Page 36 - Mastheads Aug-Dec 1944
P. 36

.1:'Alifil o-  T.H.fil  MAST.H.filAlJ,  SATURDAY ,  Sfil.l:'TfilM.l:!filR  lo, 1944
                                                                                                 Draft  Boards  Will
            A.iOA~0  .511/P.                                 ~ SC-HEC-HTE/l                      Aid  G.1.'s  In  Getting
                                ~-~..---::-::-.,...,,,.,,,...-r.n, -.---=---=----_-_-_-_-------
                                                         •  "G. 9 "/
           'l//iq,/,iW////l/l//1114'lY'flltlH//HJr11_;;.n'.'   ·11 l\JI  ··r::.1~.~ I  tr
           w, ..  ~ --~ D  ..4•AA• ~-i:;7 ""  ~  r!!K  II  -g~:)1                                Jobs  After  War
                                                                                                      (Continued from page 1)
                                                                         ~~                      let us  pretend  you  want  to  return
                                                                                                 to  your  old  job,  which  is  exactly
                                                                                  p               Her,e  Is  What You  Do
                                                                               .::--- --?~,,.,   what  many  GI's  want  to  do.
                                                                                                   In the first place you have to ap-
                                                                                                 ply  to  your  ex-employer  for  your
                                                                                  I,             old position within forty days after   Transferred from  this activity to
                                                                             ... J:...--
                                                                                                 your  discharge  from  the  service.  duty  afloat  are  C.  L.,
                                                                            -r',                 Once you have done this,  he has to  GM3c,  L.  E.  Bennett,  GM3c,  and
                                                                          _:-=_ ~"               take  you  back  unless  his  circum- W.  K.  Green,  GM3c.  Fair  sailing,
                                                                                                 stances  have  changed  so  as  "to  boys.
                                                                                                 make it impossible or unreasonable   Last  week  the  Recognition  De-
                                                                                                 to  retinstate" you.          partment lost one of its oldest mem-
                                                                                                   After you have  made your appli- bers- Lt. (jg) Danzero was ordered
                                                                                                 cation, the law states that your old  to  Seattle  for  duty  aboard  a  ship
                                                                                                 employer must take you back with- which is being outfitted there. Fare-
                                      *                                                          out loss_ of seniority and he cannot  well  to  you  Mr.  Danzero  and  best
           \  \   l  11   I   ..;..;.I                                                           fire  you  "without  cause"  within  a  wishes  from  all  members  of  your
           \\l }1f:      _)  :=- -,-                                                             year.                         department and  the  school.
                                                                                                   'In addition to the protection you
                                                                                                 get  under  the  law,  the  CIO  and   Yesterday morning wedding bells
                                                                                      1_-=                                     in Salt Lake City rang for our Di- .
                                                                                                 AFL  have  agreed  to  give  you  a   vision  Officer,  Lt.  (jg)  James  R.
                                                                                          ':::~   month  of  job  security  for  every   Jack.  Mr.  Jack  took  as  his  bride
                                                                                                 month you were in the service after
                                                                                                                               Miss  Ila Coon,  a  childhood  sweet-
                                                                                                 September 1,  1940.  This applies not   heart.  After  a  very  brief  honey-
                                                                                                 only  to  veterans  who  were  union
                                                                                                                               moon in Utah the happy couple will
                                                                                                 members  before their induction but   return to  San Francisco.
                                                                                                 also  to  those  who  worked  but  did   Last  week  two  of  our  men  re-
                                                                                                 not belong  to a  union and to  those
                                                                                                 who never held a  job before.   turned  from  the  Treasure  Island
                                                                                                                               Hospital. They were J . Koniki, Cox.,
                                                                                                  You  May  Fil,e  Suit        and B.  Williams,  Cox.  We  are glad
                                                                                                   If your old boss should fail to give
                                                                                                 you  your  job  back  after  you  have   to  see  you  back,  boys,  and  hope
                                                                                                 made  application, you  can fiie  suit   you  are  feeling  better.  Also  re-
                                                                                                 in U.  S. District Court where,  if he   ceived  into  Ship's  company  were
                                                                                                                               W.  E.  Butler,  FClc,  and  W.  K.
                                                                                                 is  reasonably  sa_tisfied  that  you
                                                                                                 have a  case,  the U. s. Attorney will  Elliott, FC3c. These men have both
                                                                                                 handle  your  case  without  cost  to  been assigned a,s  instructors in  our
                                                                                                 you.                          Gunnery School.

                                                                                                 ARMED  GUARD  BAND  HAS  PLAYED
                                                                                                 ALL  OVER  THE  PACIFIC

                                                                                                   You  might  go  so  far  as  to  say   Those  of  you  who  have  been  to
                                                                                                  they  hold  an  oli;ve  branch  in  one  Australia  know  how  the  Aussie
                                                                                                 hand  and a  sword in the  other.   girls like  to  jitterbug and how  the
                                                                                                   "They"- eight  members  of  the  Yanks  like  their  own  home  talent
                                                                                                 Armed' Guard Center, are sea-going  when  it comes  to  orchestra  music.
                                                                                                  gunners with a  side-line. They play  Well,  what do  you  suppose the  re-
                                                                                                  dance  music  (they're  hep  with  the  action  was  in  Sydney  one  night
                                                                                                  jive-slightly mellow).       when  the  Armed  Guard  Band
        ARMED  GUARD  SPORTS  New Service Center Open  MILLION  NAVY  MEN                          It  was  about  one  year  ago  that   showed  up  to  play  in  one  of  the
         The  Moffett  Field  bowlers  took   · The  grand  opening  of  the  CIO  TRAINED  IN  ONE  YEAR ·  these  Guardsmen  got  together  to   large  dance  halls?  Are  you  kid-
        the  measure  of  an  Armed  Guard  Servicemen's Center, located at 150   .              form the Armed Guard Band. Since  ding ?
        Center  team  by  a  266-pin  margin  Golden  Gate  Avenue,  San  Fran-  WASHINGTON -  Navy  Secre-  then they have played virtually all   The band members showed up all
        recently  when  the Treasure  Island  cisco,  for  men  and  women  of  the               over  the  Pacific,  bringing  joy  to  over the map-wherever their ship
                                                                    tary  Forrestal  reported  tonight
        players  journeyed  to  the  Moffett  Armed  Forces  and  Merchant  Ma-                   the  homesick  sailor,  delight  to  the  dropped  anchor.  From the halls  of
                                                                    that  the  Navy  trained  1,303,554
        alleys.  Hi_gh  point  getter  was  rine,  is slated for tonight at 9 p. m.   officers  and  enlisted  personnel  in   Australian  jitterbugs  and an  envi- Treasure  Island  to  the  shores  of
        WA VE  Kramer,  Y3c,  of  Moffett   The  Center  will  be  opened  daily   the  year  ending  last  June  30.   able  record  for  themselves  that  Island N oname, if you care to para-
        Field,  who  splattered  the  maples  thereafter  from  noon  to  midnight.   This,  he  said,  represented  crews   could well shape up into something  phrase  the  Marine  song  and  stay
        for  a  game of 235  to break all rec-  The  Center  includes  a  lounge,  of  4063  new  Navy  vessels  of  all   worthy of the attention of the more  out  of  trouble  with  Naval  Intelli-
        ords in  that neighborhood for  fem-                                                      prolific writers. And that's not just  gence.
                                      writing  room,  music  room,  infor- types,  plus  more  than  20,000  land-
        inine bowlers.                                                                                                           The  band  has  also  proved  a  hit
                                      mation  desk and library.     ing  craft and additions  to the per-  a  fancy  afterthought.
         Representing  the  Guardsmen   All membe·rs of the Armed Forces,  sonnel  of  the  rapidly  expanding   The~e  bluejackets  have  gone  on  the  domestic  scene.  They  have
        were Dorothea Donham, Y2c; Helen   including the Merchant Marine, are  naval  air  service.   about  their  regular  Navy  duties  literally played all over the place-
        McBride,  Ylc;  Laura  Stassi,  Y2c;
                                      cordially invited  to take advantage   He reported,  also,  that of the 2,- ever  since  they  were  organized.  at  shipyards  to  put  over  a  War
        Alvin  Hoare,  Y2c;  Jack Gallagher,   of this opportunity. It is hoped that  987,311  personnel  in  the  Navy  on  They  have  stood  gun  watches,  Bond drive, at USO and other
        Y2c; _and Adolph Danes; Y3c. A  re-  this  Center  will  contribute  greatly  June 30, approximately 83  per cent  showed up  for  inspections,  cleaned  e~ngs,  and  regularly  (when  they
        turn game is being planned for  the   to  their  enjoyment  while  in  San  had been added since  the Japanese  their  guns  and  other  shipboard  are  aboard)  for  Sunday  matinee
        alleys in  the Treasure Island Gym.
                                      Francisco.                    attack  on  Pearl  Harbor  December  gear,  stood battle stations. But the  dances at the Armed Guard Center
                                                                    7,  1941.                     band  played  on.            lounge.
        Navy Blue!                                                   Despite  the  extensive  training   They  recently  went · to  sea  as   Recently  they  were  presented
        I've  put your  clothes  away,   "Come  and· Get  It" - -   program  of  the· last  year,  he  said,  members  of  an Armed Guard Unit  with a  certificate by the San Fran-
        Your shoes of brown, a  suit of gray,                       "The  Navy will  be  required,  in  the  aboard a  large troopship. At knocks  cisco  Stage  Door  Canteen  "in  ap-
        And  ties  of various  hue.   New  USO  Show  Here          current  fiscal  year,  to  train  ap- off  time,  instead  of  hitting  their  preciation of loyal  and outstanding
        You  can not use  them now                                  proximately  600,0Q0  new personnel  sacks,  they  set  up  shop  and  eased  voluntary  service.  .  ."  That's  the
        Today you wear the Navy Blue.   With  all  the  zip  and  vitality   who  are expected to  be  drawn into  the  pangs  of  loneliness  in  many  a  way the Canteen expressed its feel-
        The  house  seems  sort  of empty,  characteristic  of  the  USO  Camp   the  service  from  civilian  life  by  young  soldier's  heart  as  tunes  of  ings,  and their words a.bout  sum  it
                                                                                                  last  week  and  yesteryear  welled  up for  the  Armed Guard Center as
           son,                       Shows,  "Come and Get It" was pre-  June  30,  1945.
        Though by the door I  see your gun,  sented  to  a  capacity  audience  of   "The  collapse  of  Germany  will I from  their instruments.   a  whole.
                                                                    result  in  no  curtailment  of  the
        Your  pipe is  lying on the  stand.   enthusiastic bluejackets  at Theatre
                                                                    Navy's training program,"  he con-
        Just as  left by  your  careless  hand  No.  1  September  11  and  12.  Fea-             They're  Hep With  Jive  .           •  •
        The  day you  went  away.     tured  in  the  show  were  Gracie   tinued.  "The  continued  successful
        My  son,  I  wait,  and  waiting  pray,   Scott,  scintillating  "Brazilian   prosecution  of  the  war  against
        You  soon  will  wear  your  suit  of   b,ombshell";  that buxom  veteran of   Japan  will  require,  according  to
           gray,                      the  vaudeville  stage,  Kay  Lavell,   present  estimates,  tliat  the  Navy
                                                                    continue to expand until it reached
        And  shoes  of brown.  But until  you   and many other acrobatic,  musical
           do                         and novelty numbers.          a  strength  of  3,389,000  by  June
        God  bless  the  Navy  Blue.                                30,  1945."
          Definitions  not  found  in  Navy
        manuals:  An Ensign is  a  guy  who  T.  I.  Softball League  Treasury  Department
        sometimes looks back wistfully and                w  L  Pct  Formulating . Plans
        wishes  he  were  an  enlisted  man
        again-or at least a  Lieutenant.   Armed  Guard   5  1  833  F  s·.  h
                                                                     or  1xt  War  Loan
                                      D.D.  Pool          5   1  833
          During a  blizzard on                                       WASHINGTON-The  Treasury
                  *  *  *  New York's
        lower  East  Side,  someone  started   ANTS       5  1  833   Department  is  formulating  plans
        yelling  "Hitler!  Hitler!"  People  Industrial   3  1  750  for  the  Sixth  War  Loan  Drive
        rushed  out to  see  what was  going  Frontier  Base   3  1  750  which  is  tenta.tiveJy  scheduled  to
        on. ·They found  a  pushcart peddler   Post Office   2  4  333  begin  the  middle  of  November  for   DUAL  ROLE-Pictured  above  is  the  eight-man  Armed  Guard  Band,  a  rather  unique
        causing  the  commotion.  A  cop   Gym            2  4  333   a  period of  six weeks.    organization  In  Naval  annals.  They  can  play the latest in waltz or boogie  woogie-for
                                                                                                  they  are  skilled  musicians -
                                                                                                                      or  they  can  play  havoc  with  an  enemy  target,  for  they
        asked,  "·What  are  you  shouting                           Announcement in connection with  are  trained  gunners.  The  band  recently  returned  from  a  wide  swing  in  the  Pacific
                                      T.  I.  Docs         1  3  250
        Hitler  for?"  ~•If  I  yelled  apples,"                    Navy  participation  in  the  forth-  where they entertained troops  and others at nights and took  care of their Naval  chores
                                                                                                  in  the  day.  Left  to  right,  front  row,  they  are  Vernon  Quall!,  Slc  (trumpet);  Don
        answered  the  peddler,  "who would  R.  M.  S.    1  4  200   coming  drive  will  be  released  in  Kress;  Slc  (trombone) ;  Leon  Scrugham,  Slc  (tenor  saxophone) ;  Neal  Baggett,  Slc
                                                                                                  (guitar).  Back  row:  Pete  Sevilla,  Slc  (vocalist);  David  Lugone,  Slc,  drummer  and
        come  out on a  day like  this?"   Receiving Ship   0  6  000  the very near future.      organizer  of  the  band; · Bob  Strickland,  Slc  (bass);  and  Roy  Maroquin  (piano).
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