Page 1 - Mastheads Aug-Dec 1944
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l reasure Island  WAVES Render 4.0 Service lo The U.S. navy

                                                                    U.  S.  Naval  Training  and  Distribution  Center

       VOL.  Ill  -  No.  25                                TREASURE  ISLAND,  SAN  FRANCISCO,  CALIF.                                      AUGUST  5,  1944

       Treasure  Island  WAVES  at  work.  Pictured  in  lower  left  is  Helen  Cattani,  SC3c,   at  Navy  Radio  School.  Lucy  Nelson,  PhM2c,  may  be  seen  below  doing  research
       who  is  one  of  two  WA VE  mess  attendants  to  strike  for  cooks'  rating.  Looking   work  in  the  laboratory.  She  hopes  to  continue  this  type  of  work  after  the  war.
       clockwise  may  be  seen  first,  Carolyn  Rose,  Sp(S)3c,  keeping  the  log  of  WAVES   Lower  right is the  only WA VE  offset  Printer in  the  United  States,  Lillian  Goshorn,
       barracks  which  is  run  like  any  well-ordered  ship.  Top  left  is  Patricia  Younkin,   Ptr3c,  working  on  photographic  plates  to  be  used  in  the  printing  of  text-books.
       Sp (M) Sc  busy  sorting  enlisted  men's  mail  for  distribution.  Nan  Goeller,  SK2c,   Lower  center  shows  Marion  Davies,  SK (D) 2c,  the  "D"  standing  for  Disbursing;
       may  be  seen  at  top  center  filling  an  order  for  screws,  nuts  and  bolts.  Top  right   this  WAVE  is  checking  a  money  list.  Inset  circle  pictures  Mary  Dunn,  Yeoman
       shows  Helen  Doherty,  RM2c,  who  received  training  in  the  branch  of  telegraphy   first  class,  Captain's  Writer  in  the  Administration  Building.
                                                                  They  can  tell  you  with  what  care  keepers  are  fighting
       NAVY GIRLS ON TREASURE  ISLAND  they  are  sorted,  handled  and  de- supplies and these are the  measure
       REPLACING  VITALLY NEEDED  MEN                             livered.  Some  of  these  girls  were  of  any  fighting  unit.
                                                                  mail  clerks  before  entering service  Torch  Bearers
                                                                  but  many  more  have  been  trained   Pharmacist's  Mates  and
      Well  Trained                 Via  Short  Wave              by  the  Navy.  They  classify,  sort,  pital  Apprentices  are  in  a
                                      WAVE  radio  operators  are  now  and  dispatch  mail,  many  serve  sense  the torch  bearers.  For many
      Waves  Filling                on  duty  at  most  of  the  shore  sta- personnel  at  the  post-office  win- a  sailor  the  light  they  carry  has
                                    tions.  Theirs  is  the  responsibility  dows.  They  have  an  important  job  shown  the  way  to  tomorrow.  They
      Worthwhile  Jobs              for  guarding  the  frequencies  over  in  the  maintenance  of  morale  and  are  serving  in  all  branches  of  the
                                    which travel important Naval com- are  handling it with  speed  and  ac- medical service.  Some gained valu-
        Navy  Girl!  1942  was  the  year  munications. They get a  thrill when  curacy.        able  experience  in  the  laboratory
      when  the first women joined Uncle  they  pick  up  the  signals  of  those  Nuts  and  Bolts   and  operating  room  and  others  in
      Sam's fleet.  They  came  to  replace  men  they  replaced,  now  on  the   Did  you  ever  stop  to  think  how  the  wards.  Many  will  go  on to  be-
      men  vitally  needed  on  the fighting  Navy ships at sea.  One of the most  many  millions  of  big  and  small  come  graduate  nurses  and  re-
      front  that  there  might  be  a  one  technical  of  all  ratings,  radio  op- articles  are  necessary  to  keep  the  search  technjcians  after  the  war,
      hundred per cent fighting Navy at  erators  will  have  valuable  experi- war  going  for  one  sixty-se ,ond  but  now  they  are  doing  a  most
      home  as  well  as  overseas.  Today  ence for  peacetime  occupations.   minute -?   Storekeepers  can  give  important  work  in  restoring  our
      they wear the same rates and hold  Fan  Mall                you  an  idea.  Nuts,  bolts,  sewing  wounded  to  health.  Their  hours
      the same rank as  the Navy's  men,   Ask  any  of  the  girls  who  wear  machines  and  fish  lines,  these  are  are  long  and  their  tasks  difficult,
      · -'ld here are a  few of their jobs on  the  Specialist  (M)  rate  what hap- just  a  few,  and  every  piece  must  but . they  all  agree  that  the  re-
          sure  Island.             pens  to  your  letters  from  home.  be  accounted  for.  WAVE  store-  ( Continued  on  page  4)
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