Page 185 - Mastheads Jan-June 1945
P. 185

THE  MASTHEAD,  SATURDAY,  JUNE 9,  1945            PAGE  3

        Bender  Notches  Sixth  Triumph  in  8-2 SOITBllllERS STElll  SPOTllfiHT~ ..
        Rout of  Coast  Guard  Pilots

         A  clear  path  lays  ahead  of  the  smash  and first-baseman  Williams'
        battling  Pirates  from  Treasure  Is- timely bingle  gave Treasure Island
        land  after  their  8-2  win  over  the  four  runs.  This  lead  they  never r-e-
        Coast  Guard  Pilots,  Saturday.  The  linquished.
        bellbottom  baseballers  now  hold   Treasure  Island  touched  "sacred
        undisputed  possession  of  the  12th  territory"  again  in  the  seventh  as
        Naval  District  lead,  and only  need  a  result  of  outfielder  Richardson's
        to  continue  their  present  pace  to  long  centerfield  homer,  with catch-
       ·  hold  it.          ,        er Sheely  aboard ..
         Dick Bartell sent his chucking ace   Williams  started  a  Treasure  Is-
        Bender,  to  the mound  and his  wise  land rally in the eighth with a  deep
        judgment  rewarded  him with a  six  double to center. Tauby singled him
        run  triumph  and  notched  the  ver- home  and  advanced  on  Bartell's
        satile  Bender with his  sixth win  in  bingle  that  evaded  the  Pilot short-
        as many starts.               stop's  buttery fingers. Tauby scored
         Proceedings  were  rather  slow  in  when Sheely beat out an infield hit.
        the  first  four  frames  with  neither   Coast  Guard's  scoring  came  in
        team  getting  more  than  two  hits  the eighth on second baseman Dun-
        and  even  less  in  the  scoring  de- can's tripl-e  and McMichael's single.
        partment.                     Pilot  pitcher  Tunnell  homered  in
         A  single by  Chuck Richardson,  a  the  ninth  to  halt  the  Coast  Guard   SOCKO-Pictured  above  are  a  couple  ,of  sluggers   cut  at the  ball  but  to  no  avail.  The  Armed  Guards-
        double by Sheely, a  base-on-balls to  scoring.             fr,om  last  week's  softball  "natural"  between  Armed   men  walked  -off  with  the  victory  and  the  lead,  with
        Bartell  and  a  Coast  Guard  error  Score  by  innings:   R  H   E  G·ua,d and  Radio  Mat,eriel.  Lt.  Jessup takes a  healthy   a  score of  4-2.
        that  put  Bender  on  first  base,  Coast Guard  000  000  011- 2  7  3
        started  the  Treasur-e  Island  boys  T.  I.  . . ... . .. 000  040  22x- 8  8   2
       .on  their  big  fifth  inning  splurge.   Batteries: T. I., Bender and Shee-             Armed  Guard  Leads  American  Leaguers;
        Olsen  connected  for  a  two-base  ly;  C. G., Tunnell and Dillion .
                                                                                                 USS-O  Whips  VR-2  In  National Loop
        .. SPORTS ..                                                                             San  Francisco  Seals          left all leagues but one  with an un-
                                                                                                                                 Five weeks of softball action has
                                                                                                 Dumped  12-4  by  T. I.;       child as a  result of Tuesday's stun-
                                                                     Two  years  before  the  war  a                            league  has  turned  into  a  problem
                                                                   squar-e-jawed,  freckle-faced  young                         ning  upset  of  the  VR-2  to  the
       Treasure  Island  Tops        No  Equipment Shortage        Irishman   bounced   the   10-foot  Richardson  Sparkles     USS-O,  3-1.  Both  teams  are  dead-
                                                                    spring  board  at the  Fairmont  pool                       locked for the title.
                                                                                                   Fluke  hits,  wild  pitches,  stolen
       Bay Area  Loop; Tadcen  On  T. I.; Athletic  Staff           hour  on  end.  H e  was  bent  on  dis-  bases and two  home  runs paved the   A  mild  upset  occurred  in  the
                                                                    proving the  theory that a  gymnast   way  for •  Treasure  Island's  fifth   other  top  fracas  as  the  YO-HO
       Leads  SoftbaUers             Uses Best  Gear  Possible      can never become a  champion fancy   victory over a  Pacific Coast League   men  from  tl)e  D.  D.  Pool  bunched
                                                                    diver.                        team.  An  early  barrage  of  runs   all  their  runs  in  the  first  inning  to
         Sole domination  of the American   Finest equipment possibl~ is sup-                                                  whip  Operational  Training  School,
                                                                     When the war came he joined the  soaked the  error-logg,ed  Seals from
       · League  in  the  12th  Naval  District  plied to you on demand in Gym Nos.                                            6-2.
                                                                   United  States  Navy,  and  won  the  San  Francisco  to  such  an  extent
       baseball tournament  belongs to the  1  and  2.  Instructors  can  gear  you                                             American  League
       pirates of Treasure Island.   from  head  to  foot  in  almost  any   rate  of  Sp(A)3c.  Soon  he  was  in  that  they  never  overcame  the  12-4   Pre-Commissioning went into 3rd
         Treasure  Island's  recent  wins  sport you  desire.      Espiritu  Santo,  in  the  New  Heb- pasting.               place  as  a  result  of  their  2-1  tri-
       over the San Diego Padres and  the   Let's use  boxing as  an example.   rides.  The  boy  wanted  a  place  to   Thursday's  episode  on  the  local   umph  over  Radio  Materiel.  Still
                                                                    swim  and  to  dive.  The  only  place  diamond  started out with every in-
       Fleet  City  Bluejackets  have  cat-  Before  you  are  properly  intro-                                                resting in first place  with a  perfect
                                                                    available was a  stretch of the Sara- dication  of  ending  in  a  track meet
       apulted them into the upper brack- duced  to  the  boxing  equipment,                                                   record  is  Armed  Guard  with  five
                                                                    kato  River,  a  few  miles  from  the  as  both  teams  ran  wild  over  the
       ets  of  the  bay  area  hickory  com- there  should be  the desire  to  learn.                                         wins and no losses. No· other games
                                                                    base.  The  river was overhung with  bases  on  errors,  wild  pitches  and
       petition and firmly  embedded them  Instructors Jackie Burke and Chuck                                                  were  played.
                                                                   a  tangled jungle growth. There was  singles  turned  into  home  runs,  re-
       in the initial spot of  the District.   Pinzone  take  a  personal  interest                                              Operational   Training's   officer
                                                                   only  a  bare  trail  leading  to  the  sulting from a  stiff wind.
          12 ND  AM E.R I CAN  LEAGUE   in seeing that you  learn  how with-  river.               Treasure  Island's  ace  chucker,   nine looked like a  sure bet for first
                       Won  Lost  Pct.  out throwing  you  into the  ring  be-                                                 place  honors  as  they  poured  the
                                                                     So  the  youngster  went  to  Lt.  Wilson,  started  out  rather  shaky,
       Treasure  Island  .. . . 7   1   857  fore you know the fundamentals  of                                                hickory  to  the  horsehide ·in defeat-
                                                                   Commander R.  S.  Kimbell, Twelfth  giving  up  five  hits  and  four  runs
       Alameda C.  G . ..... 4   1   800  offense  and defense.                                                                ing  a  strong  Tadcen  team,  12-1.
                                                                   Naval  District  Recreation  Officer,  in the first three innings, but settled
       Fleet City  . . . .... . . 6   2   750                                                                                  Tadcen  fared  better  in  th-eir  other
                                                                   and  suggested  that  a  swimming  down in the last six frames  to keep
       Coast Guard  . .. . . . . 5   2   714                                                                                   two  games,  crushing  the  Armed
                                                                   area be developed.  But there was a  the  San  Francisco  lads  rationed  to
       Alameda N.  A . . . ... 5   2   714                         war on.  Men  were needed for more                          Guard  by  a  score  of  8-2  and  the
       Camp  Parks  . . .... .4   2   667                          vital  affairs  than  the  building  and   one bingle.      Frontier Base,  14-2.
                                                                                                   Richardson  and Bartell hit home
       St.  Marys Pre-F .... 4   4   500                                                                                         Pre-Commissioning  remained  in
                                                                   developing  of  a  swimming  area.  runs for Treasure Island while Mill-
       Coast Guard Pilots  . 3   5   375                                                                                       second place  with their 8-5  victory
                                                                   The  recreation  officer  encouraged  er  of  the  Seals produced  their only
       Albany Land.  Force  2   6                                                                                              over  the  Arme d  Guard  while  Re-
                                                                   him,  by  suggesting  that  if  he  round-tripper in the  third with two
       Armed Guard  ..... . 0   7                                                                                              ceiving  Ship  was  disposing  of  the
                                                                   wanted  the  swimming  area  badly  mates  aboard.  Richardson  showed
       Yerba Buena .... . . . 0   7   000                                                                                      Dispensary,  11-3.
                                                                   enough  he  might  recruit  others  at  a  rather  hefty  bat  at the  plate  by
       Softball                                                    the  base  interested  to  work  in off-  contributing  a  double  and  a  single   Standings:
         Sharing  the  number  one  spot  in
                                                                   duty  hours.                  in  his  other trips  to  the  rubber.   NAT IO N AL  LE AGUE
       the  Pacific  League  of  the  softball
                                                                     The  young  bluejacket  talked  it   A  near  casualty  occurred  in  the   Won  Lost  Pct.
       championship are the Armed Guard
                                                                   up  to  his  friends,  Ray  Jewell,  initial  inning  when  a  flying  bat  VR-2  ... . ..... ... .. 4   1   800
       of  Treasure  Island,  Albany  "Beach
                                                                   former  Oregon  basketball  player   from  the hands of a  San Francisco  USS-O   .. . . . . . . . . 4   1   800
       Busters,"  and  Camp  Shoemaker.
                                                                   and  T .'  I.  instructor,  Hugh  Mc-  player  caught  a  bystander  by  sur- Operational  Trng . . . 3   2   600
       All  three contingents have  one  loss
                                                                   Laughlin,  a  tennis  play-er  from   prise and  deposited  him  on the turf  YO-HO  Men  . . . . .. . 2   3   400
       to  mar  their  records,  while  Camp
                                                                   New York,  Phil Reed, a  Hollywood   for  the· count.       T.  I. Hosp.  . . ..... .. 2   3   400
       Parks clings to the second slot with
                                                                   actor, Les Peat, a  semi-professional   Score  by  innings:   R  H  E  T.  I.  Disp.  . . . . . . . .. 2   3   400
       four  wins  and  two  defeats.  Pre-                        player,  an  athlete  from  Fresno  by   S.  F .. .. .. . 103  000  000-  4  10  5  Receiving Ship  .. ... 2   3   400
       Commissioning  brings  up  the                              the name of Harturnian and others.   T. I.  .. .. . .. 044  011  02x- 12  11  3  Post Office  . . ... ... . 1   4   200
       in sixth place.                                               This little group started by clear-
              PAC I FIC C. EAGU E                                  ing the  trail  to  th-e  river.  Then  by   B_atteries:  T.  I.,  She.ely  and Wil-  AME RICAN  LEAGU E
                       Won  Lost  Pct                                                            son;  S.  F.,  P erry and  Oliver.            Won  Lost  Pct.
                                       H ank  Watki ns,  Pu!1ch  Prospect   "midnight" requisition they got the
       Armed Guard  ... . . . 5   1   833                          use  of a  jeep to pull  down the sun-                      Armed Guard  .. .. .. 5   0   1000
       Shoemaker Tadcen  . 5   1   833   Take a  look  at one  of  the  gym's   hungry  trees  and  foliage  at  the           Tadcen  . . . .. . .. .. . . 4   1   800
       Albany  Land.  Force  5   1   833  brighter  punch  prospects,  · Hank   river's  edge.  From  the  Army  they   Gunners  Down  Joseph   Pre-Com  .. .. .. . ... 3   3   500
       Camp  Parks  . . ..... 4   2   667  Watkins.  Hank  is  supplied  to  the   got 50  50-gallon  gasoline  drums  to   Motors  in  Vet.  Benefit   Radio  Mat.  .. . . ... . 3   3   500
       Coast Guard  ...... . 3   3   500  toes  with  trunks,  supporter,  band-  make floats.  Wheels  from  wrecked          Frontier Base  .. .. .. 1   4   200
       Coast Guard Pilots  . 2   4   333  ages, shoes,  robe,  headgear,  mouth-                   An exhibition game for the bene- Marines  . . .... .. ... O   .5   000
       T.  I.  Pre-Com.  . .. .. 2   4                             airplanes  were  acquired  to  line  up  fit  of the Veterans at the Palo Alto
                                 333  piece  for  the  bout,  bag  gloves  for  the  floats  from  the  shore.  Small
                                                                                                                                     O FFI C E RS  LE AGUE
       Mare Island . ... . ... 2   4   333   punching the up and down bag pie- boats were borrowed, and dunnage,   ho-spital  found  th.e  Armed  Guard   Won  Lost  Pct.
       Mare  Island Navy  .. 2   4   333   tured  at  the  right,  skip-ropes  and  or scrap lumber,  secur-ed  for  build- Gunners  edging  the  Joseph  Motor  Operational Trng ...  3   o   1000
       Oakland  Naval Sup.  0   6   000  plenty of sparring gloves. Of course  ing  rafts.       nine,  2-1.                   Pre-Com  .. .. . ... . . 3   1   750
                                                                                                   The game was scoreless until the
         In  the  Western  League  the  Ma- h.e  shadow boxes in either the round   The  recreation ·officer soon joined       Tade-en  .. . ... . ... .. 2   1   666
                                                                                                 eighth  frame  when  the  Gunners
       rine Bulldogs from  Treasure Island  or square ring and finishes  off with  the  gang of perspiring sailors,  and       Rec.  Ship  ... .. ..... 2   2   500
                                                                                                 punched  across  two  runs.
       presently  occupy  a  position  in  the  the  use  of  the  abdominal  exercise  attired  in  shorts,  helped  pull  down   T.  I .  Disp .. . . . .... 1   2   333
       lower  half  of  the  pennant  chase  table,  using  the  exercise  charts for  trees,  and  burn  vines  to  clear  the  you  he  had  that leave  coming,  not  Armed Guard  . .. . . . 1
                                                                                                                                                     3   250
       while the Treasure Island All-Stars  the toughening of the stomach mus- area. The proj-ect took shape. Great,  as  a  favor,  but as  his  yearly  tim-e- Frontier Base  . . . . .. 0   3   000
       are  holding  down  the  top  spot  in  cles.  Some  of  the  boys  like  to  lose  massive  pythons  interrupted  the  home  leave.  No  one  in  New  York
       the  Southern  division  with  five  weight  so  a  journey  to  the  steam- · work  but they were  killed.   had ever heard  of him.  He finished
       straight victories.           room is in order after the workout,   Soon  the  swimming  area  was  fourth  in  the  preliminary trials.
             WESTERN  LEAG UE        to shed a  pound  or two.     ready,  and  it  became  the  first  rec-  . Orr  the day  of  the finals,  he may   Sea  Lions  Score 7-4
              (Southern Division)      Trying  to  obtain  this  equipment  reational facility at Espiritu Santo.  have  thought  of  the  jungle  at   League Win Over Armed
                       Won  Lost  Pct.  in  civilian  life  would  run  the  pur- Thousands  of  sailors,   soldiers,  Espiritu  Santo,  of  accomplishing
       T.  I.  All-Stars  . . . .. 5   0   1060  chaser  into  plenty  of  money.  The  marin-es  and  New Zealanders came  th.e  impossible.  He  went  on to  win   Guard -Saturday
       NATS,  Oakland  .... 4   1   800  gear  itself  would  total  about  $150.  to  use  the  water  playground. ·   the  American  10-foot  springboard
       Alameda  C.  G.  ..... 3   2   667  Think of it, all this is free and very   The  red-headed  freckled-faced  diving  championship  by  six  points,   Coast  Guard's  land-based  Sea
       Livermore  Air  .. . .. 2   3   400  easy to  get too.      diver  from  San  Francisco  had  a  very substantial margin.   Lions  tacked  another  loss  on  the
       S.  F.  Marines  . ..... 2   3   400   Drop  in  and  learn  some  boxing  tackled and completed a  job every-  The  red-headed  boy  from  the  winless  Gunners  from  the  Armed
       Moffett Field . . . .... 2   3   400  before  the  golden  opportunity  is  one  had  said  was  impossible.   Mission  district  in  San  Francisco  Guard  by  pasting  them  with  a  7-4
       Point  Montara  , . . .. 0   6   000  lost  by -shipping orders.   A  month or so ago, a  red-headed,  is  Frank  McGuigan,  CSp(A).  Per- league loss.
                                                                   freckle-faced  young  fancy  diver,  haps  he  typifies  the  spirit  that  is   The  Sea Lions  racked up  13  hits
         A  girl and a  car are much alike.   Mother  (entering  the  room  un- now  stationed  on  Treasure  Island,  making the United States so _tough  and  combined  this  with  three
       A  good  grease  and  paint  job  con- expectedly) :  "Well,  I  never  . . .  "   got leave to  compete in  the Ameri- to  hostile  nations.  Anyway  he's  a  Armed Guard errors, to push across
        ceals  the  years,  but  the  lines  tell   Daughter: "Oh, mother, you must   can  National  fancy  diving  cham- shining   example   of   American  enough  runs  to  score  the  decisive..
        th-e  story.  ·               have."                        pionships  in  New  York  City.  Mind  spirit.             victory.
   180   181   182   183   184   185   186   187   188   189   190