Page 125 - Mastheads Aug-Dec 1944
P. 125


     WA VE  SPORTS  .  .  .        with Fry taking the best two out of   0000   oe   e   eeeeoooooe   Health  Bulletin       Admiral  Nimitz  lauds
                                   three  games  over  Lt.  Williamson
                                   with a  score of 11-8 and 11-0, while
       Big  sports  news  of  the  week                                                           INFANTILE  PARALYSIS
     brings the returns from the district   Green defeated Gunland two out of   In tile NEWS     Past experience  has  shown that,   Navy  Nurse  Corps
                                   three,   11-8  and  11-7.   Second
     badminton tournament played here
                                   TADCEN entrant, Ens. M. E. Work,                            during the fall months of each year,   Admiral Chester W.  Nimitz
     during  the  past week.  At the  time                       Behind  Bars                  Poliomyelitis  (Infantile  Paralysis)
     we  go  to  press  only  scores  for   defeated  Duncan  from  Hunter's   Yes,  that is  Barbara  Coon,  Y2c,  appears in this area to a  greater or   last  week  saluted  officers  of
  \---  Monday  night  are  available,  but   Point with scores of 11-3  and 11-1.   and that is where you  will find her,  less  degree.  At  the  present  time   the  Navy  Nurse  Corps  for
     other  returns  will  be  posted  next   The  second  round  found  Fry   behind bars at the Treasure Island  there  is  a  mild  outbreak  of  this  duty "well done," as the Navy
     week.                         matched  against  Brown  of  Liver-  brig.  She  has  been  locked  up  for  disease  in  Oregon  and  we  can  opened its drive for 2,000  ad-
       Monday  night's  play  found  two   more  with  Fry  winning  11-3  and   over  a  year now  as  one  of  the six  reasonably expect some cases to ap-
     singles  entrants  from  both  Armed   11-0.  Ens.  Work  took  Hanson  of                                              ditional  nurses  by  December
                                   NSD  in stride for  the second play-  Waves  who  keep  our  brig  in  run- pear in this vicinity. Because of the
     Guard  and  TADCEN.  Six  contest-                          ning order.                   fact  that this  disease and its mode   31.
     ants  met for  the playing off of the   off of the second round with  scores                                              Among those praised by the
                                   of 11-1 and 11-4.               One  of  the  few  Treasure  Island  of  transmission are not thoroughly
     first  round  of  singles  competition.                     Waves from New Mexico, her home  understood  by  medical  authorities,  commander - in - chief  of  the
     Fry and Gunland of  Armed  Guard   Ens. Work and Brown from  Liv-  is  in  Albuquerque,  which  she  says  definite  preventive  measures  can- Pacific  Fleet  a n d  Pacific
     met Lt. Williamson of TADCEN and  ermore  seem fairly sure to  land in   is  as grand a  place as it is hard to·  not  be  taken.  However,  it  is  be-
     Green  of  Naval  Hospital,  Oakland  the  finals  if  they  k~ep  exhibiting                                           Ocean areas was Navy Nurse
                                   top-quality tournament play.   spell.                       lieved that if the usual standard rules   Lt.  (jg)  Aileen Peugh of San Fran-
                                                                                                                             cisco,  who served overseas for two
      ~                                                                                                                      years and served voluntarily at rear
                                                                                                                             and  advanced  bases  and  aboard
                                                                                                                             hospital  ships  through  the  Pacific.
                                                                                                                               Describing as "active, useful and
       On  May  14,  1940,  the  German                                                                                      adventurous"  the  experiences . of  a
     Luftwaffe systematically  destroyed                                                                                     Navy  nurse,  Lt.  Peugh said:
     the  Dutch  city  of  Rotterdam.  On                                                                                      "We  take  especial  pride  and
     that  same  day,  Robert  Ley,  1,eader                                                                                 satisfaction that in many cases the
     of  the  Nazi  Labor  Front,  broadcast  time, same place, same paper.                                                  nurse is the whole existence around
                                                                 be  rated first-class when she takes
      to  the  world  that  it  was  Hitler's                                                    2.  Keep  your  fingernails  clean  which  the  wounded  patient's  life
                                                                 up  a  post-war plan of  her  own.
      "irrevocable  mission" to  bring  hap-                                                   and  clipped  short.           revolves. We are his father, mother
      piness  to  the  world  as  he  had   "Lay that juke box down, Grand-  The  general  security  office  was   3.  Wash  your  hands  thoroughly  and sister at the same time.  A  sort
      brought  happiness  to  Germany.   ma, you're too old to carry a  tune."   Barbara's first assignment after be-  after going  to the head.   of 'Mrs. Anthony,' I  guess."
                                                                  ing educated in the duties of a  yeo-                        Approximately 1,200  nurses now
                                                                  man  at  the  Cedar  Falls  Training   4.  Flush  the  toilet  thoroughly   are  stationed  at  hospitals,  dispen-
                                                                  School. From eight to five she com-  after ·using  it.
      Rockford  Welcomes  the  Conquering -Hero  •  •  •                                                                      saries  and aboard hospital ships in
                                                                  poses absentee reports, investigates   5.  Do not spit on the  decks.   the  Hawaiian  Islands  and  in  the
                                                                  cases  and  records,  demonstrates   6.  Get all  the  rest and sleep  you   south,  southwest  and  central  Pa-
                                                                  "Dick  Tracy"  thoroughness  in  lo- can.                   cific,  Twelfth  Naval  District head-
                                                                  cating missing facts. Off duty hours   7.  Keep  your  bunk  clean  and  quarters  announced.
                                                                  finds her indulging in some favorite  your gear stowed away.
                                                                  sports, and as a  bowling enthusiast
                                                                                                 8.  Report  immediately  to  Sick-  COAST  GUARD  NETTERS
                                                                  she exhibits no mean ability.   Call  if  you  develope  a  "Cold,"  sore
                                                                   Having marched to the brig with   throat,  headaches,  or  any  general   WIN  12th  N.  D.  TROPHY
                                                                  hesitation,  we  left  without  fear.   aching sensation.     The  Coast  Guard  Barracks  vol-
                                                                  Thanks  for  the  interview,  "brig-                        ley-ball  team  of  San  Francisco
                                                                  lady," from now on we will look for                         Tuesday  captured  the  Command-
                                                                  that smile around the  base.                                ant's Trophy of the  Twelfth Naval
                                                                                                Farragut  Naval               District  by  defeating  St.  Mary's
                                                                                                                              Pre-Flight,  20-22,  21-17,  22-20,  in
                                                                  RMS  Beats  Armed  Training  Center  to                     the  Treasure  Island  gymnasium.
                                                                                                                              Each  team  won  a  six-team  league
                                                            1111111111111   Guard  Five  54-34  Close  in  Spring
                                                          \ ''                                                                title  to  qualify for the final.
                                                       ~ A  power-laden  ;adio  Materiel          According to the Farragut News,
                                                       '\lll!UliJ~   School walloped a  stubborn Armed  Camp  Ward  will  be  the  first  of   Send " THE MASTHEAD"  Home
                                                         1        'Guard  basketball  team,  54-34,  in  Farragut's  recruit  camps  to  close,
                                                                  a  preliminary game  before  a  large  under  a  program  which  will  lead
                                                                  crowd  of  fans  in  the  yet-to-be- to  the  decommissioning  of  the
                                                                  christened  Treasure  Island  Gym- Naval Training Center next spring.
                                                                  nasium  No.  2,  last  Friday  night,   The  input  of  both  recruits  and
                                                                  November  24.                 service  school students will  be  dis-
                                                                                                continued during the month of De-
                                                                    A  lad  from  Brooklyn  turned  up  cember,  it  was  further  disclosed.
                                                                  in  chow  line  at  a  Texas  training   More than 300,000 men have been
                                                                  station holding  the rattlers from  a  trained  at  Farragut  since  it  was
                                                                  rattlesnake.                  commissioned  September  15,  1942,
                                                                    "Where'd you get 'em?" asked a  after  the  center,  second  largest  in
        uHe has  just  returned  from  two  years  on  the  islands,   fellow  chow-hound.      the  United  States  was  carved  out
               'Treasure  and Goat,'  whereYer  they  are!"         "Offa  big  woim,''  was  the  New  of  the  wilderness  during  the  early
                                                                  Yorker's reply.               war  period.
           Male Call.                         by Milton Q!niff. creator of  ''Terry and the Pirates"           Pets Beget Whet Threat
                                                                                        mwr-;:;N-;::OW:--, ;--;1..1-;:E:UT;:;:E~N;:A:;N::;:T~, W:H~A;::;T~g-llllliill(
             DO YOU  MEAN Tl-lAT                   ~112.,THE~E  15
           COMBAT  T~OP6 eo                        A  CE12TAIN                               WA5  IT YOU  WANTED  Tl)
            IN  F=OR.  '5'UCH  CHIL.D15H             PRACTICE                                ?PEAK  TO ME ASOUT '?
           Dl~PL.AY5?  TAKE  THOSE                  AMON6  THE
              TH1No5  DOWN!                          MEN  THAT
                                                        I  ---

       WILBUR                                                                                                        --4tfawJeS~
                                            • • •

                       TUDY  ANI>  G                                                    f?EPORT  TO
                                                                                       THE  CHIEF
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