Page 73 - Mastheads July-Dec 1945
P. 73


               0000     CCC  C
                                                                                    U.S. Naval Training and Distribution Center
              THIS  WEEK'S
                                                            T                            ASTHEA□
           00000  oo  ooo   0000000;
            This  could  only· happen  in  the
          U.S.A.!  While  the  world  waited,
          the  two radio employees carrying
          the  Jap  surrender  note  to  the  VOL.  IV -  N,o.  32        TREASURE  ISLAND,  SAN  FRANCISCO,: CALIF.             SATURDAY,  SEPT.  15,  _1945
          Swiss legation,  were  arrested for
                    *  *  *
            Forty  rates  are  now  open  to  New Point  System  Effective Today
          enlisted  reserves  who  want  to
          "ship  over"  to  USN.  Included  in
          the  gift  package  are  credit  for
          past  active  duty,  no  change  in
          rate,  lower  physical  standards,  "Fill 'er  up!" Re-enters Ille American Vo/Ja/Ju/ary  Legal  Assistance        A Quarter  of  a Point
          cash re-enlistment gratuity and a
          !four  year  enlistment  period  in-                                                   Moves  to  Quarters          Per Month  to  be  Given
          stead  of  the  previous  six.
                    *  *  *                                                                      In  Theatre  No.  1          For  Overseas  Service
            The  government  has  stopped
          receipts  of  applications  for  Fed-                                                   The  Tadcen  Legal  Assistance   The Navy announced a  re0-sion
          eral  jobs  from  persons  who  are                                                    office, formerly located in the Ad- of its point discharge system Sun-
          not  veterans  or  former  govern-                                                     ministration  Building,  has moved  day,  declaring  that beginning to-
          ment  employees.  Uncle  Sam  is
                                                                                                 to new  quarters  topside  of Thea- day,  September  15,  a  quarter -of
          setting  the  example  by  holding                                                     tre No.  1.                  a  point  a  month  wiU  be  granted
          his jobs open for discharged serv-                                                      The office  offers advice to Tad- for  overseas  service.
          icemen who will receive first  con-
     '-J                                                                                         cen  personnel  regarding  marital   The  action  will  make  750,000
          sideration  in  Civil  Service  em-                                                    problems,  documents,  provisions
          ployment.                                                                              of  the  GI Bill  of Rights,  and as-  men  eligible  immediately  for  de-
                    *  *  *                                                                      sistance in  almost any branch of
            John  L.  Sullivan  was  the  first                                                  law.                          At the same time, the Army an-
          civilian  officer  to  be  sworn  into                                                  Naturalization  of  citizens,  in-  nounced  that  next  February  has
          the  Navy  at  sea  and  the  cere-                                                    come tax advice, and the drafting   been set as the "target date"  for  ·
          mony  took  place  on  the  carrier                                                    of  wills,  powers  of  attorney,  and   the  return  of  approximately  two
          Shangri-La. Red-haired Mr. Sulli-                                                                                   million  American  soldie·rs  from
                                                                                                 bills  of  sale  also  are  included  in  Europe.   '
     \......,   van  is  the  new  Assistant  Secre-                                             the  scope of  the  office.
          tary for Air and he has just com-                                                                                I   Rankin  to  Aid
                                                                                                  Services  are  under  the  super-  Maj.  Gen.  C.  P .  Gross,  chief of
          pleted  an  eleven  day  tour  of  Pa-                                                 vision of Lt. Albert E . Deasy, for   Army Transportation, said the re-
          cific   battle  installations  with                                                    12  years a  practicing attorney in   turn of more than one million, 750
          enough time out to take the  oath                                                      San  Francisco. Telephone number   thousand  men  from  the  Pacific
          of his new office. Incidentally, this
                                                                                                 of the  office  is  Ext.  622.   will  be  completed next June.  An-
          is one of the first indications that
                                                                                                                              other  150,000  troops,  he  added,
          the  big  carrier,  recently  com-
                                                                                                                              are  to  be  returned  from  other
          pleted,  has been on active duty in                                                    Notice  to  Vehicular        theaters.
          the Pacific.
                    *  *  *            THIS  LINE-UP  is  the  terminal  area  of  a  thr,ee-way  coincidence;                 Meanwhile, Representative Ran-
            Now  they  tell  us!  The  Navy's  namely,  the  removal  ,of  gas  rationing,  the  opening of a  new  modern   Traffic  During "Colors"  kin,  of Missouri,  House Veterans'
          third  and  fifth  Fleets  which  T.I. stati-on, and the selling of gas at 12 cents per gallon. "Fill 'er up!"   Vehicles within sight or hearing  Committee  chairman,  declared
                                                                                                 of  morning  and  evening  colors  Congress would  take steps to ex-
          fought  their  way·  across  the
          Pacific and through the country's  Yeoman  Discharges·    of college education prior to their   will pull to the right hand side of  pedite  the  discharge  of  men who
          newspapers  were  really  one  and            h           actual  pilot  training.  This  policy   the road and stop. Passengers and  are  needed  at home.
          the same animal.  The only differ- -10,000  Men;  T  en   will  continue  until  enough  two-  driver  will  remain  in  the  vehicle  No  Changes
     \....,                                                         year  college  students  become   until  the  "carry  on"  has  been   The Navy explained that no re-
          ence  was  their  commanders.  Types  Own  Papers
          When  Admiral  Halsey  held  the                          available  from  civilian  universi-  sounded  automatically no.ting the  duction  in  its  critical  scores  was
                                                                                                                             contemplated at present, althoug~
          reins the fleet was designated  by   When a  yeoman discharges 10,- ties . .           resumption  of  traffic.    this  can  be  expected  about  No-
          the numeral, three and as Admiral   000  men,  that's  not  news--it's  a                                           vember 1.
          Spruance  came  aboard  the  same   year  and  a  half's  job.  But  when                                            Items  figuring  in  the  revised
                                       the  yeoman  types  his  own  dis- 29 POINTS AND THEY'RE OIJT!
          units  became  Fieet  No.  5.  Uke-                                                                                discharge formula are:
          wise, Task Forces 38 and 58 were   charge papers and goes home-
                                                                                                                               One-half  point  for  each  month
          as  interchangeable  as  "Invisible   The lucky yeoman is Darold  R.                                               of  service  ,on  active  duty  since
          Scarlet  O'Neil."  Mitscher  was   Thoman,  CY,  head  of  Receiving
          boss  of  38  and  McCain  of  58.   Ship discharge section since May,                                             September 1,  1939; one-half  point
                                       1944.  Counting up  his  points  one                                                  for each year .of age computed to
                    *  *  *            day,  he discovered he had enough                                                     the  nearest  birthday;  ten  points
            Some  servicemen  have  the  im-  for  a  discharge,  so  he opened  his                                         for  a  dependent,  not  acquired
          pres11ion  that  they  may  wear   desk  drawer,  pulled  out  several                                             after  August 15,  1945; one-fourth
          their Navy uniforms for  a  period
                                       forms  and  blanlj:s  and  proceeded                                                   of  a  point  for  each  month  of
          of ninety days following discharge   to get himself out of the Navy. He                                            active duty ,outside the continental
          regardless  of  the  fact  that  they   had  to  get  necessary  signatures                                         limits  of  the  United  States  since
          have reached home before the ex-  and  go  through  official  channels,                                            September  1,  1939.
          piration  of the ninety day period.   of course, but now he's on his way                                             Under  this  formula,  male  en-
          The  truth  of  the  matter  is· that
                                       home. He left Treasure Island last                                                    listed  personnel  must  have  44
          dischargees are given ninety days   Friday.                                                                        ; points  to  be  eligible  for  release;
          in which to get home.  Until  they   Six years in the Navy, Thoman                                                 enlisted  Waves,  29;  male  com-
          reach  home  their  Navy  clothing   had  been  in  several  major  en-
          may be worn but once they reach                                                                                     Continued  on  Page  2-
                                       gagements  in  the  Pacific  while
          their  destination  it  may  not  be   serving on  destroyers.  In his  na-
          worn except for parades, patriotic   tive Russel,  Kansas, he expects to
          and special occasions.  (The ninety   go  back  into  personnel  work.                                             C & SS  Sales  Show
          days  of  grace  are  for  guys  who
          have  to  walk  back  to  New York                                                                                 i Sharp  Decline  Since
          and  need  extra  time.)
                                       Resume  Normal  Liberty                                                               'Termination  of  War
                    *  *  *              Normal  liberty  for  Treasure
            Now  that  you  know  about                                                                                        Business  at  Treasure  Island's,
                                       Island  personnel  has  been  re-
          radar,  the Navy has decided  that                                                                                 Clothing and Small Stores took a .
                                       sumed  as  ordered  by  a  dispatch
          some of the secret weapons of the                                                                                  sharp decline this past month. The
     '-'   medical  department  may  come   from 12ND. Since August 17 only                                                  cut in sales was due mainly to the
                                       50  per  cent  of  petty officers  and
          out of the  closet.  Four big medi-                                                                                war's termination.
          cal  experiments  put  hundreds  of   25  per cent of non-rated men had                                              Sales  for  the  month  of  July
          fighting  men back at the front in   been  allowed liberty  each night.                                            reached  $460,000  as  compared  to
          record  time.  The  first  resulted  in                                                                            August's $355,000.
          the  discovery of magic penicillin;  Naval Aviation Needs                                                            Survivor's  claims,  which  for-
          the second,  malaria treatment by   4,300 Pilots  Annually                                                         merly added up to approximately
          use  of  atabrine;  third,  the  de-                                                                               35  'per  cent  of  the  total  sales,
          velopment of insect repellants and   (SEA) .-The Navy and Marine                                                   dropped  from  the  usual  1300  to
          insecticides including now famous,  Corps  need  4,300  aviators  a  year                                          500  this past month.
          "DDT";  and  last  the  study  of  and  the  postwar  pilot  training   SIGN  HERE, PLEASE for your Mustering Out Pay. Lois Smith, Y2c,   The  most  noticeable  decrease
          human blood  plasma making pos- program will be readjusted for an  and  Dorothy Perkins, SK2c,  both -of Armed Guard, willingly obey the  in  sales  came  in  the  dress  blues
          sible  the  use  of  serum  albumin  intake  of  about  500  candidates  ~  instructions -of  Storekeeper  Ida  Belle  Parker ..  They  are the first  two  department.  'socks,  towels,  caps,
          as a  blood  substitute,  of  immune  month, the Navy Department has   Treasure  Island  Waves  to  be  discharged  on  points.  Lois  plans  on  a   shoes, skivvies and handkerchiefs
                                                                    job  in  San  Francisco  and  Dorothy  is  going  back  to  Delta,  Colo.,  to
          globulins to  combat infection  and  announced.  High  school  gradu-  wait for the  return  of her sailor husband whom she met and  married   remained high on the list of pur-
          of fibrin  foam  to stop  bleeding.   at~s will continue to get two years  while  in  the  Navy ..                 chases.
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