Page 59 - Mastheads Aug-Dec 1944
P. 59

       13,000 T.  I.  Blueiackets  Give  Blood

                                                               News of the  Week
                                                                 No  column  written  for  WAVES
                                                               would  be  complete  without  some
                                                               mention  of  the  recent  legislation
                                                               which  will  affect  all  women  inter-
                                                               ested in overseas duty. The bill per-
                                                               mitting  WAVES  and  SPARS  to
                                                               serve  outside  the United  States  on
                                                               a  volunteer  basis  was  signed  by
                                                               President Roosevelt September
                                                               28th. Their service, however, will be
                                                               limited to Hawaii, Alaska and Navy
                                                               bases  in  this  hemisphere.  Details
                                                               will  be  coming through by way  of
                                                               official Navy channels,  so  be  think-
                                                               ing  it over,  girls.  To  go  or  not  to
                                                               go, that is the question.
                                                               "Waltzing  Matilda"
                                                                 There were a  good many charm-
                                                               ing  and  beautiful  "Matildas"  seen
                                                               waltzing to  the' strains of the T. I.
                                                               Swing Band at the Gym on  Satur-
                                                               day, September 30th when the third
                                                               All-Station  dance  was  held.  Every
                                                               WA VE .who  attended had  a  grand
                                                               time,  perhaps the orchids  and gar-
                                                               denias  had  something  to  do  with
                                                               it,  and  those  who  missed  it  had
                                                               better  arrange  their  social  calen-
                                                               dar  so  that  the  next  one  will  find
                                                               them sharing in the fun.  These days
                                                               to  find  a  dance  floor  as  large  as
                                                                the  Gym  is  as  rare  as  a  box  of
                                                                Across  the  Courts
   ... AND THEY  ENJOY  IT-Top view shows  nurse  Avis  Ponting  tak-
    ing temperature and  pulse of man about to donate at the  San  Francisco   Information  on  the  results  of
    Blood  Donor  Center.  After  giving  blood  and  before  putting  on  their  those of us who represented Treas-
   jumpers  the  men  seen  at  bottom  are  served  coffee  and  doughnuts  by   ure  Island  in  the  district  play-offs
    (YI rs.  Frank Hutchinson, canteen  hostess.
                                                               at U.  of  Cal.  Sunday is  noth-
                                                               ing  but  good.  We  gave  you  the
                                 got away from the burning oil and  probable  entrants  last  week  and
   Armed  Guard                  made  off  toward  the  shore.  But  from those names the following  of-  PRETTY  BLUE-EYED  LOUISE  HERBERT,  telephone  operator  at
    Heads  Blood                 could  he make _it?  He felt  awfully  ficers and enlisted women really did  Portland,  Ore.,  joins  the  ranks  of  "The  Masthead's  Girl  Back  Home"
                                                                                             featurette.  Miss  Herbert is the girl back home  for Jack  Phillips, SoM2c
                                 weak.  Lifting  his  head  for  a  mo- us proud.
   Donors'  List                 ment he saw a  dark shape loom up   M. Fry, SK2c fro'.m Armed Guard,   of the  Destroyer Pool  Educational  Office. Jack has been  in  the  Navy for
                                                                                             28 months. Following the war he hopes to continue his education in music.
                                 in  the  night.  It was  a  barge,  and  will  return  for  the  singles  semi-
        (Continued from page 1)   in  a  few  m·inutes  he  was  lifted  finals  on  Sunday,  October  7th,  at   Officers'  Courtesy   officers.
   the port side. Those holds were full   aboard,  badly burned but alive.  At  0900. Ens. Robertson and L. Funke,           Probably the  most utilized  serv-
   of  gasoline  and  oil.  He  yelled  to   the  field  hospital  Art  Taylor  was  Ylc,  teamed  to  defeat  the  doubles   Bureau  Operated by   ice of the bureau is  its information
   his  men,  above  the  din:  "Abandon   given  49  transfusions  of  blood  teams of Mare Island and Alameda            desks.  At  each  one  is  an  always
   ship!  All  men  off!"  The  metal   plasma.                and were thus entitled to enter the   Red  Cross  in  S.  F.   expanding  book,  alphabetized  and
                                                                                                                           cross  indexed,  containing  facts  to
   drums of gasoline and oil blew into   When Art Tayior returned to the  semi-finals  where  they  played  a   Only agency of its kind operated  answer  every  conceivable  type  of
   th~  air,  with one shattering explo-  "States,"  and found that there was   beautiful  game,  but  were  defeated   by  the  Red  Cross  in  the  United  question.  Checked  monthly  for  ac-
   sion after another. Already burned,   a  Red  Cro·ss  Blood  Donor  Center   by the San Francisco headquarters
                                 in  San  Francisco,  near  where  he   duo.  Ens.  Kerr,  Ens. Macheter and   States,  the  Officers'  Courtesy  Bu- curacy,  the book is. in constant use
                                 was  stationed  at  Treasure  Island,   Ens. DuCoty played some hard and   reau of the San Francisco Chapter,  answering  queries  on  local  restau-
                                 he  came  in  to  begin  repaying  the   fast  tennis,  and  on  the  whole  the   provides  information,  hospitality  rants,  stores,  schools,  transporta-
                                 plasma  he  had  received.  "I  know   girls  from  T.  I.  deserve  our  ap-  and courtesy services td officers  of  tion facilities and hundreds of other
                                 what  it  did  for  me,  and  I'm  not   plause  for  turning  in  a  good  job.   all  the  Allied  Nations  through  its  subjects,  many unusual.
                                 going  to  let  any  guy  out there  go                     facilities  located  in  five  major
                                                               They Said We Never Would
                                 without  plasma  if  I  can  help  it,"   When WAVES  first  came to the   hotels in  the city. DesKs are main-
                                 said  Taylor  as  he  registered  with   island  there  were  a  good  many   tained at the Hotel Fairmont, Hotel
                                                                                             Mark  Hopkins,  and  Sir  Francis  Operational
                                 one of the Gray Ladies at the Cen-  skeptics  who  said  that  when  it
                                 ter.  (Taylor  had  to  be  refused,                        Drake  Hotel,  while  additional  fa-
                                                               came  to  recreational  activities  we                      Training School
                                 however,  since  he  had  malaria,   had  forgotten  the  word  coopera-  cilities  are  located  at  the  Palace
                                 which  automatically  makes  a  po-  tion. This news is printed especially   Hotel and the Hotel  St.  Francis.   Commander H.  E.  Stone,  accom-
                                 tential  donor  ineligible.                                   Red Cross hostesses at any of the  panied  by  Lt.  A.  o.  Davidson,  at-
                                                               for them.  The bowling tournament,
                                                               started last week, is now being run   hotels are prepared to do  shopping,  tended  a  conference  at  San  Pedro
                                   A  sailor  on  leave applied  to  the  off  in  five  leagues.  These  leagues   make  appointments,  contact   last week.  Lt.  (jg)  M.  E.  Beacom
                                                                                             friends, secure housing information,
                                 ration  board  for  some  extra  gaso- consist  of  approximately  twenty-  attend  to  laundry  and  mending,  recently  returned  from  a  trip  to
                                 line  coupons.  "What  kind  of  car  six teams with six girls to a  team.   take  messages,  arrange  entertain-  Seattle where she visited the Visual
                                 have you?"  the  clerk  asked.   If your  mental  arithmetic  is  good   ment, forward mail,  arrange guest  Aids  Department  at the  Pre-Com-
                                   ''.'Oh,  I  have  no  car,"  replied  the  you will be able to figure it out for  cards  at  clubs  and  secure  home  missioning  Training  Center  there.
                                 sailor,  "but  I  find  it  easier  to  get  yourself,  but we will add that thir-  town  papers  as  a  convenience  to   J .  Zebrowski, BMlc, was sent to
       Receives  49  Transfusions   hitches  when  I  wave  a  few  cou- teen activities are represented. That  .          the  Treasure  Island  Hospital  last
   Art  ran  along  the  deck  until  he  pons."               is  a  turn-out  to  be  proud  of.  Nice  fun-packed hours on the bay.   · week with a  broken leg and ankle.
   came to a  place where he could go                          going!                          Confidentially,  the  only  thing  Zebrowski,  one  of  the  instructors
   over  the side.  And  then he dove--  Much of the great opera Lucia di  The "One That Got  Away"   they  almost  caught  was  a  crab,  in  the  Deck  School,  fell  from  a
   dove into the flaming sea, with oily  Lammermoor was written immedi--  Fresh  sunburns  and  wild  tales  which they shamefacedly admit got  platform  while  demonstrating  the
   smoke and bright,  burning sparks.  ately  after  the  Italian  composer,  about the "one that got away" were  away  before they  could  haul it in.  use of the lead line. His lower limb
   He swam until his lungs were burst- Donizetti,  had  beaten  his  wife.  He  the  result  of  last  Sunday's  fishing  Better luck next time, and try big- was broken in three places. We hope
   ing.  He  began  to  tire.  He  couldn't  claimed  to  be  at his musical  peak  trip.  Picking a  beautiful day, forty  ger bait.  We  could certainly  enjoy  he  is  soon  recovered  and  returned
   even feel the burns now.  Finally he  following  such interludes.   WAVES left at 1100 and spent six  a  crab louis.    to  duty.

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