Page 38 - Mastheads Jan-June 1945
P. 38

                                                                     Cast  That  Turned  Theater  No.  1 Stage  Into  Skating  Rink  On  January  25
        OPlERAT~ ONAL                 1945  Skating  Vanities
        TRAUilN G SCHOOL Keeps  'Em  Rolling
                                      At  Theatre  No.  1

                                        Wheels  droned  and  heavenly
                                      bodies  swung  in  intriguing  orbits
        Presenting  Lts.  Friedle and  Keleher   as  the  "Skating  Vanities  of  1945"
          Our  congratulations  to  Lt.  (jg)   brought  a  streamlined  version  of
        H.  V.  Friedle  and  Lt.  (jg)  E.  F.   their show from the Oakland Audi-
        Keleher  on  the  wonderful  job  they   torium  to  the stage of\ Theatre  No.
        did  during  the  March  of  Dimes   1  on  Thursday,  January  25.
        Campaign.  They  collected  $520.70   Across  s p-e c i a 1  composition
        in  dimes,  making  a  per  capita   boards laid upon the stage, 24  girls
        average  for  Operational  Training   whirled in  the first  number,  which
        School  of over $1.00.  You  can't re-  introduced  the  star of  the  presen-
        sist these two popular officers once   tation,  blond  Gloria  Nord,  skate-
        they embark  on a  job.       dancing to the gusty strains of "St.
        Cigars and  Promi<Ses         Louis Blues."
          Congratulations  are  in  order  to   Bobbie  May,  acclaimed  by  many
        A.  Paulsen,  Sp (X)lc on the arrival  the  world's  greatest  juggler,  kept
        of Karen, a  five and one-half pound  six balls in the air at one time,  and
        baby girl.                    the  Cycling  Shryettos  pedaled
          On the 12th of J8.l}uary, "Doc" L.  perilously  on high unicycles  to the
        A. Hall became the.proud father of  delight of the capacity audience.
        a  seven pound baby girl and the old   To  lend  authenticity  to  one
        master  of  medica  says,  "T'is  just  number,  the  uniforms  of  a  Treas-
        the  beginning of  a  great family  of  ure Island Wave  and  a  sailor were
        cutlery  artists."  Congratulations  borrowed  and worn  by performers.
        PhM2c Hall.                   Since  this  skit  was  of  the  rough-
          With  the  potential  increase  of  house variety, it is doubted that the
        two  members  in  the  Lookout  De- uniforms will ever appear again on
        partment  during  the  last  month  an inspection day.
        the Recognition gas house gang im-  "Skating  Vanities,"  now  in  its
        mediately  dusted  off  ye  old  slides  third year, is the only roller-skating
        and  flashed  the  news  that  Ens.  show  on  the  boards  today,  and
        Robert  W.  Hawkins  and  George  makes  regular stops  at stage  door
        Enos,  SM2c,  will  become  members  canteens  and  military  reservations
        of  the  "palpitating  paters."  Yours  the country over.
        truly has  it that the  sequence  will
        be  Ens.  Hawkins  first  and  Enos
        running second place.         Naval  Training
          Lt.  and  Mrs.  E.  B.  Rhoads  be-
        came the parents of a  six pound 13  Schools
        oz.  baby  boy  on  January  18.  The
        young son was named Peter Berg-  With  graduation  ceremonies  in   GOOD  SKATES-Top  left,  glori-ous  Gloria  N,ord,   audience.  Bottom  left, show's closing number, "Salute
        holn.  Mrs.  Rhoads  formerly  lived   Theatre  No.  1  on  Saturday,  140   featured  in  "Skating  Vanities of  1945," which  played   to America."  Bottom  right, Cycling Shryettos at high
                                      more  men  completed  "A"  School
        in Australia, and during his tour of                        two  performances  at  Theatre  No.  1  on  January  25.   moment of one of show's  high  spots. The show is one
        duty  in  that area Lt.  Rhoads  mar-  training,  and  have  left  to  join  the  T,op  right,. chorus-they  had  many  more  fans  in  the   of  the  most  unusual  in  the  business.
        ried  her  and  brought  her  back  to   fleet.  Lt. Nash Higgins,  Director of
        the  States. Also  arriving last week   Training  and  Distribution  Center   EX          Livermore  Air  Station       V-12  Trainee  To
                                      Athletics, addressed the graduating
        to  Chief  Radioman  Standfield  and
        his wife, a  daughter, Nancy, weigh-  students.  The  worthy  tenet  of  his   POTENTIA   Subdued  by  Treasure         Vie  For  Skating
        ing eight pounds 4 oz. born at 1345   talk  was  the  value  of physical  fit-
                                      ness.  We  wish  there  were space· to
        Wednesday.  A  big  round  of  con-                                                       Island  Quint,  59-44         Honors  At  Berkeley
                                      re-tell  his  baseball  story  which  is
        gratulations to both families.
                                      really  "tops."
          Rumor  has it that the  following                                                         Treasure Island remained among   It will  be  "women power"  in  ac-
                                        Commander  J .  H.  Falge  on  be-
        men  are  bound  for  the  altar  this   half  of  NTS,  presented  a  bond  to           the  undefeated  in  NCBA  ba,sket- tion  at Berkeley  Iceland,  the  eve-
        month:  E.  U.  Towhig,  BMlc,  and                                                       ball  play,  defeating  the  Livermore  ning of February 10.  The  occasion
                                      our  newly  married  couple,  the
        J .  San  Filippo,  BM2c.  Congratula-                                                    Air Base, Thursday night,  January  is  the  California  Figure  Skating
                                      Klints.  Wedding  bells  rang  for
        tions to you both.                                                                        25,  59-44.
                                      Otta  F.  Klint,  SK3c,  and  Mary  L.              . \                                   Championships.  With  most  of  the
        Underway  With  No  Way  On   Sorrel,  Y3c  (both  of  NTS),  on                            Livermore   held   the   highly- sport's  male  stars  in  the  service,
          Lt.  W.  S.  Iredale,  Head  of  the  January 3rd in Hilman,  California.  RADIO  MATERIEL  SCHOOL  touted  T.  I.  sailors  to  21  points  at  the girls have taken over.
                                                                                                  intermission  time,  while  they  col-
        Engineering  Department,  is  now  Since  then  they  have  been  doing
        presenting,  every  noon,  the  latest  some t  aveling and visiting new in-  Au  Revoir   lected some 30 digits.  This was due   One  event,  the  Senior  Men's
                                                                      RMS  said good-bye  to  one  of its   mostly  to  some  pretty  · accurate  singles,  may  be  eliminated  accord-
        war  news from  the  public  address  laws,  and  report  a  very  pleasant
                                                                    popular  Wave  officers  recently  mid-court  shooting  by  the  airmen.  ing  to  an  announcement issued  by
        system  just  outside  the  Engineer- honeymoon.
        ing  building.  .  .  Where,  oh  where   Chief  Fire  Controlman  S.  W.   when  Ens.  Willenore  Burnside was  Thirty-one fouls were scored in the  Dr. Glendon H. Terwilliger, General
        is  Lt.  Chechames'  pool  shooting  Pavlik  reported  for  duty  as  in-  detached  for  a  new  billet  in  the  second  half  alone,  marring  the  Chairman  of  the  Championships.
                                                                    Eleventh Naval District. Ens. Burn- statistics a  bit with their wild play.  The  genial  doctor  added,  however,
        ability? Lt. W. R. Watkins, Lt.  (jg)  structor, in our Fire Control School
        C.  L.  Keay,  and Chief  Mach.  R.  L.  last  week  from  Newport,  Rhode   side  has  been  attached  to  the  In-  Phillips  and  Crum,  both  of   that ,the  feminine  contingent  will
        Ray are daily visitors at the Treas- Island. His good training school ex-  struction  Department in  charge  of   Treasure Island, tanked in 15 points   be  the  largest  in  years.  One-hun-
                                                                    the technical library and her cheery                        dred  or  more  skating  lovelies  will
        ure  Island Gym.  .  .  A  new face  in  perieiice makes him a special addi-              apiece in the wild and wooly fracas
                                                                    smile will  be  missed  by  her follow                      be  on  hand to  battle for  crowns. in
        the Engineering Department  is Lt.  tion  to  any  training  program,  and                played at Livermore.
                                                                    officers and students alike. RMS e_x-                       the  various  divisions.
        Commander E. N.  Jacobs just back  we welcome him aboard.
        from the Southwest Pacific ... T.  J.                       tends  best  wishes  for  success  in  JoAnn  Parker formerly  worked  in   Representing  the  male  minority
                                                                    your new  billet.             th!;!  District Intelligence Office.  Her  will be Bob Maxwell, recently given
        Landi, BMlc, of the Deck School, is  Seaman first-class . .. Who's  next?
        one of the newest men reporting for  .. .  Lt.  (jg)  M.  J.  Simpson  has   Last  week  saw  the  departure  of  husband is a  member of RMS Com- a  medical discharge from the Army
        duty   at  Operational   Training  joined  the  Operational  Training   two  of  our  civilian  workers  at- pany  55.  Mrs.  Miriam  Dobel  joins  and Bill Hoyt, a  Navy V-12  trainee
        School.  We  know you  will enjoy it  School staff in the Communications   tached  to  Lt.  Stollberg's  Evalua- us  from  the  great  state  of  Wash- stationed at Berkeley. The two will
        here  Landi,  after  your  29  months  Department. We sincerely welcome  tion  Department:  Miss  Maurine   ington where  sh~  formerly  worked   skate  in the senior dance,  Maxwell
        duty aboard a  110 foot  sub chaser.  this  new Wave  officer .. .  The  mel- Hart  from  deep  in  the  heart  of   for  a  large -lumber  company.  Mrs.   paired with Ramona Allen,  former
        Incidentally,  when  are  you  bring- odious  notes  of  the  trumpet  and  Texas will  return to the wide  open   Dobel's husband is in the service so   Pacific  Coast  Women's  champ.
        ing your bride out?  ... Back .from  guitar heard during  the noon  hour  spaces after a  visit with her sister   she  has  a  keen  interest  in  war   Skating with Hoyt will  be  Marilyn
        leave  is  Margaret ·Cook,  Slc.  How  in  the  Art  Workshop  originates  who  is  a  member  of  the  Navy   work for the Navy.   Grace,  State Junior champ.
        was  the  Bronx,  Margaret?  ... from  Harry  (James)  Rosson,  Nurse  Corps•  in  San  Diego.  Mrs.  Sports  Hi-Lites    The  Senior  Women's  singles  is
        C.  I.  G.  Department  reports  that  Sp (X) 3c,  and  Frank  Boeck,  RTlc.  Donna  Crane  will  join  her  Army   The pocket billiard tournament is  expected  to  provide  the  evening's
        C.  I. C. stands for Combat Informa- We've  also  heard  that  K.  Perkins,  husba.IJd  who  has  received  his  rapidly drawing to a  close with the   hottest  competition.  Helen  and
        tion  Center  not  Intelligence- so  Y2c,  also  strums a  fine  guitar.  The  transfer orde·rs.   winner in the  officer division  to  be   Barbara  Uhl,  Peggy  Hoyt,  Mar-
        there!  We  understand  Lt.  (jg)  R.  school will be looking forward  to a  Welcome  Aboard   decided  this week.  At  this  writing  garet  Field  and  Letha  Lou  Linn
        Tannenbaum,  also  of  C.  I.  C.,  is  professional appearance at the next   We are happy to welcome aboard  Bos'n Dalzin and Lt. Carpenter are  will  battle  for  top  honors  here.
        planning  matrimony.  We  suggest  Operational Training School dance.  four  new  officers  who  will  become  all  tied  up in  the  playoff  wit,h  one
        you remove some of your calendars  ;F.[ow  about it fellows?  . . .  Embar- members  of  the  RMS  staff:  Lts.  game  each.  The  final  clash  should
        before  you  take  the  big  step  Mr ..  rassing  moment  for  C.  Dalldorf,  Stanley  R.  Williamson  and  Fred- be  a  dandy  and  a  large  crowd  of
        Tannenbaum ... A  real pleasure in- Sp(X)2c,  when  he  hopped  into  a  erick w. Huttie have seen extensive  spectators  is  sure  to  be  on  hand   WORLD-WIDE  NAVY
        deed  was  a  recent  visit  of  Com- car  for  his  regular  morning  ride  active  service  in  the  Pacific  areas  to  watch  the  fireworks.   BROADCASI  ON
        mander  R.  C.  Sergeant  from  only  to  find  he'd  got  the  wrong  and  will  bring to  their new  billets   Climaxing  two  tough  games,
        COTCPac,  an  expert  in  the  radar  car.  Look  before  you  leap,  Chuck.  first hand knowledge of actual bat- Richard  Justice,  Slc(Y) ,  won  the   KQW  TOMORROW
        field.  Commander  Sergeant's  ex- . .. Mable  Hayth,  Slc(Y),  now  tle  conditions. Both officers  will  be  Ship's  Company  contest  which
        perience comes from  actual combat  takes  over  the  permanent position  assigned  to  the  Instruction  De- seems  to  prove  that  "Justice  wins   The Columbia Broadcasting Sys-
        service.  .  .  H.  H.  Bernard,  RdM3c.  as yeoman to Lt. Commander R. A.  partment.  Lt.  (jg)  Mariann  Went- out."  Runner-up for  the event was  tern  is  sponsoring  a  world-wide
        Well,  Barney,  we  hope  someone  Ibach,  our  Executive  Officer .. .  worth has reported  from  the  First  E.  R.  Tucker,  Sp(A)lc.  The  battle  Navy broadcast to  be  heard across
        will offer you a  new collie for  your  We're  very happy to  learn  Ens.  F.  Naval  District  where  she  was  as- narrowed  between  Albert  Navis,  the  United  States  and  around  the
        children.  Someone  without a  heart  B.  Miller,  that  your  wife  is  now  signed  to the District  Communica- Sp(A)2c,  Tucker  and  Justice  and  world, Sunday, February 4,  at 0700.
        poisoned  Bernard's  late  collie.  .  .  home  from  the  hospital  following  tions Office. Lt.  (jg)  Mattie McNew  the  playoff  games  were  close  and  The  program  will  originate  in  the
        From  recent  action- in  the  Philip- •an  appendectomy  and  is  feeling  has  reported  from  CamP.  MacDon- exciting.   KQW studios in San Francisco, and
        pines  comes  Lt.  Commander  J.  H .  fine. Smooth sailing, Mrs. Miller . ..  ough,  Plattsburg,  N.  Y.,  for  duty.   William A.  Varn,  RTlc,  of Com- the all-Navy choir will be made up
        Hoefer to join the Navigation staff  What's  this  we  hear  about  Lt.  G.  She  previously  was  stationed  at  pany 56,  took the measure of Bern- of  personnel  from  this  base  and
        in Operational Training School.  He  E. Lindman trying to get to sea on  NTS  (Y),  Stillwater,  Okla.   ard  Cohen,  Slc(RT) ,  of  Company  other  activities  in  the  Twelfth'
        will  be  Destroyer-Underway  In- a  battleship?  We'd  miss  you  very   Two new young ladies have taken  60,  in the final round of the student  Naval District. The program will be
        structor . .. Congratulations,  H.  T.  much if you  went Lt.  Lindman,  as  over  as  civilian  employees  in  the  division  of  the  tournament  which  carried on all CBS stations and will
        Houser  on  making  Coxswain  and  you've  done  a  great job at this ac- Evaluation  Department  under  the  saw a  large number of entries and  be one of the unusual presentations
        K. R. Arnold, who was promoted to  tivity.                  supervision  of  Lt.  Stollberg.  Mrs.  excellent  play  by  all  participants.  given  by  the Navy  this  year.
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