Page 131 - Mastheads Aug-Dec 1944
P. 131

                                                                                                ~  THE  (}/Rl  8/ICK HOME ••• I
       Every Wrap Is  a  Boost at Ship's Service                                                ·t\\,,\,,·,,\\\\.··\\\%%\\\%%\\\\\\\\\\\%\\\\\.\jl


                                                                    We can think of no better way to
                                                                  start this week's column than with
                                                                  sincere  congratulations  to.  those
                                                                  fortunate  few  to  whom  December
                                                                  1  brought  the  right  to  wear  the
                                                                  coveted  first-class  rating.  Those
                                                                  Waves who now wear three stripes
                                                                  deserve  our  best "well-done."
                                                                  "Shovin'  Right  Off" ...
                                                                    First  Treasure  Island  girls  to
                                                                  take  to  sea  seem  to  be  members
                                                                  of  the  supply  corps.  Storekeepers
                                                                  2c  Natalie  Neff  and  Vera  Stream,
                                                                  who  are now  on  leave,  will  report
                                                                  for  overseas  duty  when  they  re-
                                                                  turn.  Nan  Goeller  and  Grace Mor-
                                                                  gan  also  SK2c  have  been  trans-
                                                                  ferred to Alameda awaiting further
                                                                  transfer  to  overseas  bases.  If  our
       AT  SHIP'S  SERVICE  No.  1,  members ,of the  San  Francisc,o  Naval  Of-
      ficers'  Wives Club wrap  packages on  Wednesdays and  Fridays for wait-  sea-going  mates  will  be  good
      ing  sailors.                                               enough  to  drop  us  a  line  and  tell
                                                                  all  about their travels  abroad,  you
                                    hundred daily, since then thousands  may  be sure  that their letters will
       Navy  Officers'  Wive;       of  packages  have  passed  through  be  reprinted  here.
      Aid  Red  Cross  In  Yule     their  now-veteran  hands.    "Goin' to  Dance With  the  Dolly"  ..
                                      Many  sailors,  baffled  by  the   Last  Saturday  night  found  the
      Wrlipping  Proiect            problem  of  selecting  presents  for  Army  playing  host  to  fifty  of  our
                                    their  loved  ones,  ask  the  officers'  Waves  at  a  dance  held  at  Fort
        Treasure  Island  sailors  with  wives  to  act as gift counselors  for  Barry. On the way home the Waves
      Christmas  gifts  for  their  wives,  them. The ladies kindly oblige. One  compar-ed  notes  and  decided  that
                                    blushing  seaman  wanted  their  ap- while  their  hearts  belong  to  the
      girls, .families, and friends are being
                                    proval  before  he , sent  his  sweet- Navy,  there  really  was  something
      given  a  helping hand by the Naval
                                    heart  an engagement  ring  he  had  in  the  old  saying,  "there's  some-
      Officers'  Wives  Club  of  San  Fran-  purchased. Another wished to know  thing  about  a  soldfer."  However,  ,
      cisco  in  cooperation with  the  Am- if the necklace he had  bought was  to  balance  the ·scales,  forty  of  the
      erican Red Cross.  Until Christmas,  suitable for  a 'tan girl.   girls  went  to  the  LCI  base  at Al-
                                                                  bany  last  night  and  now  they  are
      members of the club will be aboard   The volunteer wrappers too  have
      two  days  a  week  at the  wrapping  felt  the  impact  of  the  directive   agreed  that  "those  bluejackets
                                                                  really  know  how  to  show  a  girl  a
      desks  in  Ship's  Se·rvice  No.  1  to   which prohibits the wearing of tail-  good time."  There  you have it, and  "SWEET  DIXIE-BELLE"  is  charming  southerner,  Miss  Mildred  Man-
                                    or-made dress blues.  Doz.ens  of the                       nes.  ~ack  Cohen,  S2c,  fr,om  Radio  Materi,el,  has  picked  her  as  a  fitting
      gift-wrap  and  wrap  for  mailing                          you  can  take  your  own  choice  as
      articles  which  the  officers  and  en-  outia:wed uniforms were brought to   to  whether  it's  the  Army  or  the   candidate for our glamour collection. She is from  Baltimore  Md  and  in
                                                                                                 his opinion, she would  be "so nice to come  home to."
     , listed  men  bring,  to  the  desks  for   them  to  be  prepared  for  shipment   Navy.   ,,
                                    home.  Said  one  wistful  bluejacket
      this  service.
        Wednesday and Friday from 1030   who  had  just  bought  such  an  out- "Here  Comes  the  Bride"  ..   Good  Jobs  After  War
                                    fit only to learn he might not wear   The Treasure Island Chapel, long
      to 1615  the officers'  wives  are busy
      with gay Christmas tissue and rib- it:  "It's  such  nice  material  I'm   a  favorite  with  Wave  brides,  was   Predicted  for  Seabees
                                                                  the scene of another Navy wedding
      bons,  with twine,  corrugated paper. writing  Mom  and  Sis  to  make
      and  wrapping  paper  provided  by  themselves  clothes  out  of  it."   when Helen Zigler, Y2c, became the   Washington  (CNS)-The  train-
                                                                  bride  of · Charles  Casper,  BMlc.  ing  Seabees  receive  should  qualify
      the  Ship's  Service Department. On   Wrapping  is  only  one  of  the
                                                                  Helen  is  from  South  Bend,  Ind.,  them for  good  jobs  after  the  war,
      other  days  this  work  is  capably  many  activities  of  the  Naval  Of-
      handled  by the Red  Cross.                                  while  Charles  claims  Lansing,  Commander  S.  E.  Mitler  told  a
        Undeterred  by  the  prospect  ~f  ficers'  Wives  Club- they  maintain  Mich.,  as  home.  Both are  attached  recent  meeting  of  the  American
                                                                                                                                Our personnel officer,  Lt. Charles
      s,:>re  fingers,  the  two  cr.ews  of five  a  war  bond  booth  in  front  of  the  to  the  Armed · Guard  Center,  Pa- Merchant Marine Conference.   J.  Shields,  has  an  added  responsi-
      ladies  each,  first  turned  to  during  Tele-News  Theatre  in  San  Fran- cific,  and met while on  duty  there.   With  American  foreign  trade
                                                                                                                              bility now that the GI Bill of Rights
      the  week  of  October  21,  the  .cisco,  prepare packages  for sailors   Like  many  Navy  girls,  Helen  was  after  the  war  likely  to  be  plenti-  has become a  working organization
      .Wednesday group  being headed  by  at advanced base hospitals, knit for   married in uniform and wore dress  ful,  Commander  Mitler  said,  there   for all service men and women. The
      Mrs.  Robert  Fahs,  with  Mrs.  R.  J.  the  Red  Cross,  paste  up  scrap-  whites,  while  her  attendants  pro- should be ample opportunity in th-e   advantages  offered  under  this  new
      Preston  captaining  the  Friday  books for the USO, and lend a  hand   vided  the  perfect,  complement  by  ranks of longshoremen for Seabees   bill are explained to discharged per-
                                                                  wearing  Navy  blue.          "who  have  already  proven  their
       workers.  At  the  rate  of.  several  wherever they can.                                                              sonnel  before  they  are  given  their
                                                                    Word  comes  to  us  from  "top- worth  and  properly  served  their
                                                                                                                              discharge papers.  In this way they
                                                                  side"  of  another  bride.  One  of  appr,enticeship."
      "Miss War Loan"Undrapes for the Boys                        Treasure  Island's  favorite  Waves,                        are made a:ware of the special serv-
                                                                  Mary  Dunn,  Ylc,  went  home  on                           ices  offereq  them  and  are  aided  in
                                                                                                                              their  adjustment  to  civilian  life.
       -~--::::-::--:--:===-----=----------,-,::-.__-----~- leave  and  found  the  end  of  the  We  Hear ...
                                                  ,  ··"'-"'-      rainbow.  The  date  was  December   One  of  the  quote-worthy  inci-  Any questions the personnel of this
                                     •         '  · ' l'\AY        6,  the  time  1800,  the  lucky  man,  dents  of  the week  occurred  at the   command may have concerning the
                                     PEARL HARBOR  V  . ·    ¾,._   Ens.  George  E.  MacDermitt.  Mary  Island  Post  Office.  A  sailor  ap-  GI  Bill  can  be  answered  by  the
                                     (JIS// WAR.  /301/D      ·" met  George  when  he  was  Chief  proached  Wave  mailman,   Pat   personnel officer in the Administra-
                                                                   Clerk  of  Training  Personnel  Ac- Younkin at the stamp window with   tion  building.
                                                                  tivities  for  Training  c~nter.  Evi- the  request  to  purchase  a  duck-  Di  Dah  Dit  Corner
                                                                  dently absence made the heart grow  hunting stamp for the current sea-  News From Our Ships- While on
                                                                  fonder  for  after  doing  his  tour  of  son.  He  was  refused  with  regret.   leave,  Chief  G.  H.  Owens,  USN,  of
                                                                  sea duty, George came home. What  "Honestly," .said  Pat,  "he  was  ab-  Magee,  Miss.,  married  Alice  Bro-
                                                                  were  the  results?  Now  one  of  the  solutely  serious."  ,   cato  of  Isola,  Miss.  Chief  Owens
                                                                  sweetest telephone voices on.Treas-  These  are  busy  day.s•  at  the   has  had  eighteen  months  of  sea
                                                                  ure Island be,longs  to  Mrs.  George  Hostess House.  With all  the  wrap-  duty  and  has  just  earned  his  first
                                                                                                                              hash mark. His shipmates say "he's
                                                                  E.  MacDermitt.  The  details  will  pings  provided,  many  of  the  boys
                                                                                                                              the  best  cook  any  of  us  have  ever
                                                                  have·to wait for Mary's return, but  are  gathering  their  gifts  together
                                                                                                                              run  into."  Perhaps  he  has  some
                                                                  it  would  seem  to  prove  that  the  and  then  with  their  packages  in
                                                                                                                              cooking  lessons  to  give  the  Mrs.
                                                                  good  thing~  are not all  rationed.   hand  they  set  out  with  their  fa-
                                                                                                                              There  are  several  men  to  be  con-
                                                                   "She'II  Do  It  Every Time" . . .   vorite Wave for the Hostess House   gratulated  on  the  new  crows . they
                                                                    Lt. Commander Thomas Macklin,  and  the  wrapping  table.  That
                                                                  Executive  Officer  of  the  Armed  "woman's  touch"  seems  to  be  in-  are  wearing:  Paul ·  J.  Mikulcik,
                                                                                                                              RM2c,  USN;  Bernard  I.  McCoy,
                                                                  Guard Center, made a  bet. with him- dispensable  and  while  the  boys   RDM2c;  F.  W.  Ellenbury,  SKlc,
                                                                  self.  Up  to a  few  days  ago  it had  watch, the girls add a  bow here and
                                                                                                                              USNR;  Minor  H.  Johnson,  BM2c;
                                                                  never  been  his  privilege  to  receive  a  sticker  there  for  the  folks  at   Wally  Czajkowski,  WT2c;  Oscar
                                                                  a  salute from a  junior wave officer  home.  A  very  worthwhile  service,
                                                                                                                              ,Cabness, RDM2c,  and Rubert Soud-
                                                                   while  on  the  streets  of  San Fran- if we may say so.   der,  SM2c.  Lt.  William  S.  Perry,
                                                                   cisco.  He  made  a  wager  that  the   The  mess-hall  color scheme is  to   USN, recently returned from a  well
                                                                  first  time  he  was  thus  saluted  he  be  yellow  with  ivory  trim,  just  in
                                                                                                                              earned leave,  his first in five years.
                                                                  would  make  a  $5  contribution  to  case  you  have  been  watching  the
                                                                   charity.  While. walking· on  the  city  transition,  and any day now it will
                                                                  streets  last  week  he  was  ap- be  finished.  Other  plans  and  addi-  Memphis  street  sign:  No  U-all
                                                                  proached  in  the  opposite  direction  tions  are  also  part of  the plan for  turn.
                                                                   by  our  charming  Wave  Bond  of- the future,  but as the tim{:!-honored
                                                                  fleer  (now. Lt.  (jg)),  Ens.  M.A. · expression says, "it all takes time."
                                                                  Pabian.  Miss  Pabian  gave  Mr.  Quote ,of the  W,eek           DRIVERS WANTED
                                                                   Macklin  a  $100  smile,  and -in  his   It is not our intention to fill  this   Women  wanted  to  drive
                                                                   opinion, one of the smartest saltit-es  column with jokes,  but Winnie  the   buses,  trucks  and  sedans.
                                                                   any · senior  officer  ever  received  Wave pulled off  one for the record   PrivatE;!  car  experience  re-
       IN  A  REVERSE  demonstration  ,of  that  well-known  art  "Miss  Sixth  from  a  saluting  junior.  If  Miss  this week.  She  says  that  "many  a   quired.  Over  $8.00  per  day
       War  ~oan"  has  st  up  her  stand  on  the  company  street  ~ver  at  Radi,o  Fabian  will  indicate  her  choice  of  sailor who  joined the Navy to  be  a   while  training.  Call  Treas~
       Mater1~I  Sc~ool.  The  system  is  this:  Every  time  bond  purchases  reach   a  worthy  charity,  Lt.  Commander  leader  of  men  has  ended  up  by   ure  Island  Transportation
       a  certain  point,  another ,of  her  draperies  are  removed.  In  other  words,   Macklin will  make  immediate  con- being  a  follower  of  women."  Isn't   Pool,  EX 3931,  Extension  39.
       when  the  RMS  quota  is  r,eached,  the  boys  will  have  something  •besides
      shrubbery to  look  at ,on  the  way to  classes.  Come on,  guys, "take it off!"  tribution.   it so?
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