Page 42 - Mastheads July-Dec 1945
P. 42

PAGE  2        THE  MASTHEAD,  SATl,JRDAY,  AUGUST  11,  1945
                                                             * Hollywood  Pin-up  Parade •••
                                            AD        *

      Official  Treasure
      * *  Island  publication  distributed  every  Saturday  without  cost  to  the
      officers,  enlisted  personnel,  and  employees  of  Treasure  Island.  All  communications  and
      contributions  should  be  directed  to  The  Editor,  W elfare  Division,  TADCEN,  Treasure
      Island,  San  F rancisco,  California.  Telephone :  EXbrook  3931,  Extension  69.   The
      Masthead  is  published  in  compliance  with  regulations  of  SecNav  letter  of  May
      28,  1945,  and  is  produced  commercially  from  non-appr opriated  ·w elfare  Funds  at  no
     · expense  to  the  Navy  Departm ent  or  Government.   The  Masthead  is  a  member  of
      the  Twelfth  Naval  District  Press  Association,  the  Ship' s  Editorial ·Association,  and
      receives  material  supplied  by  Camp  Newspaper  Ser vice.   Reproduction  of  credited
      material  p1·ohibited  without  permission  of  SEA  and  CNS.
                       COMMODORE  R.  W.  CARY,  U SN
               Commander  U. S.  Naval  Training  and  Distribution  Center
                       CLYDE  F .  BABB,  Sp( X ) 3c,  USNR
                      R ex  N .  Olsen ,  Y2c,  Associat e  Editor
      Carolyn  N.  Brown,  Ylc,  W aves  Editor   Robert  H.  P er ez.  BM2c,  Sports
          Bruce  A .  W erlhof,  P hM3c  -  Edwa rd  L.  L evitt,  SK2c,  R eporters
      TREASURE  ISLAND,  S.  F.,  CALIF.,  SATURDAY,  AUGUST  11,  1945

      JUST  PATTER  A  Sailor's  Dilemm.a!
        The  decks  are  an  cleared  on  Small  Stores,  o·r  liberty  card time,
      Treasure IS'land for one of the most  "the line"  peeps its ugly head into
      advantageous   educational   pro- view. And there's no fighting it. You
      grams ever to have been sponsored  either  wait,  chewing nails,  etc.,  or
      here.  We  regret  that  the  program  leave-minus  the  desired  item.
      will  not-b-e  set  in  motion  immedi- There's   no   "betwixt  or  b e-
      ately but within a  few weeks  blue- tween." ,  ...
      ·jackets will  be awarded  an oppor-  There is a  character to whom we
      tunity  to  improve  upon  their  shall r-efe,r  as a  "line welcher"  who
      schooling  through  the local  educa- takes unusual delight in stepping in
      tional office.  Lt. William Nordli ar- front of shipmates engaged in wait-
      rived a  few days ago and is now in  ing  their  turn  in  line.  'Sometimes
      complete charge of the educational  he  comes  forth  with  an  excuse
      program,  and what  he· has  in  sur- which  be~rs  a  familiar  tang.  Here  STUDY  IN  BLACK  (NET)  AND WHITE-Virtually   photogs  have  reached  the  ultimate.  Garbed  in  blue
      prises  under  that  gold striped  hat  is  a  common  one:  "What  say,  every rising star in  Hollywood has been  photographed   v,elvet and  maribou  is  lovely Vivian  Blane, whom you
      is nothing but good for the enlisted  mate? ,I  hear this is  a  good  show.   against a  bear  rug  at one  time  or  another,  but  with   have seen  lately in  "Nob  Hill.  But confidentially, fel-
      personnel  of  Treasure  Island  .  .  .  Look,  I  just got  off  watch and the   this  seductive  pose  we  feel  that  the  tinsel  town   1,ows,  Nob  Hi.II  was  never  like  this.
      No  wo•rd  in  the  English  language,  line is too long to sweat out. Howz-
      than  the  word  "education,"  while  variably  comes  too  sudden-like.  TIie  Island  Trotter                         Service  Men  Buying
      perhaps,,  is  more  widely  misused  about a  drag?" The punch line  in-
      the  expression  "an  educated  man"  However,  not  all  line  welchers  are                                           Homes  Should  Give
      has been  given entirely too limited  so  crude.  Th-ere  are  the  polished
     . a  meaning.  Education  should  not  ones, too .. . Here is an example of   Do  you believe there  should be           Occupants  Notice
      mean just a  formal course of study  the finished  manipulator in action:  a  change  in  the  present  uniform
      in high school or college for a  pre- Before  stepping  o·ver  to  the  parti- of  the  Navy  bluejacket?                 Returning service men who pur-
      . scribed  number  of  years.  It  is  a  cular party, who conveniently hap-  Charles  Pierce,  S1c,  Fr-ontier         chase  homes  occupied  by  tenants
      continuing process, throughout life,  pens to be  the tenth person in line,   Base.  More  fellows  would  rather       have  been  running  into  difficulties
      whereby a man constantly improves  he looks snake-like to his right and   be in the Navy if the service would           when  evicting  these  tenants.  The
      his  mental  powers  to  cope  with  left.  Seeing  no  guard  who  might   off-er  a  better  looking  uniform.  I     correct procedure  is as follows:
      everchanging  situations.  As  one  :)ject him  at the  least provocation,   can't see why we should wear some-           The local OP A  rent control office
      writer  puts  it,  "An  educated  man  he  walks  up  to  the  innocent  by-  thing to commemorate a  happening  much  happier  with  a  newer  one.   should be notified immediately up-
      is  not  really  educated  simply  be- ,tande·r  . . . Smiling from ear to ear                                          on completion of the sale.  The new
                                                                  of  bygone  years.  However,  I  do  The  'trailing'  n-eckerchief;  'flower-
      cause  he  spends  time  between  the  \ike  a  politician  on  election  morn-                                         owner  must  file  a  "Petition  for
                                                                  not recommend  a  change  now.  Let  ing'  collar,  and  abbrevi,ated  pock-
      walls  of  some  educational  institu- \ng,  the  welcher  his  first                                          Certificate  Leading  to  Eviction"
                                                                  the  m-en  who  are  going  to  wear  •ets  don't  make  for  ease  and  com-
      tion. We have had far too many ex- words:  "Mate,  you  ever  sta-                                               with  the  OPA  Rent  Director  and
                                                                  the  uniform  after the  war,  that is  fort.
      amples of ignoramus-es with college  tioned  at the  Lakes?"  The  victim   the  USN  men,  decide  what  they          serve  notice  of  eviction  upon  the
      degrees  who  lack  common-sense  1.abeled  for  the  "business"  is  too   would  best  like  to  wear.                tenant.
      and a  proper understanding of the  ,tartled  for  a  fast  retort.  The   William  A.  Tuthill,  QM1c,  Mine             When  this  procedure  is followed
      problems  of  their  fellow  men.  An  -;velcher,  using  the  weapon  of  sur-  Force,.  The  uniform  should  remain   Lt.  Comdr.  Harding  Gets   the  new owner may  obtain posses-
      honest-to-goodness  educated  man  'Jrise,  emits  further:  "I know  I'v-e                                             sion  of  the  premises within  ninety
                                                                  as  is.  That's  what  I  joined  this
      may  or .may not possess  a  coll-ege  ,een _you  someplace.  Was  it  No1,1-             _ Letter  of  Appredation     days after the  OP A  rent office has
      degree"  .  .  .  True  education  i-s  an  '.Ilea?"  The .bluejacket  in  line,  re-  branch  of  th-e  service for;  it's dif-  approved the application.
                                                                  ferent and I  like it that way.
      inner  thing,  gained  not  only  by  ~overing  from  the  initial  shock,                From  Canadian  Captain         In  many  recent  cases  tenants
      formal study in school, but a  never- ':tnswers the  intruder.  "Well, I  was   James  R.  Gallagher,  EM1c,  Re-       have been given ninety days notice
                                                                  ceiving  Stati,on.  There  is  definitely
      ending  thirst  for  knowledge  that  at the Lakes in '42.  But I  don't re-                Lt.  Commander  E.  L.  Harding,  by new owners who failed to notify
      makes  a  man  study  the  subjects  ~all  ever  seeing  you  there."  The   a  need  for  a  change.  The  unifo·rm  Repair and Materiel officer at Fron-  OP A.  Then the owners had to wait
      that appeal  to him.  He is, not con- man  is  already a  beaten  gladiator.   is  not  at  all  dressy.  White · hats,  tier  Base,  has  rec-eived  a  letter  of  another  ninety  days  to  obtain
      c-erned with credits or the magic of  "I probably saw you around camp,   besides looking silly  with so many  appreciation  for  services  extended   possession.  It  is  important  that
      the  degree,  but  through  untiring  no  doubt,"  replies  th-e  welcher.  In   varied  shapes,  get. dirty  too  fast.  the HMCS Prince Robert while tied   every  purchaser  of  a  house  notify
      application,  wherever  he  may  be,  the  meantime,  he has  moved  him-  Also,  fellows  with  hairy  chests  up  at the  repair docks at Treasur-e   the OP A  rent offi~e  immediately.
      he  gains  that inner  satisfaction  of  self  comfortably  in  front  of  his   leave  themselves  exposed  with  Island.
      learning for knowledge's sake. The  victim.  His objective accomplished,   those  V-shaped  necklines  of  our   The letter reads as follows:   I  think  that I  shall never see
      Masthead will  carry full  details  of  further  conversation  is  now super-  dress  jump-ers.   "Your assistance and cooperation               1
      the new program- watch for them.  fluous  . . .               Kenneth  Millbyer,  S1c,  Seaman   in supplying materials and arrang- A  gal  refuse a  meal  that's free.
                                      Fortunately, this crop is not in an  Guard.  It's  alright  the  way  it  is.  ing  for  a  considerable  amount  of   A  gal  with  hungry  eyes  not fixed
                                    abundant  stage  her-e.  The  average  Only  thing that I  don't  like about   work to be accomplished in a  given  Upon  a  drink  that's  being  mixed.
        As  sure  as  there'll  be  beans  on  sailor at T.  I.  waits out his turn in  the  uniform  is  the  fact  we  can't   time  has  been  most helpful  and  is  But gals are loved by guys like me,
      the  bill  of fare  Saturday morning,  line with not too much  reluctance.  wear bell  bottom trousers.  Narrow   greatly  appreciated  by  the  com- 'Cause I  don't like to kiss a  tr-ee.
      Joe  Sailor  will  never  stop  running  He'll  finger with his tie,  brush th.e  bottoms look  too  much like  a  zoot   manding  officer  and  officers  of
      into  lines.  He  is  continually  beset  excess lint off his uniform, and plan  suiter;  not salty enough.   HMCS  Prince  Robert."   Repairs were made on the vessel
       by  streams  of  shipmates  waiting  the  coming liberty.  H~ now -~~ows   Darr  Yeamnes,  S1c,  Receiving   W.  B.  Creery,  Captain, RCN  by  workers  of  the  Industrial  de-
      fo·r  the same  commondity as he is,  how  to  best make use  of  the  time  Station.  The  uniform  should  be   Commanding Officer   partment shops.
       and at the very same time. His life  it  takes  "sweating"  lines  out.  The  made to look· more like other serv-
       is one  long wait.  Queues are just a  bl"uejacket  is  schooled  thoroughly  ices. The way it is now,  it's too old   PRESIDENT/Al  CHOW l/NE
       matter of course with him .. . Blue- on  the  subject  . . .  Joe  Sailor  is  fashioned.  A  new  uniform  should
       jackets  on  Treasure  Island  are  no·  anxiously  awaiting  that  coming  be  made to correspond with CPO's
       -exception  to the  rule.  Whether  it's  post-war  discharge  queue.  He's  a  garb. With regular pants and shirt,
       an afternoon gedunk; a  purchase at  cool  wait-e,r.        a  fellow  would foel  more like him-
       USS  DISPATCH  BLOOD          award  for _ 100  per  cent  participa-  ·  James  Palmer,  Coxswain,  Re-
                                     tion by students in the blood dona- ceiving  Stati,on.  No.  First of  all  it
       DONORS  RECEIVE  RED          tion campaign for a  p-eriod of more  wouldn't  be  practical  aboard  ship.
                                     than two years. Eadh month during  Besides,
                                                                           another  uniform  just
      . CROSS  CERTIFICATE           that time,  men  of  the  school  have  wouldn't  look  right  on  ·a  sailor .
                                     given an average of five gallo-hs  of
                                                                    Raymond Statzer, SK3c, Clothing
        Colon-el  Charles  c.  Quigley,  Di- blood.  Present  enrollment  at  the  &.  Small  Stores. The average sailo·r
      - rector  of  the  American  Red  Cross  school  is a  little  less  than 150  stu- feels  too  out  of  plac-e  with  his
       blood bank in San Francisco, board- dents.                  present-day  uniform.  Every  time
       ed  the  USS  Despatch  August  7,   "Never has a  physically qualified  you  put  your  jumper  on,  or  vice
       and  awarded  to  the  men  of  the  man  aboard  this ship  turned down.  versa,  you have to comb your hair.
       radio  school  there  a  certificate  of  an  oppodunity  to  give  his  blood,"  The  little  white  hat  perched  atop
       appreciation  for  outstanding  co- declared  Lt.  Commander_  R.  E .  your  head  makes  you  foel  too  ob-
       operation  with  th-e  American  Red  D,nis,  officer-in-charge  of  the  vious.  Every other branch of serv-
       Cross  blood  dono·r  service.   school.                    ice  is  more  or  less  up  to  date-
        It was  accepted on behalf of the   --~------              except  the  Navy.
       school by Captain E. F . Helmkamp.  Caution                   Robert  Lundy,  RT3c,  Radio  Ma-
       The  highest  honor  that  the  Red                         teriel  School.  A  chang;e  is  war-
       Cross  can  pay,  it  has  been  pre-  A  sign  on  a  narrow  road where  ranted  at  thi.s  time.  The  uniform
       viously  awarded  to  only  one  oth-er  Army  engineers  are  working  in  represents  a  fine  tradition,  but  it
      . activity  on  the  two  islands- Radio  Okinawa   reads:   "Careful- Men  is not  up  to  modern-day  needs.  It
       Materiel School on Treasure Island.  with  over  85  points  working  isn't  that  a  sailor  isn't  proud  of   PRESIDENT  TRUMAN  en  route  to  the  "Big  Three" .conference  in
        The  certificate  represents  an  ahead."                  his  uniform,  but  he  would  feel  Germany joins the tin-tray brigade aboal'd the  V$$ A,ugui.ta.   -SEA
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