Page 147 - Mastheads July-Dec 1945
P. 147

Wetlnestla1 Concerts  Heart/ at Hospital ct b apt l ...                               THE MASTHEAD,  SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3,  1945       PAGE 8

                                                                       DIVINE  SERVICES       OPERAT~ONAL
                                                                 Treasure and Verba Buena  Islands
                                                                                              TRAU~:li  G SCHOOL

                                                                                                Last  Tuesday,  October  23,  the   Until  further  notice,  mat-
                                                                                              OTS  Volleyball  team  won  over   inees  will  be  shown  at  all  the-
                                                                                              the  Armed  Guard  team  with  a   atres on  week  days  starting  at
                                                                                              final  score  of  15-1,  15-3.  Swea-  1500.  Sundays starting  at 1400.
                                                                                              ney's  defensive  playing  was  out-
                                                                        Sunday  Services      standing  in  the  game.  Glory  was
                                                                                              temporary,  however,  and  due  to   Tr,easure  Island Theatre  No.  1
                                                                        Protestant  Worship
                                                                   Treasure  and  Yerba  Buena  Islands   bad  breaks  we  lost  the  finals  to
                                                                 Treasure  Island  Chapel-0930  and  1030  Radio Materiel school, 15-8, 15-13.   Last  Showing  Tonight
                                                                 Communion-1130  (Chapel)
                                                                 Hospital  Chapel-1000                                       "PARIS  UNDERGROUND"
                                                                 Theatre  No.  3-1030                   * *  *
                                                                 Embarkation Ship's Service Chapel  0700   October  25th was indeed a  sad   Constance  Bennett, Gracie Fields
                                                                 Yerba  Buena  Island  Theatr-0930
                                                                                              day for Lt.  (jg)  Miller, for it was
                                                                          Catholic Masses                                  Sun.-Mon.,  Nov.  4  and  5
                                                                                              the day our Commanding Officer,
                                                                 Tree.sure Island Chapel-0630,  0720  and                   "AND  THEN  THERE  WERE
                                                                    0820                      Commander  C.  J.  McWhinnie,
                                                                 Theatre  No.  1-1030                                                NONE"
                                                                 Hospital  Chapel-0630 and  0900   more or less took him over at the   Barry  Fitzgerald,  Walter Huston
                                                                 Embarkation  Ship's  Service  Ci::apel -
        FORTY-FIVE  MINUTES  OF  MUSIC  are  a  regular  Wednesday   0600                     bowling  alleys.  The  scores  read
        feature  at the Treasure  Island  hosptial. Seated  at the organ  is  Allan  Yerba  Buena  Island  Theatre--0830   something  like  this:   Tuesday,  Nov.  6
        Gastren,  PhM2c,  who  begins the weekly  concert at 1215  sharp. Gas-  Confessions  ( YB  Theatre  Office)  0800   First Game:  C.O.,  152;  Lt.  (jg)  "SHE  WENT  TO  THE  RACES"
        tr,en. completed_  ~O  ~onths  overseas  and  is  now  attached  to  the   Mormon  Study  Group   Miller,  141.
        hosp1ta_l cha_plain s  office.  He  holds  a  master's  degree  in  music  from  Theatre  No.  2-0930              James  Craig   Frances  Gifford
        !he  1:Jniver~1ty  of  Southern  California,  has  studied  his  favorite  sub-  WEEKDAY  ACTIVITIES   Second  Grune;.  C.O.,  162;  Lt.
        Ject  in  Paris  and  '!"a_s  formerly  empl-oyed  by  the  city schools  of  Los   Daily-Masses  (Small  Chapel,  Treasure   (jg)  Miller,  137.   Wed., Thurs.,  Nov.  7  and 8
        Angeles  as  a  music  instructor.  Guests  are  invited  to  dr,op  in  for  the   Island)  1150  and  1630   Quoth Lt.  (jg)  Miller:  "I want   "HOLD  THAT  BLONDE"
        weekly concert and this week's program  may  be found  in  the column  Daily-Confessions (Small Che.pel, Treas•   a  rematch!  He never laid a  glove  Eddie  Bracken   Veronica  Lake
        of  chapel  announcements.                                  ure  Island)
                                                                 Dai_ly-Masses  (Hos,Pita\  Cha_pel)-0645   on  me!"
                                                                 Oaily- Masses   (Embarkation  Ship's                      Fri.-Sat.,  Nov.  9  and  10
                                                                    ::lervice  Chapel)  1600.           *  *  *
                                                                 Daily -
                                                                                                                             "TOO YOUNG  TO  KNOW"
                                                                       Protestant  Worship  Service -
        NOW IT CAN BE TOLD: AMERICANS AND                           1430  (Embarkation  Ship's  Service   Speaking of bowling,  and near- Robert  Hutton   Joan  Leslie
                                                                 Monde.y-Blessed Virgin  Soda!ity  (First  ly  everyone  is  these  days,  were
                                                                    Monday  of  the  Month)  1800  (Small
        CHINESE  HAD  OWN  UNDERGROUND                           Tuesday -  Miraculous  Medal  Novena,   you  aware  of  the  fact  that  our
                                                                    18a0  (Large  Chapel)     Wave · bowling  team  is  holding   Treasure  Island Theatre  N•o.  2
                                                                 Tuesday-Christian ::lcience  Group,  1800  down fourth place in the league?
                                    from the borders of Indo-China to   (Chapel  Reception  Room)
        "Friendship"  Plan           the northern end of the Gobi des-  ruesday  -  Holy  Name  Society,  1915  They  bowl  every  Tuesday  eve-
                                                                    (::!mall  Chapel)                                      Last  Showing  Tonight
                                     ert, and its ungentle grip was felt  Wednesdays  -  Christian  Servicem•n'e   ning  at  1800,  and  if  you  would
        Confused  Ja ps              with emphasis by the north-south   Room)   1830   ( Chapel  Reception  like to see real form,  just go over   "THAT  NIGHT  WITH  YOU"
                                     Japanese  lines  along  the  China  Wednesday -  Orga.n  Recital  (Hospital  and spectate a  while. You may be   Franchot Tone   Susanna Foster
                                                                    Chapel)  1215  and  1400
        Almost  Four  Years  coast.                              l'hursd.ay  -  Chapel  Choir  Rehearsal   lucky enough to see Laura Ferris,   Sun.-Mon.,  Nov.  4  and  5
                                                                    (Chapel  Gallery)  1800   Sp ( G) 2c,  bowl another 200 gaine.
         This w.eek  the  U.  S.  Navy  and   The information given  the 14th  Friday-Wave Singers Rehearsal  (Chap·   She  did  just  that  not  so  very   "SPANISH  MAIN"
                                                                    el  Reception  Room)  1800
        the  Chinese  government  let  the  air  force  by  these  behind-the-  Friday-MormoJl  Study  Group,  1830  long  ago  and  took  the  evening's   Paul Henreid   Maureen O'Hara
        public  in  on one  of the  best kept  lines  fighters  enabled  the  airmen   Friday  -  Jewish  Services   (Hospital  honors.
                                                                    ( Chapel  Gallery)
        secrets of the war-the operation  to  lay  mine  fields  in  Jap  home   Chapel)  1900                             Tuesday,  N-ov.  6
        of  a  U.  S.  and  Chinese  under- waters  and  thus  push  Jap  ship-  Saturday-Confessions  (Small  Chapel,  Demobolization   "SENORITA  FROM  THE
                                                                    Treasure  Island)  1400-2000
        ground which hazed and confused   ping  out  to  sea  where  our  deep  daturday-Confessions  (Hospital  Chap-  "F-letcher"  imagination  run   WEST"
                                                                   el)  1800-1900
       the  Japanese  for  almost  four  water  subs  could  find  and  finish                wild for a  moment while we give  Alan  Jones   Bonita  Granville
       years.  It  was  known  as  the   them.                                                you  the  story  on  transfers  for   Wed.-Thurs.,  Nov.  7  and  8
        "friendship"  project and  its  solid   Chennault's  "Flying  Tigers"   AT  THE  CHAPEL  •   discharge.  We  can  "Wol-ford"  to   "THE  LOST  WEEKEND"
       foundation was the ability of Chi- were  having  trouble   locating              •  •   state  that  many  "Peebles"  are   Ray Milland   Jane Wyman
       nese  and Americans  to cooperate  :memy  columns  which  slipped   Protestant Services   leaving  for  OTS  and  our  good
       with  satisfying  results.  The  Chi- through  some  of  the  isolated                 wishes go with them, although we   Fri.-Sat.,  Nov.  9  and  10
       nese  sent  members  of  their  Bu- nountain passes of China's many   "Learning  to  do  Well"  will  be  are  a  little  envious.  "O-shier",   "PARIS  UNDERGROUND"
                                                                 the  title  of  the  sermon  by Chap- some  of  us will  be  here  to  carry
        reau  of  Investigation  and  Statis- .nountain ranges. Saco gave them                                             Constance Bennett,  Gracie  Fields
                                                                 lain H.  G.  Gatlin in  the Treasure  on,  but when -you lucky 41-point-
       tics,  and  the· United  States  sent  mch  accurate  information  from
                                                                 Island Chapel  Sunday,  November  ers wander into a  "Bar" to "tosh"
        Commander  M.  E.  Miles  to  talk  within  Japanese-held   territo·ry
                                                                 4,  at  1030.  Chaplain  Joseph  W.  off  a  few,  have  one  for  us!  Yes,
        things over and form some sort of  ~hat  one  flyer  said  it was  "as  if                                          Treasure  Island Theatr,e  No.  3
                                                                 Baus  will  speak  at  0930  on  dear  readers,  if  you  will  look
       plan which would help both forces.  the planes had been led by hand."
                                                                 "What the Living Christ Means."  closely, you will find the names of
                                     fap scouting parties weTe forcibly
        How's the  Weather                                                                                                 Last  Showing  Tonight
                                    ;mpressed  with  the  danger  of   At  both  services  the  Chapel  R.  B.  Fletcher,  CEM:  W.  J.  Wol-
         This  was  a  question  that  the   tramping too far afield after Saco  Choir  will  sing  "Jesus  Said Unto  ford,  FCOlc;  D. T. Peebles, CRT;   "TOO  YOUNG  TO  KNOW"
       Allies  asked over and over again   had  cut  their  supply  and  com- the  People"  (Stainer)  and  Car- E.  R.  Oshier,  CMM,  and  J .  Bar-  Robert  Hutton   Joan  Leslie
       in  the  first  months  after  Pearl   .nunication lines and then quietly  olyn Brown, Ylc, will sing "Come  tosh,  Mlo,  who  were  all  trans-
       Harbor.  What were weather  con-  removed  them.  Some  outlying  Unto  Me"  (Scarlatti)  as  a  so-  ferred  to  separation  centers  for  Sun.-M,on.,  Nov.  4  and  5
       ditions  in  occupied  China?  The   :-;fipponese  garrisons were  left  to  prano  solo.  Special  organ  music   discharge this week.   "SHE  WOULDN'T  SAY  YES"
        job  of  finding  out  was  the  first                                                                             Rosalind  Russell   Lee  Bowman
                                    starve -  Saco  had  intercepted  by  Ross  McKee,  Sp ( W) 2c,  will   Kaleidoscope
       problem for the "friendship" proj-
                                    their  supplies.             include  "Variations  and  Finale"   Welcome aboard to  D.  E .  Bou- T·uesday,  N,ov.  6
       ect,  Chinese  guerrillas,  U. S.  Ma-                    (Sparks)  and  "March  Romaine"
       rines and U.  S.  Coast Guardsmen  3tage  Props                                        dreaux,  CGM;  R.  M.  Anderson,   "SING  YOUR  '\NAY  HOME"
       put their heads together for a few   Sometimes  it  was  possible  to                  CEM, and T. B. Waid,  CFC, all of  Jack Haley   Anne Jeffreys
       weeks  of  training  and  outfitting  leave  Jap  territory  by  air  and   Theatre  No.  3   whom  reported  for  duty  this   Wed.-Thurs·.,  Nov.  7  and  8
       and  then  were  graduated  to  gc  ;vhen this was impossible the Chi-  Mrs.  Lois  Fox  Herr  will  be  week.  Upon  reporting  to  OTS,   "IT ALL CAME TRUE"
        out and do the job. In a  matter of  nese  and  American  Saco fighters   guest  soloist  at  Protestant  Di- Chief  Waid  took  the  plunge,
       days,  weather  statistics  in  J ap- put on false eyebrows, beards and   vine Services in Theatre No.  3  at  shipped over for four and is  now   Ann Sheridan  Humphrey Bogart
       held  territo·ry  were  Allied  prop- Japanese  personalities  to  come   1030  Sunday  morning,  singing  on  leave  at  his  home  in  Tampa,
       erty.                        home  for  free via  the  J ap  trans-  "O  Divine  Redeemer"  (Gounod) .  Florida  ... The  service  ribbons  Fri.-Sat.,  Nov. 9  and  10
                                                                                                                             "ENCHANTED  FOREST"
                                                                 Chaplain  Herbert  L.  Rice  will  that  some  of  the  Waves  have
                                    portation system.
        A  New  Name                                             speak  on  "Keeping  God  in  Your  been sporting these past few days   Edmund Lowe   Brenda Joyce
         "Friendship"  Inc.  was  such  a   Allied flyers,  forced  down with   Life."        are  in spite of some doubts
       success that it received more odd  in  a  few miles of  an  enemy  out-  Hospital  Chapel   we  have  heard  expressed.  Just
       and dangerous jobs, so many that  post and deep inside enemy terri-  Holy  Communion  will  be  ob- ask Lt.  Simpson-she carries the   Verba  Buena  Movies
       the  Chinese  and  American  gov- tory,  will  be  stupefied  for  years   served  Sunday  morning,  Novem- authorization  around  in   her
       ernments felt a  more formal  sort  to come with the way these guer-  ber  4,  at  the  Hospital  Chapel.  pocket!   Last Showing Tonight
       of  agreement  and  organization  rillas  found them, fed them,  gave                                                 "HOLD  THAT  BLONDE"
       was  needed.  The  result  was  the  them  medical  attention  and  then   Chaplain  C.  H.  Loveland  will        Eddie Bracken   Veronica Lake
       Sino-American  Cooperative  or- performed  a  perfe-ct  camouflage   serve  at  the  1000  service,  and   pital  Chapel,  by  Allan  Gastren,
       ganization  which  boiled  down  to  job to bring them through enemy   Patricia  Younkin,  MaM3o,  so-  PhM2c.  The program will include  Sun.-Mon.,  Nov. 4 and 5
       "Saco".  It  had  a  formal  agree- lines  alive  and unscathed.   prano,  will  sing  a  special  solo,   the  following :   "THE  ENCHANTED  FOREST"
       ment  drawn· between  both  coun-                         "So Near to God Am I"  (Eville).                         Edmund Lowe      Brenda Joyce
                                    Scoreboard                   Special  organ  music  by  Allan   Arioso  . . ... ..... . ... .... . Handel
       tries  and  written  in  two  lan-  The  record  shows  that  Saco  Gastren,  PhM2c,  will  include  Londonderry Air. Irish Folk Tune
       guages,  but the words  meant the                                                                                  Tuesday, Nov. 6
                                    guerrillas,  from  June  1,  1944,  to  "Maid  With  the  Flaxen  Hair"   Prelude  in  E  Minor ...... Chopin
       same  thing-bad  news  for  the   July  1,  1945,  killed  23,540  Japs,  (Debussy),  and  "Triumphal  Funeral March  .. . ....... Chopin   "THIS  ABOVE  ALL"
       Japs!                                                                                                              Joan Fontaine   Tyrone Power
                                    wounded  9,166  and  captured  291.  March"  from  Symphony  No.  3.   Triumphal  March . Tschaikowsky
        Like  the  Octopus   ,      Materially  speaking,  they  de- ( Tschaikowsky) .        Andante  Cantabile           Wed.-Thurs.,  Nov. 7 and 8
         Saco's far-reaching effects were  stroyed  209  bridges,  84  locomo-                  .. . . .... ........ Tschaikowsky   "SHE  WOULDN'T  SAY  YES"
       similar to  those of the  sea-dwell- tives,  141  ships  and  river  craft   Organ  Recital   Melodie  ........ . . Tschaikowsky   Rosalind Russell   Lee Bowman
       ing  creature with the  many legs.  and  97  depots  and  warehouses.   Navy personnel and their guests  Russian Easter
       Its  guerrilla  members  set  up  These  are  conservative  estimates  are  invited  to  hear  the  regular   · ............ Rimsky-Korsakoff  Fri.-Sat.,  N~v.  9 and  10
       weather,  communications  and  in- since  Saco  men  do  not  count  weekly  organ  recital  Wednesday,  Ave  Maria  . .... ........ . .. Liszt   "IT  ALL  CA.ME  TRUE"
       telligence  stations  all  the  way  "probables."         November 7  at 1215,  in  the  Hos- Fanfare  ...... . ......... Dubois  Ann  Sheridan,  Humphrey Bogart
   142   143   144   145   146   147   148   149   150   151   152