   "biggest"  Navy  would  hold  300
   ships  on  active duty,  100 ships in   under  construction  and  has ; not   llTTlE IOS'N VOICES DISSENT.         and  classified  laborer.  Pay  scales
                                yet been  situated.                                                        • •        range  from  $7.52  per  day  for
   a  ready  status  and  some  700
                                                                                                                      classified  labor  to  $-10.72  for  a
   which  could be  called out  for em-                                                                               saw filer.
   ergencies.                   War Bond Office Closes;
     Still  to  be  settled  was  the
   battleship  vs  air  question,  final   T ADCEN  Disbursing                                                        R A TING EXAMS SET
   disposition  of  Pacific  bases  and                                                                               F OR  OCTOBER  1 7
   future  use  of  and  protection   Officer  Takes  Over                                                              Examinations  for  advancement
   against the atomic bomb.                                                                                           in  rating  will  be  held  at  1300,
             * *  *              Responsibility for  the  handling                                                    Wednesday,  October  17,  in  the
     Japanese  diaries  aff-orded  the  of War Bonds shifted to the  Tad-                                             C.P.0.  mess, Federal Galley.
   allied  forces  some  valuable  mili- cen  Disbursing  officer  last  week                                          Recommendations from division
   tary  information  according  to  as  the  War  Bond  office  in  the                                              officers  must  be  at  the  Tadcen
   men  who  graduated  from  the  Post  Office  building  was  dis-                                                  Personnel  office  not  later  than
   N a vy's  J apanese  language  established by station order.                                                       noon  of F riday,  October 12.  Only
   schools.  After Pearl Harbor there   Inquiries  relating to bonds pur-                                             recommendations received on time
   were 100,000 Japs with a  working  chased for cash prior to the  clos-                                             and only men up  for examination
   knowledge  of  English  to  every  ing of the office,  and all questions                                           and advancement will be examin-
   American  with  even  a  remote  concerning  civilian  payroll  sav-                                               .ed for change and advancement in
   understanding of  Japanese.  Navy  ings or military allotments should                                              rating.
   men  were · rushed  to  school  and  be  directed  to  the  Disbursing                                              Personnel  failing  to  qualify  by
   following  graduation  sent  to  the  officer.                                                                     examination  must be recommend-
   P acific  area  to  translate,  inter-  Lt.  Howard  A.  Lincoln, former                                           ed  for  re-examinati.on  on  a  later
   pret  and  decode  J apanese  mes- War  Bond  officer,  has  been  dis- THE  MASTHEAD  last  week  ran  a  pict ure  and  story  on  the  Merritt  regular date.  J aps  who  thought  the  charged  from  the  Navy  via  the   brothers  reuniting  after four years.  One  of  the  Merritts,  Harry, who   Navy  training  courses  are  is-
                                                            is  a  Chief  Boatswains  M ate  stationed  at  the  A r med  Guard  Center
   Yanks  could  not'  read  or  under- point system.       here,  has  a  bouncing  baby  boy.  When  sh,own  the  picture of  his  pop   sued  and  renewed  daily,  Monday
   stand their language were gener-  Commanding  officers  and  their  and  uncle  in  the  Treasure  Island  paper,  Harry  Jr.  gave  forth  with  through  F riday,  in the  Education
   ous  with  diaries,  military  refer- subordinates  are  urged  to  con- a  loud  cry.  It  seems  as  though  the  tiny  tot  was  peeved,  to  say  the  office,  Room  169,  at  the  Admin-
   ences  and  casual  conversation.  tinue  their  efforts  to  encourage   le,ast,  because  he wasn't  included  in  the pix.  Feeling  no  end -of misery   istration  building.  Progress  tests
   You  know  the  answer- we  won  personnel  to  save  now  for  the   at this sudden turn of events, we submit this  photo .of  Harry  Madison   may  be  taken  on  any  afternoon
                                                            Merritt,  Jr.,  to  our  readers.  What  say  "Little  Bos'n,"  are  we  for-
   the  war!                   future by buying  more bonds.   given  now ?                                           of the above days.
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